🎤 Karaoke 🏆 Week 29 🎶 1st, 2nd & 3rd Prizes! 🎶 20 SBD up for grabs!! 📅

in karaokecontest •  7 years ago  (edited)

#thealliance karaokecontest.png

LOVE it, LOVE it, LOVE it...

competition gettin' stiffer,

but the votes are in and...

Holy cow you guys and gals, this is starting to feel like an audition room! Just amazing how many gorgeous voices are out there! After tallying up all the scores, the winner is... @introspectiva! She sang "Shine Bright Like a Diamond" by Rihanna with a smile on her face the whole time. Made our hearts sing too! Splendid singing sweetheart and congratulations!

@yusaymon! Well done with a second place finish. He owned a version of The White Stripes' - 'Seven Nation Army'. We can tell you loved performing for us and were really getting into the music. You sure you never been on Star Search?

The final winner this week hasn't moved from her position. Congratulations to @honeymoon-1611. Singing 'Face to Face' by Rocio Durcal, she captivated our ears and minds. We also love the natural acoustics of the room you sang in again, very unique. Be sure to come sing again this week!

#thealliance YAH fundraiser.png

Week 29 Begins

Thank you to everyone who entered and congratulations to the winners. Your winnings will be sent to you soon. We look forward to another week of fun and games! We can't wait to hear all the lovely voices and what songs they choose to sing :) So, show us what ya got and what ya love! Then, drop your video and/or link to your post with the video of you down there in the comments section. Easy, right? Here's 'the catch'.


  • Each week, this post begins the new contest and you have until you see the 'Contestants' post on the following Saturday to get your entry in.
  • The 1st tag for your submission post must be #karaokecontest.
  • This submission thread must be upvoted (if you would like more competition, please resteem it).
  • Your video of yourself singing MUST be in the comments of THIS post (so you can get the popularity vote), or at least a link to your Steemit post entry.
  • We will not accept videos we cannot embed in a post for people to easily enjoy. I.E. - DTube, Vimeo, etc., sorry if this is an inconvenience.


  • Popular vote: This will carry 25% of the overall score. Whoever has the most upvotes (not reward amount for the post) in the comments below, will win the popular vote.
  • NOTE - You may only vote for yourself ONCE, purchased bot votes for yourself will not count.
  • Timing: 25% weight - how close you are to the timing of the original lyrics.
  • Pitch: 25% weight - how close you are to staying on key to the original lyrics.
  • Likeness & Performance: 25% weight - how much you actually sound like and embody the singer of the original lyrics.


We have prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places. 10 SBD for first place, 7 SBD for second place, and 3 SBD for 3rd place. The winners will also have their entry posts NOMMED on by @killerwhale and resteemed so everyone can see your slick singing skills!

And The Judges Are...

  • 'Major', @topkpop has agreed to continue her passion for musical talents and stay with us on the judging panel.
  • The project brainchild @enginewitty, who just loves any and all music.
  • One of the leaders of our Spanish Syndicate, 'Commander' @sol25, is also 'lending an ear'.
  • Long time ally, @avesa has joined the fold and is assisting with his masterful musical skills.
This contest is sponsored by #thealliance. We truly appreciate all the support you stupendous Steempeeps give us. This really is fun everyone, we're having a blast!

killerwhale SMA.png


This is all made possible by the fantastic community and involvement we have here on Steemit. Huge kudos to @enginewitty for the vision and @michaeldavid for helping orchestrate this contest. Big hugs to all our fellow allies that help out with donations and spreading the word. We have recently joined the SMA (Steemit Music Alliance) Discord server and Killer's Karaoke has his own channel over there, so do join us and get more exposure for your good times and talents. Big thanks to @seveaux for giving us a spot! Music is an art and a passion of ours and we would now like to bring up our strongest supporters and think you should give them a Shout too!

Our Faithful Supporters

Look into the Open Mic contest, sponsored by @pfunk and hosted by @luzcypher! Support your favorite artists by stopping in to see their entries and show them some love! They are now in week 73 and have been a nonstop thing of beauty in the progress of the musical community here!

Do you like to dance? Stop in here to check out @donatello and his 30th weekly dance competition! I would love to see people get in on this. C'mon...you know you want to! Don't get cold feet now, you'll trip over them out there on the dance floor!!

Do you love music? Visit this post to get a bead on the SMA Feedback Contest hosted by @inthenow! YOU get to be the judge and decide who wins! You have to hear some of the amazing jams getting entered over there!

Can't wait to see and hear all the entries this week!

Put your fantabulous karaoke submissions
in the comments below and
let the games begin!!!


#thealliance pagebreak killerwhale.png

gif courtesy of the talented ally @liberty-minded

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone ,
This is my first time doing this contest ....
Thank you @killerwhale...
Here’s my entry below👇🏽
Cover of my heart will go on by celinedion

I hope you enjoy it 😊

You nailed it, babe.....

Thanks dear😊


Thanks 😊

This is awesome i must say,i loved the energy you put in.



You really should sing more, this is damn good

😊thanks love

Lovely voice.. U r really good. I pray u win d contest dear 😎


Excelente participación @alejandra23, Suerte en el concurso.

Muchas gracias amiga <3

Excelente participación, que tengas éxito en el concurso. Saludos

Gracias amiga, Espero eso jajaja XD

Exitos en el concurso amiga @alejandra23, tienes mucho talento. Saludos

Holaaaaa, Gracias paty Gracias por pasarte por acá :D

Suerte en tu participación.

Ya extrañaba tu bella voz, te deseo éxitos en tu participación.

Contamos con tu talento para triunfar en este concurso, éxitos.

Linda canción y talentosa cantante. Éxitos @alejandra23.

Gran participación suerte.

Espectacular tu voz. Éxitos en el concurso. Saludos.

Hermosa y potente voz @alejandra23 Gracias por atreverse a compartir!!!

Mil bendiciones y exito hacia tu talento. @alejandra23

muy buena participación amiga @alejandra23 exitos

Mi voto es para @alejandra23 muy buen intérprete. Éxitos.. y suerte en el concurso.

Suerte en el concurso

Felicitaciones tienes una voz muy bella . Te deseo desde mi corazón muchos éxitos .

Wao, espectacular tu participación. Éxitos para ti, te lo mereces!

Linda voz, suerte en el concurso.

Suerte en el concurso, apoyando tu presentación

Muy buena interpretación para mi eres la ganandora

Excelente talento amiga, deseo que salgas victoriosa!

Muy linda tu voz @alejandra23, considero que tienes un gran talento. Suerte. Saludos!

Grandiosa voz, suerte en el concurso.

Excelente voz @alejandra23..

Me encanta tu voz, tienes mucho talento, mereces ser la ganadora, saludos.

Éxitos @alejandra23 me encanto.

Muchisima suerte, excelente tu presentación..

Excelente voz @alejandra23...

Que espectacular voz amiga, el mayor de los éxitos en este concurso.

eres excelente, seguro ese premio es tuyo

Felicitaciones amiga, admiro tu talento hermosa voz. Éxitos!

Excelente participación @alejandra23, éxitos en el concurso.

Adelante amiga . Si se ouede

Suerte amiga, Dios mediante ya eres ganadora. Hermosa tu voz sin lugar a dudas mereces el apoyo. Bendiciones.

Éxitos Alejandra 👍😉

Great voice!!! Amazing!! Keep going! You can be a real star honey!! 🎉🎤🎶

Allí tienes mi voto @alejandra23 espero puedas conseguir el concurso. Bella voz.

muy buena participacion, suerte


una voz impactante, suerte

mucha suerte

mi voto es para ti, suerte

mucho talento pequeña, suerte

linda voz, suerte.

mi voto para ti cantas bien.

excelente voz, merece el reconocimiento de mi parte.

Excelente entrega @alejandra23, éxito en el concurso.

Excelente voz amiga @alejandra23 suerte en el concurso.

bella tu voz nena

Me encanto seguro ganaras <3 :D

excelente amiga sigue adelante @alejandra23 excelente voz. yupi yupi yupi yupi

me encanta mucho suerte eres muy buena.

Hey everyone! 😁
I will drop my post link in the comments and the embed video. I was a bit early with the entry so i hope you guys dont mind. First time doing this contest and i hope for a lot of interaction and a healthy competition. 😁.
See you around. https://steemit.com/karaokecontest/@silentscreamer/karaoke-contest-week-29-or-adele-someone-like-you-or

I love your interpretation, I love Adele.

Thank you. 💝
You cant not love Adele. 😊


Hi guys! This is my first time here, here I leave the link of my post and video .... I hope you like it ;)

I love your voice @rogeviolinista :*

What a sexy voice my @rogeviolinista ... I liked it

Maravillosa @rogeviolinista! Éxito!

This week I bring you something different, I hope you like it, success for all.

Bueno, pero el de Rocio Durcal estuvo BUENISIMO

EXCELENTE! tu talento es muy versátil. Me encanta :)


Que linda voz tienes ¡Éxitos!

Hi Guys, I sing Hello by Lionel Ritchie.
Hope you like it. Thanks

Haha. I need to find one of these to do. I see a great part for a violin. 😁
What country is this originaly from. I really love the song.

I am from Venezuela, but the song is from a Spanish band called Mago de Oz. grateful that you liked it ^-^ !

For some reason a part of it reminds me of Paroles Paroles by Dalida. 😁

hello to all in Karaoke Contest, I leave my participation I hope you like it, on the occasion of the month of love and the maostad I move this beautiful theme of Gloria Estefan "Con los años que quedan"


Hello, my dear friends. In this entry for karaoke contest,I leave you my interpretation of the song "Huele a Peligro", popularized by Miriam Hernández.
I hope you like it!

I do like it!

I can not believe it, thank you very much, I found out last night that I had won the 3rd place almost asleep but wake up from the emotion.

Ohh dear @introspectiva you melted my heart, ♥ ♥ ♥ You can make everything bad disappear with your voice.! love

NOM NOM NOM!! what an immense honor !! thank you very much and congratulations to all!

Chamooooo<3 Qué lindas palabras vale, gracias por el halago<3 Eres un amors+

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Chamaaaa thanks to you :3

Fantastic contest!
Upvoted and resteemed!

Thank you very much! This contest is an opportunity to have fun and be rewarded for it!<3

Hi people,

Aqui mi entrada de esta semana espero les guste.

Amigo subela a youtube y ponlo aqui para que te valga la entrada. :)

Excelente concurso!!!, es emocionante!!!!....

Your contest was added to Steemit Contest Compilation (19.02-25.02): Win free SBD and STEEM
Thank you @killerwhale for giving Steemians a chance to win some SBD.

Hello everyone, this is my ticket for this week. I hope you enjoy it, luck for all

genial bb :D espero q ganes :D

Genial!!! Felicitaciones a los organizadores y jurado....

ohh no sabia que habían concursos de karaoke, creo que pronto saltare a la fama! Yeah! xD Espero pronto participar :D


Aqui les dejo mi entrada a la semana 29 de esta gran concurso, canción interpretada Volveramar del artista Cristian Castro

Espero que les guste

Hi! First time participating. I was joined by my friend @aritortolero for this rendition of McFly's 'Love Is On the Radio'. I Hope you guys enjoy it!

Hello friends, this is my video for the contest, hope you like it, steem on!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment