Actor Kamal Haasan addressed a press briefing in Chennai on Tuesday where he announced a mobile app called ‘Maiyam Whistle’ to be launched in January. The actor described the app as some something similar to a whistleblowing platform designed to reach out to the public. “This app will be a sort of a whistleblower platform, will be used wherever wrong happens. Will strive to achieve justice,” said the actor.
“This mobile app will be more of a platform for public. Aim would be to reach out to people. I plan to tour across Tamil Nadu, volunteers doing good work in all districts. All parties appreciate our social welfare work,” he added.
He also said that many speculated that he would announce a political party, but a lot needs to be done. “I have to do a lot of groundwork, we have been sitting and analysing.”
Today, on his birthday, he scrapped all his plans upsetting many fans across the country. The actor took to Twitter to post a message: “To those who love me and dislike the idea of my cancelling my birthday celebrations.” He had also shared a note earlier on Monday hinting at doing something productive. “Tomorrow is just another day if you just celebrate and fail to seize it. If we can make it better in pursuit of a cause then we become the change we seek.”
Here are the highlights:
1:58 pm: The reason why they (people of Tamil Nadu) want a change is probably the reason why they will follow me: Kamal Haasan.
1:58 pm: Looking at the larger goal, longer time, so have to make the party ready for it. Working on the structural part: Kamal Haasan.
1:57 pm: I did not use the word terror, the word I used was ‘extreme’, like some of my fans who love me: Kamal Haasan.
1:50 pm: I definitely don’t want to hurt Hindu sentiments, as I myself belong to a Hindu family, but have taken a different path: Kamal Haasan.
1:40 pm: At this point question of going back doesn’t arise.That is why I said groundwork being done: Kamal Haasan on question of entering politics
1:30 pm: Dreams create inventions, and inventions become a way of life: Kamal Haasan.
1:27 pm: Many speculating that today I will announce political party, I have to do a lot of groundwork, we have been sitting and analysing: Kamal Haasan.
1:20 pm: This app will be a sort of a whistleblower platform, will be used wherever wrong happens. Will strive to achieve justice: Kamal Haasan.
1:19 pm: I plan to tour across Tamil Nadu, volunteers doing good work in all districts.All parties appreciate our social welfare work: Kamal Haasan.
1:10 pm: This mobile app will be more of a platform for public. Aim would be to reach out to people: Kamal Haasan.
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