Raising the Kingdom to Knowledge Kabbala Part 2

in kabbala •  7 years ago  (edited)


Trendy A-list superstars with their red Kabbala bracelets indicate this ancient teaching is alive and well. It is more than a fashion trend and is the key to escape our personal chaotic hell.

Trying to penetrate the mystery of the Jewish occult (hidden) teachings of Kabbala can initially be a frustrating experience due to the huge volume of commentary and modern teachings that only serve to wrap the essence of the very ancient teaching in contradictory opinion.

The idea behind it is actually very simple. It assumes a creator or Logos (God) of the universe uses a template of a network of ten simple nodes to build the more complex units of creation we will call hubs.

These archetypal nodes have quality and interact to form a more complex hub that span the scale of the universe from the sub atomic to the super galactic.

The template is scaleless or fractal in nature, it repeats itself from the quantum level to the Einstein level of the universe in ever increasing complexity and beauty.


Your vehicle of experience your collective body, emotions, mind, soul and spirit is a hub composed of ten nodes that send and receive energy.

These five are the poles that must be balanced with their opposite poles to form the perfect ten in order for your vehicle to become superconductive and you achieve your full potential.

The Kabbala core document is the Sephir Yetzirah (Book of Formation),that is all you need any other teaching specifically pertaining to Kabbala is full of blinds that will mislead and confuse.

The true teaching is a path to enlightenment and the enemy of man veils it in order to ensure the masses also known as "The Blinded Lives" or "Baskets of Nourishment" remain under its control.


The Western occult tradition of the Kybalion forms a subset of this teaching.


They are the jewels in the crown of the larger body of knowledge that exploded into Western civilisation consciousness by the Theosophical Societies publication of initiate Helena Blavatsky's "The Secret Doctrine" in 1888.


Some early German philosophers cherry picked some ideas from the secret doctrine such as the concept of a master race and a reversed Buddhist symbol the swastika (a plan view of our Galaxy) to create the foundations of fascist Nazism, where the citizens exist to protect the interests of the capitalist elite state institutions based on the belief they are members of a chosen people. Nazism and Zionism arose at the same time and are both sides of the same coin of this erroneous teaching.

This influx of new knowledge spawned numerous secret societies such as the "Golden Dawn" and "Ordo Templi Orientis" which launched the career of the drug addicted paedophile dark master Aleister Crowley and his destructive teaching "Book of the Law".


This fertiliser poured on the unkempt garden of human society boosted the growth of weeds and flowers alike. This destructive first ray energy of the indigo ray broke up societal forms that no longer served humanity through two world wars. Destruction of the form allows the caterpillar to emerge from its limiting cocoon is the purpose behind this essential ray energy.

When we add the Eastern tradition of Tantra Yoga and its foundation Sanskrit text the Mahanirvana Tantra a conversation between the God Shiva and his consort Goddess Shakti the full extent of this mosaic of Knowledge completes the occult Grand Unified Theory of Everything.


The Kabbala's concept of a female energy called the Shekinah and Tantric Yoga's Kundalini the fiery serpent energy are the same thing.

All these scriptures and the orthodox teachings of the world religions such as the Vedas , Torah, Koran, Diamond Sutra of Buddhism emanate from an incarnation of the Logos that exists in a symbolic energy matrix of the Akashic record of this planet.

It is written in the most ancient system of writing that looks like iridescently coloured Egyptian Hieroglyphs called Senzar. Crop circles are projections from this energy field. It can only be approached through meditation.

Eeach race interprets these thought forms via their traditions which creates religions and philosophies that rise and fall throughout history promulgated by extremist zealots who have no problem killing in the name of their interpreted God.

Any teaching about occult knowledge must be tempered with a warning as it is an occult maxim that "Energy Follows Thought" and when you consciously make a connection with archetypal reservoirs of energy you are closing a switch between the source and a capacitor or vessel in one or more of your physical, emotional and mental bodies.

One or more of those vessels or Sephiroth to use the Kabbalistic term or chakras to use the Eastern tradition WILL NOT be ready to receive such a sudden increase in pressure or voltage resulting in a sudden destruction to some miasma in your life your are not aware of.

It will result in a severing of one or more relationships from personal to professional , health and wealth. Friends, lovers or bosses will suddenly turn on you leaving you alone, sick and broke and then insane, sex and drug addicted from the trauma of it. Charlie Sheen and Manson is an example of such personalities.

An attitude such as "Fuck that balance shit!" just show me the exercises that will make me rich and famous is the route to that experience.

Time is short and this teaching is now flowing into the collective noosphere of humanity. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to master it as school is nearly out and the human race is rapidly approaching the dawn of a new age of enlightenment.

A table of correspondences is the first step it will form the basis for part 3.

They will be used in constructing mediations, mantras, paraphernalia and simple rituals that will allow access to this inner teaching.

They will only be included in the final parts of this chain post and candidates for initiation should start at the first part proceed serially through the revelation of this chain to minimize (not negate) the sudden changes to their lives as you assimilate this new energy into your being.


The final image of the tower tarot shows the Tree of life symbol of the fallen man on the right as the Sephiroth Malkuth (Kingdom) is raised to the Knowledge(Daath) position and the elite institutions that have successfully ruled over us since the dark ages will collapse, as enlightened man symbol of the Tree of Life on the left makes its ascendency.

This chain post is writing itself and the final posts are a mystery to me as well.


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THIS is fascinating stuff - your TAGS are what is making it not get out there - republish both articles with the tags philosophy psychology occult life and anarchy - and then see if others can see it - the first tag is the main category - there are a LOT of smart people who read "philosophy" who will like this if it's properly tagged so they can see it... thanks for alerting me to the series!!!! It's well-written, easy to understand and very helpful - THANK YOU - i look forward to MORE the rest of the teaching... blessings to you!!! Also, make sure to give credit to the image sources so the cheetah bot and steemcleaners won't ding you -

Thanks again in2itiveart your advise is very much appreciated, I started crediting images but was influenced by other posters that didn't follow protocol. Original tarot images are public domain but I'll credit my images in later posts. I didn't read your reply until after I posted today's epistle to the Steemonians. Have a great day/night!