The Searl Effect Generator Anti-Gravity and Perpetual Motion Device, Project Looking Glass, Keely's Etheric Generator-Liberator, Boyd Bushman's Quantum Antigravity

in keelysethericgenerator •  4 years ago  (edited)

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See full report below. For a cursory flip through with links here is a Facebook Frames link below a Key Points Summary of this research report.

Facebook Frames Historical Foundations for Hidden Technology?

What do John Keely and Tesla have in common?
How about Boyd Bushman?

Have the "Powers that be" the elitist controllers attempted to defame and hide their technology because it would give us free energy?

What does the cabal seek to do?
Do they need to maintain Control over the population No Matter What?

What would happen if you were no longer Slaves to Their System?

What would happen if the dawn of Quantum Computing, which they cannot control came into play for financials and other dealings for the population?

What if Hidden, Healing Technology could be unleashed and no longer Hidden and Controlled by the Elitist Cabal?

Flip through the frames to see what Keely did with Ether.

See what he did with his Etheric Generator and Liberator. Where would we be today if he would not have been Blacklisted?

was invented for the purpose of multiplication of vibrations, he secured higher frequencies by disturbance of equilibrium of mediums of different specific gravities, air as one, water as the other."

Thus Vibratory Multiplication.

How many of you have seen instruments tuned with a Tuning Fork.

You may then understand the power and influence of music in relation to the mind/body connection, physiological pathways and the parasympathetic nervous system.

You will remember there is a side of Good and side used for evil.

For instance, who was satan prior to the Fall? He was Lucifer. He played a role in music.

Now check out what Keely did.
Keely announced that he had discovered a principle for power production based on the musical vibrations of tuning forks and that music could resonate with atoms or with the ether. Public interest was aroused and within a few months the Keely Motor Company was formed in New York, with a capital of $5,000,000, equivalent to $95 million in 2013.

He secured substantial investments from many people, among whom was John Jacob Astor IV.

Which is interesting considering he is one of the people on the Titanic when it sunk as J.P. Morgan was due on this poser ship and didn't show.

Which is why the Investors Morgan was competing against ended up sinking on the Titanic while J.P. Morgan lived. Interesting how that works right?

Flip through the Frame photos to learn about
John Searl and his
Searl Effect Generator is actually a converter of electrons into usable electricity.

Searl, like Tesla wished to give free energy to people. No mystery as to Why the powers that be would accuse and imprison him.

The Searl Effect is based on a unique process of magnetization that, when in motion, produces interacting waveforms creating electricity. Put in laymen's terms, the unit's energy cycle can be compared to a hydroelectric dam in principle since both are driven indirectly by entropy of the sun's radiant energy.

Also learn about Boyd Bushman, who worked on Quantum Antigravity and. ..
proved that magnetism can slow a falling object down and cancel out gravity to a certain degree by opposing fields.

Bushman’s career spanned over forty years and included work with defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin (LM). Some of his accomplishments included being on the development team of the Stinger missile, the F-16, as well as many other advanced weapons and propulsion systems.

I will include an article for further in depth studies with full sources and links throughout this Facebook Frames.

Stay Steady, Vigilant and Strong.

Great things are coming and a New Day is Dawning because We Will Prevail as in the End God WINS!


Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain featuring smart contract functionality. Ether is the native cryptocurrency of the platform. It is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, after Bitcoin. Ethereum is the most actively used blockchain.

John Roy Robert Searl is a British inventor from Wantage, England. Searl claimed that between 1946 and 1956 he designed and constructed a device known as the Searl Effect Generator (SEG), variously claimed to be anti-gravity and perpetual motion device.

Searl was an apprentice employee of BR Rewinds in Grays Inn Road, London. There he gained permission to use the company's facilities and technical resources to make the device. He claims that, in December 1946, with all of the magnetic components manufactured to his specifications, he assembled the generator in his residence at 30 Crawley Road, Haringey, London, UK; the initial prototypes worked to produced electricity but it generated unexpectedly extremely high voltage along with gravitomagnetism, following which the initial devices were dramatically lost during testing due to a strong anti-gravity effect.

The following sounds like what the Cabal/Controllers/Powers that be did to Tesla, Keely and many others so they could control what they wanted to control.

John Ernst Worrell Keely
discovered a new motive power which was originally described as "vaporic" or "etheric" force, and later as an unnamed force based on "vibratory sympathy", by which he produced "interatomic ether" from water and air.

He secured substantial investments from many people, among whom was John Jacob Astor IV.

Which is interesting considering he is one of the people on the Titanic when it sunk as J.P. Morgan was due on this poser ship and didn't show.

See more evidence in here,

Keely announced that he had discovered a principle for power production based on the musical vibrations of tuning forks and that music could resonate with atoms or with the ether. Public interest was aroused and within a few months the Keely Motor Company was formed in New York, with a capital of $5,000,000, equivalent to $95 million in 2013.

On September 20, 1884 Keely demonstrated a "vaporic gun" at Sandy Hook to a party of Government officials. He said that he had brought with him five gallons of "vaporic force" in a "receiver" which, if the experiments were successful, would show that no bogus aids had been used.

It is said that The gun was also tested by firing against three 3 in (76 mm) thick spruce planks and penetrated the first and went halfway through the second. Keely said that he had used a pressure of 7,000 psi and could use 30,000 psi.

On the following day, Keely met with a reporter to whom he declared that his experimenting days were over and that complete success was close. He announced that his motor would be completed in less than two months and that he would then make a public exhibition of its powers.

Keely said that the discovery of this new energy source was accidental. He said that the apparatus by which it was generated was called a "generator" or "multiplicator", from where it was then passed into a "receiver" and from there to the cylinders of a steam engine. The "generator" was reported as being about 3 ft (0.91 m), made of Austrian gunmetal in one piece, and holding about 10 or 12 gallons of water. Its inside was made up of cylindrical chambers connected by pipes and fitted with stopcocks and valves. The "receiver" or "reservoir" was about 40 in (1,000 mm) long by 6 in (150 mm) in diameter and connected to the "generator" by a 1 in (25 mm) diameter pipe. Keely claimed that his apparatus would generate his "vapor" from water solely by mechanical means without using any chemicals and claimed to be able to produce 2,000 psi in 5 seconds.

From Svpvril

On 9/21/1884 on the steamer Laura M. Starin. . .in speaking about the Keely Motor Company's vaporic gun that was impending.
Mr. Keely himself arrived by a special car, placed at his disposal by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and proceeded directly to the United States Government range at Sandy Hook, where the passengers on the Laura M. Starin were to meet him.
There were at least 300 persons present. Among them were Col. John Hamilton, Lieut. E. L. Zalinski, Capt. G. V. Weer, Lieut. S.A. Day, Lieut. Frank Thorp, Lieut. O.E. Wood, Lieut. B.K. Roberts, Lieut. E.H. Hills, E.J. Randall, of the Eric Railroad; John J. Smith, A.R. Edey, Augustos Stein, F.W. Gilley, Joseph Annin, Charles K. Dutton, Charles B. Peet, Francis Weeb, Gus R. Throop, Joseph Walker, Robert Cornell, Dwight Lawrence, George H. Peabody, Col. A.C. Weldrick, Col. W.C. Church, Lieut. E.T. Brown, E.P.White, James McDonough, Charles Schullermann, S.S. Wood, Hr.; F.G. Green, F.J. Green, Lieut. Thomas Ridgeway, and Charles B. Collier.

He's come and he's got it with him," said Mr. Peabody in a subdued voice to a group of gentlemen.
"It? What?" asked a dozen voices.
"I don't know," said Mr. Peabody in perplexed tones. "Nobody knows. It. The force. Etherealized vaporic power."

"Now," said Mr. Peabody, "the whole question will be settled to-day. Mr. Keely has brought with him in a receiver five gallons of vaporic force, which, if the experiments are successful will show that there is no bogus aid used, as he has been able to generate the force in Philadelphia and bring it to New York. How does Mr. Keely get the first start? Ah ha! As he said to me, "No one but scientific men can understand it, but I assure you it's beautiful." In the first chamber of the generator is air, and all that is necessary to get the first start is to stimulate this air by vibrations and thus create a small disturbance. What dropped into it will do that. When the air gets into a second chamber it comes in contact with the vibratory ether which acts upon the water and the air in such a way as to separate the particles of water and air. Expansion follows, and the force thus generated is irresistible. This gun business is simply the reverse of everything hitherto known in science. Keely says it is undeniably the reverse.
"But what is the vapor?"

"No one but Keely knows. I can't tell you what it is any more than I can explain electricity. It is a force hitherto undiscovered. Capt. Van Reed says the dynamite gun is not worth a continental beside this vaporic gun." Mr. Peabody omitted to state that Capt. Van Reed is financially interested in the company." What the company wants to show is that the gun is not a fraud, as has been so often stated."

There was the great Philadelphian, John W. Keely, who for the first time in his life had been induced to leave his laboratory. He is a tall, iron-gray-haired man, with a determined expression of countenance. He is said to be 58 years of age. His fingers are huge and have large lumps like plums at the end, owing to his manual labors. Beside him were the not very formidable looking instruments to be exhibited. A small gun with a 1 1/4 bore, resting upon wheels; an iron receiver a yard and a half long, containing the mysterious force and connected with the gun by an iron wire tube 3/16 of an inch in diameter; a small intensifier, also connected with the gun, a wooden target 500 yards distant. The spectators saw nothing else. There was so little apparatus that people felt inclined to be disappointed, but Col. John Hamilton looked so busy and Mr.Keely so nervous that they felt quite satisfied.
Mr. Keely took a small leaden ball, 4 7/8 ounces in weight, and with a wooden stick rammed it down the muzzle of the gun. He then took a hammer and in a necromantic fashion tapped the iron receiver containing the mysterious force. The crowd involuntarily stepped back, expecting an explosion. Nothing but a metallic sound was heard. Mr. Keely stated that this action was to stimulate the vibratory force. Then turning a handle, the first experiment was concluded. The ball was projected from the gun with a short, sharp sound. There was no heat, the muzzle of the gun being as cold as it was before the ball had been placed in it. There was no smoke. There was very little recoil. The projectile was sent to a distance of 300 yards, the elevation used having been 2 1/2 degrees.

"The pressure I have used," said Mr. Keely, "is 7,000 feet to the square inch. I could use 30,000 feet, and have done so."
Experiments were continued during the afternoon, and the Directors of the company were apparently radiantly happy. What the mysterious force was no one learned. Mr. Keely, not having patented his invention, is naturally suspicious of a money-grubbing world. "Vaporic force" was the only explanation he volunteered.

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The device pictured above is one of Keely's original unsophisticated etheric generators. Today we might call this a plasma generator. His generator was not the same as his Liberator apparently a different device. They are not the same because we find both terms used in one sentence:

"After a succession of interesting but laborious experiments, he produced in March 1885, what he termed a liberator, which could be operated in conjunction with the generator, and was a vast stride in advance of anything accomplished hitherto." [Keelys Change of Base]

"With his Generator, which was invented for the purpose of multiplication of vibrations, he secured higher frequencies by disturbance of equilibrium of mediums of different specific gravities, air as one, water as the other." [VIBRATORY MULTIPLICATION]

He has again reduced in size the instrument producing the force. From 1882 to 1884 the "Generator" was six feet long and corresponding wide and high, but failing to make the arrangement automatic upon which its mechanical usefulness depended, Keely found a new standard for research in an experiment often made by himself, but never before successful, which resulted in invention in 1885 of the "Liberator" not so large as a lady's small round worktable.

He made astonishing progress with this beautiful piece of vibratory mechanism, so as to combine the production of the power, operation of the cannon, his engine and his disintegrator in a machine no larger than a dinner plate and only three or four inches in thickness. This was completed in 1886, up to which time his experiments were upon the principle of sympathetic vibration, for liberating a vapory or etheric product.

His later experiments were another modification of vibratory sympathy, and the size of the instrument used now, 1888, for the same purposes is no larger than an old fashioned silver watch. A pressure of 30,000 lbs. to the square inch in raising of the lever, and all other operations, without one ounce of pressure in any part of the apparatus, are effected by the ether. The force is transmitted along a wire of platinum and silver. Keely has named this new modification "Negative Attraction." The two forms of force with which he has experimented and the attendant phenomena, are exactly antithetical. It is by changing the vibrations of the cosmic ether that Keely releases this energy. Dr. Dupuy, of New York, experimented along these lines for many years, but without success to the degree Keely had.

"The vapor produced from the Liberator was free of all humidity, of greater tenuity, giving perfect and high lines of action. Its plan was conceived during his desperate struggle to effect a simultaneous action between the molecular and atomic leads, necessary for continuation of energy release and was suggested by the saying "Nature works with dual force, but at rest she is a unit."

Back to Searl,

The Searl Effect Generator is actually a converter of electrons into usable electricity.

Searl was convicted of stealing electricity by bypassing his electricity meter, and damaging the property of the electricity company.

Searl has since claimed that he and his colleagues subsequently built over 50 versions of his ?levity disc', of various sizes, and learned how to control them. He claims that persecution by the authorities resulted in wrongful imprisonment and the destruction of most of his work, so that he has had to start all over again. His claim that in the early 1970s one of his craft flew round the world several times without being detected does nothing to enhance his credibility.

Searl, like Tesla wished to give free energy to people. No mystery as to Why the powers that be would accuse and imprison him.

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SEG, Searl Effect Generator - How it works: Electrons Flow with Magnetic Current

Looking Glass Technology and Project Bluebook

Listen to a video report while working or doing chores here,
Spooks, Kooks, is it all a fluke? Before Project Looking Glass Majestic 12? Grudge, Col. Brown

Portals Wormholes (what interviewer refers to as Stargates, but it is Really a device that accesses portals) discussed here
Works not in parallel, but almost in piggybacks on the energy of the natural stargate.

brought in at exact moment.

Required a second Looking Glass to get acoustics through.

The Looking Glass for looking into the future and a Stargate for time travel.

Original device was the Stargate device, it was increased in power with the use of field posts.

It would increase power to stabilize the doorway to step through to another location because distance and time are relative.

The Looking Glass device was a back engineered Stargate from the original Cylinder Seal data which allowed them to produce the Stargate access device.

Started out as a very large piece of equipment in the 60's though 70's and got smaller just as computers and devices do.

Dan Burisch believes it was back engineered from Alien Technology

There was information around the cylinder seals that they used.

Interesting info to check out inside of here,

They are claiming the information on the cylinder seals came from an off world race.

Power in magnets repelling one another.
You have played around with magnets and noted they will attract in certain ways and can also repel.

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Hear Boyd Bushman speak about antigravity.
The field was 3 feet for each rock so total of 6 feet.
Proved that magnetism can slow a falling object down and cancel out gravity to a certain degree by opposing fields and got 9 signatures to verify.

Brought in right where he speaks about the antigravity experiment.
SUPPRESSED SECRET TECHNOLOGIES: Med Beds, Replicators, Free Energy, Stargates & Antigravity

According to Quantum Antigravity

Bushman’s career spanned over forty years and included work with defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin (LM). Some of his accomplishments included being on the development team of the Stinger missile, the F-16, as well as many other advanced weapons and propulsion systems. At the time of his retirement in 2000, Bushman had 28 patents in his name, many of which contained classified technologies.

From an early age Boyd was blessed with curiosity, optimism, and a keen eye to see beyond the surface of what might appear ordinary to others. He drew heavily from the wonders of the Creator and loved sharing his discoveries with people who were prepared to be amazed.

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Classes of Magnetic Materials
The origin of magnetism lies in the orbital and spin motions of electrons and how the electrons interact with one another. The best way to introduce the different types of magnetism is to describe how materials respond to magnetic fields. This may be surprising to some, but all matter is magnetic. It’s just that some materials are much more magnetic than others. The main distinction is that in some materials there is no collective interaction of atomic magnetic moments, whereas in other materials there is a very strong interaction between atomic moments. The magnetic properties of materials can be classified into the following five major classes:

Boyd Bushman was born 20 July 1936 in Globe, Arizona to Mitchell S. and Glenda Porter Bushman. He was raised in Show Low, Arizona and graduated from Snowflake Union High school. His early interest in science was nurtured by his mother Glenda, George A. Smith, and David A. Butler. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University, majoring in both math and physics. Boyd also earned an MBA from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

From an early age Boyd was blessed with curiosity, optimism, and a keen eye to see beyond the surface of what might appear ordinary to others. He drew heavily from the wonders of the Creator and loved sharing his discoveries with people who were prepared to be amazed.
Professionally he preferred to introduce himself as a Senior Scientist, yet this understated the accomplishments of a man who contributed so much to the defense and security of our nation. Bushman’s career spanned over forty years and included work with defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin (LM). Some of his accomplishments included being on the development team of the Stinger missile, the F-16, as well as many other advanced weapons and propulsion systems. At the time of his retirement in 2000, Bushman had 28 patents in his name, many of which contained classified technologies.

Boyd Bushman was gifted with the capacity of making everyone around him feel important and valuable. He did this by demonstrating a genuine interest in the individual, and by divining their qualities and traits with an ability so uncanny that it was both disarming and endearing. Boyd’s gift of making others feel loved and of great worth was showered abundantly upon his children who love and adore him as their father in mutual bonds that extend throughout eternity.


Apparatus and method for amplifying a magnetic beam
PATENT US 5929732 A

Inventors Boyd B. Bushman
Original Assignee Lockheed Martin Corporation
An apparatus and method for creating a magnetic beam wherein a focusing magnet assembly is comprised of a first opposing magnet pair and a second opposing magnet pair disposed in a focusing plane, each magnet of the respective opposing magnet pairs having a like pole directed towards the geometric center of the focusing magnet assembly to form an alignment path, two like magnetic beams extending from the alignment path on each side of the focusing magnet assembly , each beam being generally perpendicular to the focusing plane. A like pole of an unopposed magnet can be directed down the alignment path from one side of the focusing magnet assembly to produce a single magnetic beam extending generally perpendicular from the focusing magnet assembly opposite unopposed magnet.

Classes of Magnetic Materials
The origin of magnetism lies in the orbital and spin motions of electrons and how the electrons interact with one another. The best way to introduce the different types of magnetism is to describe how materials respond to magnetic fields. This may be surprising to some, but all matter is magnetic. It’s just that some materials are much more magnetic than others. The main distinction is that in some materials there is no collective interaction of atomic magnetic moments, whereas in other materials there is a very strong interaction between atomic moments. The magnetic properties of materials can be classified into the following five major classes:

Materials in the first two groups are those that exhibit no collective magnetic interactions and are not magnetically ordered. Materials in the last three groups exhibit long-range magnetic order below a certain critical temperature. Ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials are usually what we consider as being magnetic (i.e., behaving like iron). The remaining three are so weakly magnetic that they are usually thought of as “nonmagnetic”.

In iron all of the electrons are spinning in the same direction, they get lined up and they magnify the effect of the force until it's large enough at a distance that you can feel it.

It's a force that is present all the time and is in a basic force

Video about amazing properties of complex magnetic fields:

Forces in the world
Magnetic Forces
Gravitational Forces
Electrical Forces

The Magnetic Forces are related to the Electrical Forces very intimately.
The relationship between the Electrical Forces and the Gravitational Forces remained unknown for some time.

Sources and Connector Reports's%20Vaporic%20Force19414.html

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“ETHERIC VAPOR.” Keely Explains His Invention to a Reporter. The Inventor Satisfied with His Sandy Hook Experiments—Another Test Promised to the Public Soon.