cystic fibrosis survivor ebook startup

in juicing •  8 years ago  (edited)

Whenever I see a person who is suffering from one health condition or the other, two thoughts come to my mind and they are; it is either the person lacks information about what exactly the nature of the sickness is, so making it difficult to diagnose and know exactly how to go about treating and curing it, or secondly, maybe the person just lacks information about what the solution to the ailment.
Sometimes, the problem is not inherent in the nature of the ailment but in the steps taken or not taken to cure the condition. And the failure to take the necessary steps is more often than not, embedded in lack of information.

In his book, Essentials Oils for Healing: over 400 All-Natural Recipes for Everyday Ailments, V. S Fite opined that;
“I believe that for every illness or ailment known to man, that God has a plant out here that will heal it. We just need to keep discovering the properties for natural healing”.

The use of natural remedies to cure illnesses is an age-long practice. Before the inception of science and technology, people have to rely on the use of natural techniques and herbs in curing diseases or other health issues such as wounds. Simple and very critical conditions have been treated without the use of modern science and technology; all these were done with the use of natural remedies which are based on therapies and plants. Plants in these respect refers to leaves, barks, root and fruits.

This book by S. A Molina is a beacon of light to reveal to you the powerful remedy that lies in juicing; using the juice of plants and fruits to cure many complicated ailments.
The book is based on personal experience of the author’s encounter with cystic fibrosis among other conditions and how he used different methods to fight them and how he finally discovered juicing and everything changed thereafter; how the medical doctors failed and how juicing led him out of a diseased life of agony into a complete state of health.
You will also be opened to various methods of effective juicing and get to know what type of juicing needed by different types of people for varying types of ailments.
There have been so many criticisms against juicing especially from the medical experts. The major argument being its unreliability or less reliability compared to modern day drugs. This book will help you know the truth about that by debunking that notion based on scholarly evidence and personal experience.
After reading this book, many myths about juicing will be made crystal-clear to you and it will help you decide if you should consider it for your own use. It will also help demystify the process of juicing as against what you read in other books which will still leave you in a state of mystery after reading

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I just wrote the following, this might fit here, no guarantees:

This is likely a very good and important information for people suffering from Cystic Fibrosis and could be something like a “cystic fibrosis cure” or a “cure for cystic fibrosis”, as it seems to be able to at least improve the condition or “reverse it”.

I think one should take this Dr. Artour Rakhimov very seriously, see
and see his book
I suggest you read the books description and the reviews.
All this is based on the extensive research activities by Dr. Buteyko (in the 1960s already) during the soviet space program, aka "hard science" (or "real science", if you will)!

Oh and combining this method with the oil-protein-diet by Dr. Johanna Budwig is most likely extremely recommendable for a long list of reasons, so you might try this too, please do your own research! Both methods work together very harmonically, as both are focused on improving O2 supply for the body.

Also incline your bed see as this is supposed to improve lung function.

If you know someone suffering from Cystic Fibrosis and you think this is good information, please forward this to him or her, thanks!
