Hold your breath as this Sunday brings you the best picture of the week. The gorgeous Katrina Kaif was spotted hanging out with her Bollywood besties Karan Johar and Shah Rukh Khan last night. Twinning with KJo, Kat struck a pose with SRK and the ace director for the shutterbugs. With minimal makeup and open tresses, she personifies grace and glamour. Both King Khan and the 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' helmer looked at ease. On the work front, SRK and Kat are all set to team up for the second time in Aanand L Rai's yet-to-be-titled film that also stars Anushka Sharma. The trio had previously worked together in 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan' (2012).
Bollywood’s Badshah Shah Rukh Khan's BFFs
7 years ago by prashanthr (36)