Kamiko: a short adventure in the switch library

in kamiko •  7 years ago 

This is a game that I can call a lost gem in the switch library. It was one of my first attemp on buying a game in the eshop without knowing deeply what I was buying. For this title I can say I got lucky! When I bought it there were not any good review about it. Even gamefaqs did not have anything about. The two things that got my attention in this game were: the art and the price. It is a very cheap game (less than $5,00).
So what is this game about? It is a top-view adventure/puzzle game. You can choose between one of three characters. Each caracter has one weapon and one style of gameplay. The first one uses a sword, the second uses bow and arrows and the third one uses a circular boomerang (sorry, I do not know the name of this weapon).
Independent of what character you choose, you play in the same four levels. Yeah, there are only 4 levels. The character that you choose is like the difficult of the game, as the sword girl is the easiest gameplay, the archer girl is medium and the other girl is the hard. For the levels there are one in the woods, one in a flooded city, one in a fire cavern and one in a destroied city. Each level has a boss fight and after the fourth level there is a final boss.
As gameplay, the game is very simple and responsive. You can walk, run, attack, use a especial attack and grab itens. Everywhere enemies spawn, and after defeating them, if you leave the place and comeback they respawn. The boss battle are easy, but fun.

The game is very short, each character playthrough takes around 30 to 40 minutes. That could be a weak point, but as I said earlier, this is a cheap game. For how much it cost, I think it worth.

My final grade for this game is a 6.5/10

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