Kamala Harris just announced that she'd implement a policy criminalizing price gouging.

in kamala •  2 months ago 


I know that most jokes that economists tell are lame. This is no exception, but...


There are three guys in a Soviet gulag.

As prisoners often do, they discuss why they're in prison.

The first guy says that he showed up early to work, and the government accused him of brown nosing.

The second guy says that he showed up late for work, and the government accused him of wasting public resources.

The third guy says that he showed up to work exactly on time, every day, and he was accused of owning a western wrist watch.

There are three businessmen in jail in the USA.

The first guy says that he charged lower prices than his competitors, and he was accused of predatory pricing.

The second guy says that he charged higher prices than his competitors, and he was accused of price gouging.

The third guy says that he charged exactly the market price, and he was accused of collusion and cartelization.

If you don't get my point... think about it.

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