The community is our power and through community we can flex these muscles. Now by ourself we may not be able to make much of an impact but when pull our resources together now we have purchasing power. This is why the DeFi and crypto financing tools are critical. A decentralized money is required for a paradigm shift. In no other waycan you take people from the bottom and put them at the top. As the whole crypto community I want to stress this very important piece of making this work. To the people currently holding the majority of crypto and crypto assets you need to help some of us that don't have. If the same people hold all the money then what is the point of decentralizing it. I will dig into this later. I just have to jump around for a few posts to lay a framework for my message. Thank you for your time. Please leave a comment or suggestion. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Have a good day.
Ps. I don't want to hear about how we can't do something or won't do something. I'm only concerned with what will help us grow. So no negativity. You can have your world view and I'll keep mine and there is no need for insults or derogatory talk. If you feel like you need that go somewhere else. We are only concerned with people getting better and growing. Thank you