Kabbala the circuit everything in the Universe is built on. Part 1

in kabbalah •  7 years ago 


Secret Knowledge is the foundation of Power. Power to self actualize and live your dream.

We are born into a world of pain. We struggle to achieve the things that at the time we believe will make us happy through painful experiences that appear random unjust and pointless. To quote John Lennon:

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

It's like walking towards a candle in a huge dark cavern where silent swinging pendulums oscillate back and forth some fast some slow momentarily blocking out the light and knocking you to your knees. 

You can't see or hear them but you sense them in the early stages just before they strike you. Some never sense them just blindly move from one knockdown to the next like a steer driven up the abattoir race by the rods of electric shock, to die like an animal in terror.

What if I was to tell you these mysterious forces that knock you off your path are all within your mind. 

"Yeah Right" I hear you say, "how is a bullet hurtling towards me just in my mind, if it arrives in my brain it's all over for this life!" 

That bullet was a long time coming decisions you made put you on a course with a blind killing force that doesn't care if you were a living saint or a child raping Satanist.

Secret knowledge or Occult knowledge is the way to hack the Universe. It is not good nor evil it just allows you to function in the world like a lion, your actions no longer hampered by religious conditioning or concerns about what would mum, dad, professor this or guru that would think.

You are free to pursue a path to happiness. That is your only moral compass. What the evil human dark master finally realizes as he merges with the non-human All Satan at the 10th Circle of initiation is that is cruelty to animals and children is not that path.

The force that runs this illusion we call life is ultimately beneficent. What happens to us and what we do to others only effects the form, the form is our pink bits, our emotions and selfish mind. This matrix or simulation was created for us because we got bored!

We were tiny diamond flaming molecules of joined male and female atoms floating in a blissful heroine like state of an eternal, infinite sea of white light (Aur), love (Soph) and power (Ain) but nothing changed, one second or a million years had no meaning, we were perfectly happy but because we had nothing to measure it against we didn't realise we were perfectly happy. 

In one voice like a crowd at a English premier football game we called out "We are bored fix it now!" (Roughly translated from the angelic Ishim language). After a short pause (could have been a billion years) A thunder crack exploded and flash of lighting lit the stadium sky.

A massively deep voice over the stadium PA said "The creation is ready , your bodies I have evolved from the animals and are now ready to receive the spark of mind but to enter it you must forget everything you know of this place, split apart and become as dumb as a rock!" (Roughly translated from the highest angel language Kodeshim).

"Fuck yeah" we screamed and emptied the stadium like it was on fire gazing into our twin flames eyes for the last time "See you on the flip side1"  we excitedly called to one another as we tore apart Female sparks to the right Male sparks to the left to fall into a black void and emerge wearing a stinking meat coat just beside our mothers arse hole, cold frightened and starving.

Those dark pendulums swinging in your mind are ten in number. Ten not nine Ten not eleven.

The circuit diagram is shown below  in further articles I will explain how the Kabbala is the synthesis of the Eastern and Western teachings of the Kundalini, Tantra Yoga, Hermiticism, Astrology , Quantum Physics and Masonic Initiation.

In the meantime the gift I give you is recall that blissful state that we will return to, this time in complete knowledge joined again in conjugal embrace with our twin flame all the pain of the re-spawned lives of the simulation forgotten.

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