in addition to Kareena Kapoor, Bollywood also still have another beautiful actress, Katrina Kaif for example. The woman who was born with the real name of Katrina Turquotte on July 16, 1983 in Hong Kong is enjoying the peak of its popularity in the land of the sub-continent. Katrina's first career in the Indian entertainment industry begins with modeling at the age of 14. In 2007, Katrina became known publicly and since then Katrina has begun to appear frequently in films.
As a big star, Katrina has ever been juxtaposed with popular Bollywood actors and actresses such as Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, Imran Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan, and many more. Curious about the list of movies starring Katrina Kaif? Here has selected dozens of the best Katrina Kaif movies you should watch. Anything? this one of them
For the first, we'll introduce you to a film starring Katrina Kaif titled Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. This film tells the story of three friends who are doing a bachelor party or a bachelor party before one of them married and married. If you've ever seen The Hangover, then Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara-possibly-remake the Bollywood version.
The core of Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara centers on three companions consisting of Imraan (Farhan Akhtar), Arjun (Hrithik Roshan), and Kabir (Abhay Deol). Knowing Kabir to be married, the three were traveling to release the single kabir to the country matador, Spain. Arriving there, they met with Laila (Katrina Kaif), a beautiful beauty instructor.
Arjun who was afraid of water finally overcame his fear thanks to the help of Laila until Lalila then introduce his friend, Nuria (Adriana Cabrol), to these three friends. Initially nothing happened until Natasha who is a candidate Kabir wife suspicious to Kabir who cheated. Immediately, Natasha immediately caught up with Spain and as a result of this, Kabir rethought her choice to marry Natasha.