Patriot Double Down Event in Las Vegas. The Ahern Hotel. Who is Don Ahern? Jim Caviezel, Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad

in juanosavin •  3 years ago  (edited)

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The Event of the Year or should a say a Lifetime?

Held at the Ahern Hotel?

Here is information on this hotel.

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So they were doing this

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Yet the same rules did not apply to the Obama crowd. Interesting!

Actor Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad - 3 Questions with Bob Evans



So Why Las Vegas?

What Red Herring was apparent throughout 2020 - 2021? You know! Now what Else Lies beneath? Numerous reasons we just went through #RedOctober and it has been #TheHuntForRedOctober in real time. Think. . .the labyrinth, tunnels, secret military bases known, verified.

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I put this with the preface and reminder of what I have been trying to tell civilians for some time. . .this does not make All associated bad as not all agree to the nefarious deeds. It is just that those in Higher places of power connected to career politicians/elites/sold out to the globalist cabal qash all attempts to Stop. This is being changed up as there are and have been those out there not compromised who still collected evidence.

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Ecclesiastes 3:11
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

9What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

10I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

11He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Verse 15
That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.

#RainDown, #JusticePhase, #DayOfReckoning, #GodIsNotMocked, #HandOfGodMoment, #EstherMoment, #RedSeaMoment, Remember #RedOctober, #TheHuntForRedOctober, #thehuntforredoctober
You are HERE on the Time Continuum
Encodes an
You've GOT this!
Go forth and have #NoFear

Facebook post here with further info in the comments,

Every day past the 15th of October 2021 we are likely looking at days and weeks not months or years before the reversal is made visible!

Important info to remember as things are carried out and the rest of the Show unfolds.

The U.S. Marine Corps Special Section (USMC s.s.) was created by a secret executive order by President Eisenhower as an institutional safeguard in case the unacknowledged special access programs went rogue.[1] It was signed into law as a legal and covert branch of the US military in 1953 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. USMC s.s. was mandated by President Eisenhower through the USMC s.s. special code to meet the exopolitical questions of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs), and Extraterrestrial Vehicles (ETVs); to assist in assessing diplomatic opportunities and military threats and advise the MJ-12 committee and Special Study Groups (SSGs) with intelligence from a fully staffed and operational military intelligence machine, and respond to their requests for specially trained military assistance in all matters extraterrestrial.

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“President Eisenhower sought to gain information from ... MJ-12 about alien related projects at a facility near Area 51 called S-4, both of which are located in a remote region of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. When denied the requested information, Eisenhower allegedly authorized a personal message that the agent and his immediate superior would deliver to those in charge at Area 51 and S-4. The message was a direct threat that the President would authorize a military invasion [by the First Army] of Area 51 and S-4 if his request for information was not carried out.”[5] They conceded, and Eisenhower was sent documents, albeit obvious whitewash.

Eisenhower, having realized that he can't trust MJ-12, created a new military apparatus from scratch. USMC s.s. was to act as a counterbalance to MJ-12 long after Eisenhower left office. He wanted it to be a military unit since military personnel are disciplined and oath driven, unlike the intelligence community. He knew from personal experience that Navy and Marine Corps officers were of the highest moral and ethical fiber, so he recruited former first officers from the Navy and Marine Corps, most of which had recently retired from WWII and many of them being in their 50’s.

They got a bunch of JAG officers and tasked them with writing a code to govern this military-intelligence outfit. They wrote a stack of papers known as the USMC s.s. Special Code of Conduct. Thus, the USMC s.s. was born in late 1953. It was signed into law by President Eisenhower through a secret executive order.

In the beginning, they were mostly recruiting from the cadre of officers in the Navy and Marine Corps. That changed after they established their own private officer academy within the next five years. Then, they no longer took officers from the Navy or Marine Corps, except in special cases, in order to truly seperate the two branches, to minimize breaches of security and to keep USMC s.s. from being corrupted, which would involve giving a positive military modeling to both their enlisted personnel and their officer corps.

In the wake of the Korean War, in which there were many fatalities, USMC s.s. devised a long-term plan to disclose its existence to the world once North Korea became a threat again.[10]

In the mid-1960’s, USMC s.s. conducted a study which concluded that augmented soldiers trained using a “with-the-grain” style of programming last longer, are more stable, and are more cost-effective. This study was presented to the MJ-12 comittee, who ignored it. In response, USMC s.s. began their own augmented soldier program, Project Moon Shadow.

Also in the mid-1960’s “when a lot of the smaller programs in the covert military space program were laying down their bets on what they thought their long term investments should be, so people were looking at the technology, asking do we really want to spend the next 30 years making sure we’ve got the best most powerful space ships that we rule the skies or do we want to spend the next 30 years developing the most advanced computer technology so we rule information , or do we want to spend the next 30-40 years on super soldier technologies that we rule and murder machine assasins or do we want to focus on psionic development?

Audio - Supersoldiers and Project Moon Shadow - Full Interview with Captain K. Part 1

Facebook Frames Durham Boats, Durham research think triangle and Durham Background
How do you steer a Durham Boat?
What do you know about another Durham in which a place called Research Triangle Park in which a foundation runs the research there?
How about what a certain entity has been wanting to tamper with since the dawn of time?
In order to go forward you must go back.
What does your D*_n@A provide them?
You decide!

Key post on this can be found here.
Another Day in Paradise?
or Pair of Dice? You decide!
If you are seeing this post in a group, be sure to come to my page to see the #tunnel, trails and tells all evidenced and fully sourced in the comments under this same post. GodSPEED.
How to flip their hostility
Remember the 3,6,9?
They want to Play a Game?
The truth of it all!

This is from my latest report on my Bitchute channel titled,
See evidence of how the tunnel people live and a link to Another Day in Paradise.
The arrogant and even those on the lower rungs who wish to be "successful" like the arrogant and wish to partake of the "riches" they do. . .choose to turn a blind ye to what is Right In Front of them and Lies Just Beneath their feet.
#lasvegas, #TheTunnelPeople, #homeless
Who is Really responsible?

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Link here with numerous connecting sources/verified evidence in comments.

Archiving in case this goes missing as it is Quite Interesting and a Great Reminder of the Good Side also!

One of the comments on the Tunnel Post on FB as she brings up a Very Valid point I didn't intend to negate as I have mentioned along these lines in prior reports,

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Stop already. None and I mean none of any of this has any impact on my life. This is city people crap. I live on a private county road on a lake surrounded by woods. I'm on my social security. Go ahead and take it! We grow our own gardens for fresh veggies. The farms are down the road. Fresh beef, chicken, milk, eggs, and cheese. Catch fresh fish off our dock. So none of any of this affects me. Thank God.

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My responses,

You are in a Beautiful Space and That is a Good thing as you well know. Many have been looking for a place to escape the cities and have such peace of mind. Praying this happens for all who desire it. There is Nothing like country living For Sure!

Nancy Colegrove I didn't mention here, but have mentioned in other reports, Nevada is a Gorgeous state. A great deal of beauty there. Drove through some wonderful small towns there. Peaceful and Spectacular. The truth is, even in downtown Las Vegas there are some places that exist not contributing to the glut. The Ahern family are some of them. Trump hotel was off the strip a ways and was Incredibly peaceful with no casino, a great place for families and plenty on the side of Good had joined a team trying to bring hope and light to the homeless. As I tell others throughout the years, there are good people everywhere, it's just hard to get through when the corrupt try to squash, silence and censor those attempting to make a way, just as they have done on this very platform where they take so much of our evidence down.

I didn't mean to make it sound as if all in even the city part are bad. I have met so many wonderful people there. In my history of investigations and reports I am targeting the nefarious and apologize that it may have looked otherwise to those seeing this not realizing I have a deep love for many in Nevada and in Las Vegas. For one, the history there is Incredible. The Greats we generally found in the older casinos where we would sit for hours and play Blackjack while the stalwarts called it "shooting the breeze" and would lay down story after story. They always called us kid, but were very kind and left us with so much more than just a game. We did meet some good people in the more upscale casinos also, but the Old Strip will always hold fond memories for me. Even though I did not get a photo with them when they asked, I still complimented the show girls on their shoes as we all walked across the street. I mean they were some Awesome shoes. I always remember especially now that I have kiddos. . .these are someone's daughters and everyone makes a choice based on circumstances and their perceptions.

I encountered many souls, some lost, some hopeless and others who thought they had it all together who actually had a Lot of questions. I know God places people everywhere both on the side of Good along with the nefarious for a very specific reason. If I lived there, and did look at housing, I would want to live in a place like your area.

Some remarkable places there that we even saw along the way to Hoover Dam. Did it on the 5th of August when the temp hit 125 Degrees which was phenomenal and we walked it, so did not stay in the car. My phone couldn't handle it, it Freaked out. This was after walking over the dam and we got back in the car. Some people had their muzzles on, but plenty were bare faced and we were among them.

This was taken August 5, 2021
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Hoover himself had quite the history and Reach! Was on that board created at Stanford as a research arm to connect the West Coast with the East Coast, primarily the control of DC back in the day! I'm TestingTheNarrative on Minds. On Steemit my pen name is ArtistiqueJewels. This one is on minds. Oh what a tangled Labyrinth we weave. Herbert Hoover Stanford and mining worldwide.

Oh what a tangled Labyrinth we weave. Herbert Hoover Stanford and mining worldwide.

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