What is Kala mining | How it works| How to join

in kala •  6 years ago  (edited)

Snag a free Kala wallet pronto http://whywesave.com

thanks Buzzirk and Fat Jerry! Less than 8 minutes for all 3 videos. [Join the global mobile social team now!]+ https://www.pureleverage.com/bu2u/everything-blockchain/

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"How is Nui Doing Blockchain Differently?" with Darren Olayan thanks buzzirk
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Gentleman did an excellent overview on Kala / Nui on this video... From Nui.Social blog https://nui.social/10-reasons-why-now-is-the-time-to-get-into-nui/ #everythingblockchain