#moosemonday - A Road Side View - Alaskan Moose

in justbecause •  6 years ago 


The Disappearing Moose

On 4-3-2019 on a trip into Kenai, we noticed a couple of yearling moose, bachelors most likely as it had been some time since seeing any cow moose, we should be seeing some real small and cute moose pretty soon, it is that season for them. This first shot is as we are approaching along the road. I am already pulled over, and took this picture.

016 first sighting.jpg

We did a slow creep alongside the road edge to try and get a little bit better shot. I had a slightly dusty lens I guess.

Moose are not easy things to get a good picture of. They have some of the best natural camouflage of any critter in nature for their size, ten feet into the trees and they are very difficult to spot.

This is the unedited JPG from the camera. 022 the original jpg with moose highlighted.jpg
Big View

Inside that yellow box are two moose. Even in the big view they are hard to see. A little shadow and a neat disappearing trick on their part. Here is the NEF/RAW image of the above with as many tweaks and pokes to try and bring the moose into view as best I could.

022 the NEF file edited with moose highlighted.jpg
Big View

As you can see even with all the raw image editing of exposure, temperature, color, shadow and half a dozen more settings you can still just barely see the moose, and they are on the outside of the trees. They may be big and ungainly looking but they are very very fast, and before you know it they can be out in front of your car and ruining your day and many to come in just a flash of a moment.

Here are the moose, cropped out before resizing the images for upload. A little bit easier to see them.

022 the NEF file edited with moose highlight cropped out.jpg
Big View

#moosemonday is a tag that was brought to us by @shasta, I think Deer and Antelope and Elk are welcome to play, and if there is anything more odd than a Moose, it would have to be a Yak.

All the images were taken by me on 4-3-2019, as well as all the edits. I am still having fun exploring my camera functions and some photo editing software. A very fun hobby to share.

Those little GEICO squirrels have nothing on Moose. Just look at that first one, it's like he is thinking yeah I'm tougher than your car guy.

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What cool Moose shots even if it was trying to hide away :)

They are sneaky devils. I was going to say sneaky little devils, but they are pretty big.

Yes little really does not fit them LOL

They sure can blend in, awesome photographs @bashadow! :-)
I like that top one walking off in the distance.