Latest on Comey & the Clinton e-mail cover-up. (9/1/17)

in judicial-watch •  8 years ago 

Will Trump's Dept of Justice persue these mounds of evidence that indepent media is digging up? Everything out here whether it regards Hillary corruption.. Wasserman/Awan scandal..Afghanistan drug manufacturing..I mean..all this shit is actually happening! We need some courage from 'all' of our elected representatives! And a renewal of our American citizenry to the value of Americanism.

Source: JudicialWatch

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Still a LOT of people in that swamp that needs to be drained.

I worry that its not drainable sometimes..:(

The saddest part to me about all of this is the stupid normal everyday Left thinking Americans (some who believe themselves 'independent' or 'centrist') who fight us thinking they are fighting the true enemy...sigh