The justice will be made one day

in justice •  2 years ago 

Assalamu alaikum,
I send good wishes to all the readers here.



My ustad (Teacher), taught me about how god misguide those who start creating chaos in this world. Now do you know how are they misguided ?

The almighty make them get trapped in what they are doing and hence they don't get a chance to repent from their bad deeds.

I am a person who follows Islam and i believe on dooms day. It is my believe but can we prove it logically i.e about the day of judgment.



We see so many evil people in this world who spread terrorism, who kills people, who do every criminal activity you can think of.

Many of them die without getting jailed. Who will do the justice to the people they have effected in their life. Who will punish these people who have spent their entire life committing crimes ?

I say that God will do it and when he will do it, it will be the toughest thing for these people. Life is temporary and we all will die one day, one day we ll be resurrected not only according to Islam but according to many more religions.


So practice meditation and follow patience, god is looking everything. One day justice will be done. ( Insha Allah ).

That's all for this blog, thank you for reading till the end.

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