Thought for the day - When a Random Act of Kindness Fails Karma is there to spite you

in karma •  7 years ago  (edited)

It's freezing here. And not like on the verge of freezing, but actually zero or -17 celsius degrees before windchill cold. The cars are snowed in and the snow has gone from fluffy light stuff to rock hard break your shovel ice snow.


And that's not really a big deal. For the most part people in our part of New England can tolerate this weather. Really it only becomes an issue when the power goes out or you have car trouble.

Basically it's only an issue when the blanket of warmth and security we all love, evaporates leaving you shivering and cursing the world.

Anyways this morning the sky is blue with no clouds, 3 feet of snow on the ground and as I mentioned earlier the temperature is really really cold. So I take my girlfriend to a Spa in our city as a holiday / start of the new year treat. And come back to our house. We are parked on a street that doesn't have a driveway so it's sort of like hunger games parking edition. Sounds funny but people here can do scary things if you take 'their' parking space during the winter season.

So I'm in her car and in front of our house about to move my car up half a spot, because it had been moved to block her spot I shoveled out yesterday from being taken. I go into my car, turn the key, and the car does a little rumble and followed by silence. Great my car battery is either dead or hurting because of the temps.

This is the first moment I wonder if this was karma getting me for selfishly blocking a parking spot. It leaves my mind quickly as I have a portable battery jumper in the house. And as I'm getting ready to leave my car, I hear a car behind me sounding like their car won't start either. It's a pretty unique sound, when a battery attempts and fails to start a car. Kind of like a muffled tazor. Or at least what a tazor sounds like on tv and then muffle that noise.

I get out of my car a guy walks up to me and asks if I can hang around to give them a jump. I mention i'll be right back and off I go to get the jumper. Feeling like a hero I might add.

I get outside just my car - no problemo - it starts and let it idle to recharge and I walk over again in my mind feeling like that cool lone cowboy about to save the day. Maybe something like Blondie when he saves Tuco one last time.


Introduce myself and present my jumper proudly, with the intent to get my neighbors, with whom i've not met before, back on their way.

Unfortunately their hood latch wasn't functioning and wouldn't release the hood. So there we were, it's blisteringly cold outside. I feel back saying this because I'm also a millennial, but here is a couple that wasn't even wearing gloves or hats and it's easily -15 degrees with windchill about to drive through the elements. It's so easy to ignore the weather when you don't have to deal with it for more then a moment. So we attempt to open the hood for about 15 minutes before they let me know they are going to call AAA. I'm let down that we weren't able to jump the car, but i'm also happy to be going into my house at this point i'm also starting to feel frozen.

So the random act of kindness was unsuccessful. This sucks.

20 minutes later i'm cooking eggs and I enjoy them sunny side over. So I flip them so they can cook on both sides. As I flip them they are a little more stuck to the pan then usual, and on the way down from the flip I only catch half of the eggs in the pan. The rest splatter all over the stove top which was just cleaned. Egg reached all four corners of the stove. I kid you not.

Jeez this never happens to the hero in movies. I mean come on!!!


So now i'm feeling that either it's karma or my entire groove is slightly off because of the mornings events. Still this has been a more memorable start to most of my weekends. So maybe things are looking up for the rest of the day.


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