In the 129th match of Pro Kabaddi 2019, Telugu Titans made a big upset by defeating UP Yoddha. The Telugu Titans defeated the UP warrior 41-36 in their last league match of the season in the second match at the Shaheed Vijay Singh Pathik Sports Complex in Greater Noida. This is UP's first defeat in its home leg. Telugu ended the season with a win. The UP team is still in fourth place. In this match, UP Warrior veteran and former captain Rishank Devadiga completed his 650 points in Pro Kabaddi.
After the first half, the UP warrior took a 20-14 lead over the Telugu Titans. Initially the match was very close and at one time the Telugu team were also ahead. The UP team also made a tremendous comeback and allotted Telugu in the 16th minute. In the first half, Srikanth Jadhav scored the maximum 6 in Redding for UP, while in defense, captain Nitesh Kumar scored two points. Siddharth Desai scored the highest 5 points for Telugu.
The start of the second half was also UP's best and he stunned Telugu for the second time in the 24th minute of the match, showing a strong game. UP tried to increase their dominance in the match, but the Telugu team also made a good comeback and came close to getting UP all out and Sid Desai dismissed all the UP players in the same raid.
Immediately after this, Des Desai brought the match very close, applying the best super raid. Desai, meanwhile, made his 10th allout of the season. Telugu was once again close to allotting UP, but UP saved itself with a superb super tackle. Sumit also completed his High 5.
In the end, Telugu allotted UP once again and defeated UP in a thrilling match.