Karma always kicks back, sit back and wait for it.

in karma •  8 years ago 

Do you believe in Karma, I didn't until it came back and kicked someone I know.


I'm going back a good 30 years, It goes back to when I first fell out with my parents. My oldest sister had a friend called Lynn who was getting together with my brother, I had a big argument with my parents about something that had happened with Lynn, My parents then phoned my oldest sister telling them a whole loads of lies about what had been said, making me out to be the bad guy, my oldest sister phoned to tell me off (she wouldn't have dared do it face to face) She shouted at me down the phone, I shouted back denying what had been said, well she took there side.
We never spoke again.
I heard that Lynn and My brother were splitting up, I wasn't surprised not that was I bothered as I had nothing to do with them. Then I heard why they were splitting up, Lynn (my oldest sisters best friend) was now living with my oldest sisters husband ha ha ha ha I'm sorry I thought it was hilarious, she had took her side believed what my parents had said, believed what Lynn had done, me knowing the truth then she stole her husband,

Karma Kicked back

Serves them right for not listening to me when I spoke up, shouldn't have told lies about me and should have trusted there own over a friend. She got what she deserves, do I care Not One Bit

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Karma always comes back :) .

Yup, glad I got too see it

@ karenb54 beautiful story. It exists and must be respected, everything you do receive double. congratulations thanks for another magnificent post

Thank you :)

@karenb54, life is a constant circle.

You are so right :)

HAHA! Karma can be such a bitch, but I usually reserve a seat for her in my cafeteria of life. :D

She gave ms a good laugh. Karmas my best friend lol