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Just wait for the mother of all dumps about to come very soon. You'll be able to pick up some nice and cheap.

There you go Dan, I've got a big upvote for you...

I upvoted on your behalf and behalf of everyone else who's funds got stolen.

Consider yourself blessed, I'm stuck with 5 more weeks of powerdown - and your Steem is now in much better hands than it was just hours ago! :D

5 more weeks? Haven't you heard about this amazing new feature on Steem called the 4-week powerdown?

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

:') I could use a 10-minute powerdown too.

Hi @pundito mate.

What the hell is going on here? Can anyone clear that up for me? :( Are every (good?!) people powering down STEEM now and leaving the blockchain? If yes: why?

I would appreciate a link or something to do some readings about this.

Thanks in advance guys! ♥
Have a nice day!

Hi @xchng,
well, that would be a complete book to write.
In short:
Many people walk away from steem to hive because steem now is a centralized place run by one person (Justin Sun with his sockpuppet witnesses) with censorship and theft of stakes (23.6 million steem if I'm not wrong).

So most people move away from steem.

CU around!

Hi @pundito,

thank you very much for your information mate!

Will keep an eye on this :)

Greetings and a wonderful weekend! ❤️



You too have a wonderful weekend :)
Just read a bit like where @lukestokes made a great video and has some interesting links about the situation.
Or read this statement from a lawyer:
Please inform yourself about the latest development @xchng! Especially the statement from the lawyer says a lot!
It's important for everybody on the chain!!!

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Hi mate and thanks for your information!

First a question (you DO NOT need to answer on this, if you don't feel comfortable with it): Do you have a reputation of only "3", because of your opinion against STEEM and all of their actions, maybe? Just asking because you seem like a "professional account" from here and such a low rep is very unusual, isn't it? 😳

I already heard about the abusive use and the thing about the witnesses. But: I always thought that Justin intends to "rescue" STEEM, since here was a big censorship going on with an unfair curation-system? Hard for me too see through all these trees where the forest is lol

Thank you also very much for your help! Will try to see things as objective as I can :) Will take a look on this! Thanks!

I used to have a reputation of about 47, which is now 48 on HIVE. I am as surprised as you are, afaik it comes from some recent downvoting on me trying to help people out to understand better what is happening. I don't really care.

Justin honestly needs a narrative. Looking at the facts it doesn't match up. I think the censorship people refer to is basically just minnow posts not really reaching much people, i.e. a discoverability problem. That is not censorship though. After Justin stepping in there is actual censorship happening though, that is really scary to see. The worst of that is that the posts involved are actually invisible. What I have seen a system is used where 1 day from posting the post remains visible, so people basically contradict censorship is happening in that time "because I can see the post", then it disappears. It's technically still on the chain, but to have it turn up you need to have the direct link to it, which you might be able to get through e.g. Most HIVE prime witnesses are censored like that.

Also, Justin focuses 100% on a social narrative, what most people are sensitive to. That is how the story keeps people supporting him, because they feel heard. I understand that need of people and actually on the HIVE side there is a lot of work going on to make people better heard etc so I kinda expect this to be solved over time. What Justin hides with this however is that 100% of the voting power that has the "community witnesses" in power comes from what used to be the ninja-mined stake, the Steemit Inc stake that was not meant to be used for voting. It is proxied through a puppet account, but the full voting power comes from him. To someone else (@heimindanger of fame, see my comments on his HIVE account) I described normal DPoS voting as the equivalent of e.g. an electoral college. Some people are more in charge of others, but a vote is going on for several people. Several people vote for a smaller group of people. Everyone technically participates, but the people with the bigger stake have more influence. This is by design.

What is difference on Steem in the current construction is that by engaging the ninja stake for voting, we have one person choosing everyone in charge by proxy. In governance terms this is a puppet state. If HIVE is an oligarchy, this is a dictatorship. You could still see this as a proper form of government, but just as much as for a government you wouldn't call this a democracy, the resulting chain is not a blockchain. This is a problem that hang over Steemit from the start and some ex-Steemit developers already wrote some code to possibly correct this problem, the work of whom has been used to prepare the HIVE fork. This is why Justin is so adamant to call that cutting out of the Steemit Inc stake a theft. If it had been left in the fork, he would be able to immediately do the same kind of hostile takeover. If the people who supported his puppet witnesses in the time up to the fork would not have been cut out, they would have wrecked so much havoc the first days of the fork that it would result in an immediate failure.

Sorry this comment got so long, I hope it explains enough to have you well updated about everything that happens, and to avoid possible censorship on my guerilla information actions maybe make a copy of this post if you want to show it to others...

Don't worry man. Sell off all your steems and focus on HIVE when you get your coins back.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

I would consider it as Justin's plan if bittrex doesn't transfer the funds to their original account.

I wonder why he didn't distribute it himself back to the owners to avoid red tape @theycallmedan

... because those accounts were already frozen, and if the funds were sent back, the owner would still not be able to withdraw their Steem since Justin was already holding their Steem hostage, even though they could view the balances.

Yes Ma'am @canadian-coconut but those users certainly have accounts in exchanges where they can receive their individual liquid steem.
Now it is still unsure if Bittrex will do the trouble of giving either to the affected parties or back to steem because of the issue of consensus regardless of the stake being stolen.

Oh, I thought that you were talking about sending back to the Steem wallets.
I think that "Robin Hood" was worried that he wouldn't have enough time to sort out all of the Bittrex account #'s, before Justin Sun might discover what happened and somehow regain control of the community account. Plus he may not want to expose who he really is, which he would have to do in order to ask people for their Bittrex account #'s.

Yes that might be the case, to secure the stake before Justin Sun could get hold of the account again before this "Good White Hat Guy" could sort out on how to redistribute it again. So they now have to hope that Bittrex would give it back not to the last owner community321.
For my opinion Bittrex will choose to give it back to the latter because again of the consensus factor.

I don't think he's taking the Steem

Hey Dan
I have not been around for while. Did they just take a shit load of Steem from your account?
Why the fuck would they attack you of all people?

Yes, the robbed all of my accounts. They are just after money only. They took @mottler money and he hasnt been active in 4 years. No ones money is safe on Steem, it has become a centralized database run by a 3year old with a ninjamined stake.

They prob took it cuz you're a fucking sack of shit. @theycallmedan. Nice new flag bot btw, guess I'll need to get an upvote bot to counter those flags <3 you limp dicked faggot sack of warm dog shit. I guess you're salty about hive being a fucking turdchain and steem taking off and leaving you dipshits behind, so you're lashing out. No matter, we over here at steem just saw a large pop and you retards are sitting at the bottom of the barrel still. Keep trying desperately to have any impact at all, you pathetic fuck. :) I love watching retards like you struggle, dumb sack of dog shit. :D

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Please Sir, can I have your support on Hive?

I upvoted on your behalf and behalf of everyone else who's funds got stolen.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

This is one for the history books of crypto. Thank you for standing up for decentralization.


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

"You see? There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant - (sighs deeply). Oh, fuck it."

-M. Gustave, The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

Great movie :)


Brilliant, just brilliant.

Who do you want to play your part when this is made into a movie?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Feel Free to Delegate some of that Confiscated "STEEM POWER" to me... I will use it to Vote Wisely... Steemit needs a Re-Birth...
July 24, 2020... 14.2 Hollywood Time...

Thank you mysterious benefactor. It was an unexptected move, in religious terms, a miracle :)

fucking legend.

Hero of the day

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Am I really the first one with a none-bot comment? 😂😅😂
Thanks so much for taking this action!
EDIT: hahaha profile picture and background - HILARIOUS!!!

The Sheriff of Nottingham would like to cut your heart out with a spoon!

Well done sir!

Legendary 💪🏽

"not the hero we deserve but the one we need"
I salute you




Big, if true!

You are a crypto hero champ!

Is this real?

What an amazing feat.

Fucking legend!

Thanks for having balls though.

I promised myself that I won't do another post on STeem.

Well, your deed deserves a huge exception.

Respect & congratulations!

OMG! You are a legend!

Cheeryooo 🍺


Hats off to you!!!!

Did you ever know that you're my hero?



Savage 🤣🙌❤️

Awesome move!
This will be in the crypto history news!

You are the man.


Bravo, You will go down in the crypto history books right next to Satoshi.

Your actions have kept me glued to my screen all day. Thanks for your epic move. Please let me buy you a beer someday :D

This guy is gonna drown in beer if by somehow his/her identity is found out.

LOL does this really happened? i would love to see al funds returned to the owners, that would be epic!...


Thanks for standing up against centralization! BTW you made everybody's day!


God bless you! Thank you!

Well you've proven yourself to be s true believer of decentralisation. Cheers brother in arms

I would consider it as Justin's plan if @bittrex doesn't transfer the funds to their original account.

Here is the thing: Moving the funds back to Steem would only put them back under Justins control. It would be better if the affected would create @bittrex accounts and keep their fund on the exchange.

And then slowly selling them so the price won't drop too badly.

2 things:

  1. I am ecstatic that you used the word "you're" instead of "your". This type of genius is uncommon on the internet.

  2. I think is the best thing that could have happened to Steem. If the Steem community really just wanted to be rid of those built hive and those who...were included for unknown reasons, then they have done that. Now, they can go on about their business.

At this point, or the point in which bittrex gives the funds back to the account holders, everybody should be squared up. Justin has his funds to use unfettered in governance of Steem. The old witnesses and a few randoms have their Steem to do as they wish. Seems like a good point to make the clean break that many seemed to hope for.

The funds that @themarkymark stole from me are in here. It was like $100 or so worth of STEEM.

No one stole anything from you, you were flagged for being a spammer. They are not your rewards until they are in your wallet. The only one who has stolen funds was Justin Sun and his sock puppet witnesses.

I'm happy to see some of those downvote spam bot accounts assets get seized.

isn't anybody here going to tell him that he didn't source the image? 😆

Or that Bittrex has refused to return the funds to their owners?

Meanwhile... still waiting!!

Robin hood wouldn't send the money to @bittrex and ask them to work on re-distributing it.

You could have created new accounts for each stolen user, and send them the keys with an encrypted memo.

Chinese are retards to make this account with anonsteem (basically they don't know about account recovery), but you are equally stupid. You aren't even anonymous ...

You could have created new accounts for each stolen user, and send them the keys with an encrypted memo.

What makes you think Justin would not make another HF to freeze and then siphon from those accounts?

heimindanger isnt smart enough to think about that.

No, I just know for a fact that Justin is not organizing the hard forks. It's not like they can hard-fork as fast as you think.

But of course if you believe the hive propaganda like 'justin sun still has 20/20 sock-puppet witnesses', then of course it makes sense.

I dont know, but seems like steem witness are now running another update, seems to me like they do whatever they want and they do have 20/20 sock puppet...

@cardboard @tipu

I have not get the refund about the missing tx, check please.

alanyao transfer 8 SBD to tipu hide

anonsteem ist accessible through TOR (as a darknet site). So of course you are.

I think the answer has now been confirmed.

LOL! 😂😝

I owe you big time - thankyou!

Good work. Continue to work. :)

A useless former witnes member is crying !! Look who are among them. Click Here

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

A Bold Move...Bold and Beautiful...

Very interesting...

Dear Sun

Unfortunately it is no longer steem to transfer. Because of your fok .
Can you tell me when it is possible again? You would be very THANKFUL.
I hope it goes on with Steem would be a real pity about it.
love greetings MAX
This text is translated, so don't be surprised if it sounds funny

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography!

Please find our post at or

Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.



Tip Bot


🎼 Una mattina ☀️ mi son svegliato 🛌 e ho trovato l’invasor 🛸

😍 I Love you 😍

I like that image. Its so D&D games o games workshop games


Don't worry man. Sell off all your steems and focus on HIVE when you get your coins back.

You are a crypto hero champ!

Am I really the first one with a none-bot comment? 😂😅😂
Thanks so much for taking this action!
EDIT: hahaha profile picture and background - HILARIOUS!!!

I upvoted on your behalf and behalf of everyone else who's funds got Steem away!

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at least 10%

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o se pico una ballenita y me dio un voto negativo debe de ser una sucia perversa

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks, whoever you are. We can't be sure Bittrex will give the funds back, but I've not laughed so much in a while.

This shows how incompetent Steemit are.

Hive five!

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
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