Keep your body
Keep you destiny
A body kept
Is a destiny kept
Few minutes of pleasure
Whole life of sorrow
A body not kept is a destiny lost
Just one touch
A great destiny crushed
A body not kept is a destiny lost
Just one kiss
One wonderful destiny set ablaze
A body not kept a destiny lost
A little peck,a little lies in bed
A little lies in bed, a long lies in sorrow
A body held us a destiny kept
Keep your body, keep your destiny
To everything there is a season
To everything there is time
A time to hold the body
A time to yield the body.
A body held is q destiny kept
To everything there is season
To every thing there is a time
A time to say"No"
A time to say "YES"
Wait for the right season
Wait for the right time
A body held is a destiny kept
Keep your body
Keep your destiny
Lose your body
Lose your destiny