
in judas •  3 months ago 

75 million babies murdered or aborted each year? Britt Griffith is on Alex Jones talking about the UFOs, seems the drones are American like Trump said. 1029/ I demoted Retr0 for making bad choices, Alliana has a higher role because she makes better choices and she is one of the best.

1012/ Everybody inside and outside of our Oatmeal World Discord Server is guilty of assisting and being complicit to Oatmeal Fake News simply by letting Caddy and others spam the deception or simply by letting Caddy have roles above mods, this tells me everybody there sucks.

75 million babies murdered globally/yearly; videos: Brain cells all over your body video, Oatmeal travels back in time to talk to his younger self about work and don't burn bridges video, Weekly Photos - 57pics, Oatmeal Weekly 199 - Drones; watched: La Brea 210-211, Britt Griffith on Alex Jones about the UFOs, How does lymph pump without the heart?, Biden DEMANDS Gun Control Over Abundant Life Christian School Tragedy w/Richie McGinniss|Timcast IRL


Screenshot at 2024-12-17 01-00-21.png
Judas in The Chosen

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-16 - Monday | Published in December of 2024


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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

2024-12-16 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 57pics | Video


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Brain Cells
2024-12-16 - Monday - 01:21 PM - Health Log

Brain cells are made up of things like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and small amounts of essential minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, and sometimes trace elements like zinc

What are nerve cells?
Nerve cells are neurons

What are brain cells?
Brain cells are the nerve cells or neurons inside the brain

List of organs

Skeleton (bones, joints, Ligaments), muscles (muscles, tendons): Tendons connect muscles to the bones like ropes or cables: this system consists of 4 parts being bones, muscles, and two types of string like tissues which connect bones and muscles.

  1. Skeleton
    A. Bones
    B. Ligaments connecting bones to bones: ligaments are made up of collagen fibers which is a protein consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
    C. Joints

  2. Muscles
    A. Muscles
    B. Tendons connecting muscles to bones; tendons are also made up of collagen like ligaments

The digestive system has the mouth, Salivary glands, Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach; small intestine: Duodenum (to absorb iron), Jejunum, Ileum; large intestine: Cecum, Ascending colon, Transverse colon, Descending colon, Sigmoid colon; other parts: Rectum, Liver, gallbladder, Mesentery, pancreas, Anal canal

The respiratory system has the nose or Nasal cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, lungs, the muscles of breathing

The urinary system has the kidneys to clean blood, Ureter for the pee or urine, Bladder stores the pee, Urethra

The female reproductive system includes Ovaries, Fallopian tubes, Uterus, Cervix, Placenta, Vulva (including clitoris), Vagina; males have Testicles, Epididymides, Vasa deferentia, seminal vesicles, Prostate (train track switch between urination and ejaculation), Bulbourethral glands, Penis, Scrotum

The Endocrine system has the following glands: Pituitary in the brain, Pineal in the brain for sleeping, Thyroid in the neck, Parathyroid in the neck, Adrenal above the kidneys produces steroid hormones; and the Pancreas

The circulatory system has the heart, arteries, veins, arterioles, capillaries; lymphatic: Lymphatic vessel, lymph node, bone marrow, Thymus collects T cells from bones to mature those T cells, Spleen or milt or lien, Tonsils, Interstitium

The nervous system has the brain, the nervous system; ganglion; sensory organs include the ears, eyes, nose, tongue

That includes the skin and Mammary glands; Did you know mamma is a Latin word that means breasts?

Stuff from the blood goes into the interstitium and then into the lymph

Synthesis means to combine, there are things in the human body that are said to synthesizes stuff together

Fibroblast synthesizes extracellular matrix and collagen.

There are brain cells or neurons throughout the body meaning your brain is not just in your brain but all over your human body outside of your head and skull in places like

  1. Spinal Cord
  2. Peripheral Nervous System relating to muscles, touch, skin, pain, organs, temperature
  3. Enteric Nervous System or second brain which might include the gastrointestinal tract
  4. Autonomic Nervous System relating to heart beats, digestion, breathing, ganglia

Between Cells
What is the space between cells? we call that intercellular space or interstitial space.

Electrolytes are minerals like

Serum is the part of the blood that doesn't contain blood, Serum contains oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), chlorine (Cl), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S). What is the difference between blood plasma in the human body and serum in the human body?

Serum vs plasma
Plasma can become serum after blood clotting. Both can be 90% water. Serum lacks clotting factors that plasma has.

Discord Drama

2024-12-16 - Monday - 01:09 AM - Discord Log

1012/ Everybody inside and outside of our Oatmeal World Discord Server is guilty of assisting and being complicit to Oatmeal Fake News simply by letting Caddy and others spam the deception or simply by letting Caddy have roles above mods, this tells me everybody there sucks. 03:38 AM: 1013/ Caddy copied and pasted fake news that used to be spammed in the server for years from people like Fish, Flopper, Emu, the people who would have police swat me, and they all might have an odd connection to Roy Merrick and others; who wants to stop these monsters? 12:19 PM: 1014/ Did trolls take over my server? 1015/ Trolls are being permitted a free pass to spam Oatmeal Fake News and nobody cares? 1016/ Do people only join this server so they can mock me? 1017/ Can we demote everybody who don't have a job to below mods? 1018/ Alliana, are you new to the Internet, whether it's TikTok or other websites and apps, this is the tip of the iceberg, social media networks are hypocrites; TikTok is beyond blind, they're complicit just like how Instagram is involved in child sex trafficking rings. 1019/ Roy Merrick loves the minions. 1020/ The alleged TikTok ban involves trying to remove TikTok from Google Play and the Apple Play Store and possibly other stores but there are other ways to download TikTok and millions of people already have the TikTok app which banning TikTok wouldn't magically remove the app. 1021/ Trying to ban TikTok is a slippery slope towards banning anything and everything. 1022/ It seems nobody wants to debunk the Oatmeal Fake News that was spammed by Caddy. 1023/ Is Alliana the only one looking at my Discord commentary? 1024/ Are trolls the only people who join the server? 1025/ If somebody like me joined the server, I'd make them owner. 1026/ If Oatmeal World generally has nothing to do with Oatmeal, then does that mean Oatmeal World should be renamed? 1027/ I have a dream as a white Martin Luther King Jr or MLK that we will get heirs of the Oatmeal to join the server in 2025 and they'll have roles above Alliana and they'll demote everybody to below mods, justice is coming, drain the swamp, demote all the weirdos. 1028/ Alliana is wrong and Caddy is spamming fake news about me that he got from trolls who were spamming the same exact fake news for years. 1029/ I demoted Retr0 for making bad choices, Alliana has a higher role because she makes better choices and she is one of the best. 1030/ If somebody made and posted a cool meme or something, that somebody might be promoted or something, Meme Masters should generally get higher roles than say like trolls and haters and casual members and what not. 1031/ Is Spike lying about his age or is he actually 44 years old, would an old man really post something like this in a Discord Server? 1032/ If you or anybody helped me do what I do, I promise to return to the Discord Server and everything yesterday, I mean immediately, but only if it's good enough and long enough. 1033/ The fact my server ignores my rants on Twitter tells me I shouldn't be there with people who don't care about what I actually do outside of the shadow of what they think I am which they have no idea who I am at all which is too bad for them to be so blind. 1034/ My server is full of people who are not in my server because of me but they'll always lie and say otherwise which is an obvious lie to anybody who knows what I actually do which goes beyond TikTok but most people only see the TIkTok shadow which isn't really me. 1035/ Top meme master is Gin Gin. 1026/ I disavow trolls in my Discord Server. 1027/ oh boy this is so seductive. 1028/ Alliana works because housework is work but the newgen trolls are too stupid to realize Alliana works; also, Oatmeal has several jobs right now but all the trolls lie and say Oatmeal got no work; yet Oatmeal is employed, has employment; trolls know nothing, period. 1029/ The fact nobody demoted Caddy tells me I shouldn't make anybody an owner. 1030/ A real Oatmeal fan knows what L4OJ is. 1041/ Top Oatmeal Trivia Masters might be promoted. 1042/ I've been saying Caddy should be demoted below mods for years and nobody listens. 1043/ Alliana shares the best videos while everybody else should be demoted to below mods. 1044/ We need mods who are really good at handing out appropriate roles to the newgen. 1045/ I'm looking for somebody who can demote everyone under 20 to below mods. 1045/ I'm looking for somebody who can demote everyone under 20 to below mods.

server rules

  1. please no nsfw in general chat
  2. please try not to spam
  3. please try not to violate the Discord TOS
  4. try to comply to the wishes of the mods
  5. server is governed by everyone
  6. everyone can try to level up to become mods
  7. mods are free to promote and demote
  8. mods are free to give people any roles
  9. mods can even promote/demote other mods

Twitter Tweets

04:9 AM

01:08 PM
This was a tribute video classmates made me in 2006 at the Appalachian Bible College in West Virginia, it's a compilation of Oatmeal Joey Arnold saying random things into a camera

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My Adventure in Vietnam

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La Brea 210-211

2024-12-16 - Monday - 03:30 AM - La Brea 210-211

There is a fight. Evergreen dream. Morse code. A secret book from the future of a way home. Man returns after ten years, he goes back in time from a sink hole in 1998 to make it back to 10K BC. His mom is dead. Bible verses is a map of coordinates. Man is locked out of building. Never give up she said, so he kissed her. Hot tub thing.

12:01 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Monday 12/16/24 • LOADED News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

12:16 PM
Are the UFOs or drones looking for dirty bombs which are out there to take out Trump during the 2025 inauguration?

01:14 PM

01:23 PM
Britt Griffith is on Alex Jones talking about the UFOs, seems the drones are American like Trump said

06:17 PM
Biden DEMANDS Gun Control Over Abundant Life Christian School Tragedy w/Richie McGinniss|Timcast IRL

06:32 PM
75 million babies murdered or aborted each year?

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 5 AM. Awoke around 11:30 AM. Brain cells all over your body video. Talk to mom about it. Breakfast: 12:03 PM. Lunch: 01:15 PM. Groceries in, like $300+ worth due to inflation, only a few bags, the usual groceries run like once or twice a month kind of thing, around maybe 02:30 PM. Dishes around like 4 for 2 hours including compost, RV coffee, mom watching a UK house doctor show. Oatmeal travels back in time to talk to his younger self about work and don't burn bridges video. Dinner: 06:17 PM. Dishes around 8 for thirty minutes. Nap at 10 PM for two hours. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 12:03 PM. Lunch: potato, 01:15 PM. Dinner: chicken beans and stuff casserole, tea, 06:17 PM. Yogurt drink, 07:43 PM.

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