
in judaism •  7 years ago 

by Jeff Prager

It's not OK to forget, but we all do it. Probably because there's just too much to remember.

What I don't want people to ever forget is that between the mid-1920s and the very late 1940s the planet was rocked by Jewish Zionist Terrorism.

You would have had to have been here, and we weren't, but the newspapers were. And rarely did a day go by without even a small article about Jewish Zionist Terrorism—and this was the worlds first experience with terrorism and it was a profound experience and the beginning of terrorist activities the world over.

This part of history seems to have been erased, just simply forgotten. If you were an adult in 1939 you might remember the British White Paper of 1939. The Jewish Terrorists, by this time, had hung several British officers and murdered many more and they had also murdered Count Bernadotte from Sweden as well as Jews and Arabs alike. The Irgun Zvai Leumi were no less terror bent than ISIS.

By 1939 Britain was no longer thrilled with the Zionists who had terrorized Palestine for almost 20 years, robbing banks, murdering police officers, the military and civilians, Arabs and Jews alike. The 1939 White Paper issued because Britain intended to leave Palestine stated, in part:

"Jewish immigration during the next five years will be at a rate which, if economic absorptive capacity permits, will bring the Jewish population up to approximately one third of the total population of the country."

"After the period of five years, no further Jewish immigration will be permitted unless the Arabs of Palestine are prepared to acquiesce in it."

"The policy of the Government will be directed towards the development of the land and the improvement, where possible, of methods of cultivation. In the light of such development it will be open to the High Commissioner, should he be satisfied that the "rights and position" of the Arab population will be duly preserved, to review and modify any orders passed relating to the prohibition or restriction of the transfer of land."

England eventually left Palestine because they were "Terrorized" out of the country, losing dozens of personnel.
Illegal Jewish immigration was rampant and 10s of 1000s of Jews were deported during this period, just like we deport illegal Mexicans today.

From 1939, when the White Paper was issued, until 1948 when Israel was established there was a steady stream of Jewish terrorism of every kind imaginable from Bombs and Bullets to Bank Robberies and Infrastructure Attacks. The flow of terrorism was constant.

Dozens of British officers and soldiers, Jewish militants, innocent Jews & Arabs, A Swedish Count, Americans and innocent civilians died during the campaigns of Jewish terrorist insurgency.

The militant insurgency led to heightened antisemitism in both the US and the UK and, in August 1947, after the hanging of two abducted British sergeants by Jewish terrorists, to widespread anti-Jewish rioting across the UK.

See my next eBook publishing April 25th, with over 100 newspaper articles, over 100 images, numerous original documents and text outlining exactly what happened then, when none of us were here to see it happening.



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