in kenduri •  7 years ago 



Malam ini dikediaman mertua saya dilangsungkan acara kenduri syukuran segala arwah ahli keluarga. Acara tersebut berlangsung dalam rangka akan dilaksanakan Antar Pengantin adik ipar saya besok Minggu, 11 Februari 2018.

Para jamaah undangan dari Gampong Suka Damai (Sp. 1) Kec. Gereudong Pase Kab. Aceh Utara. Jamaah takziah hari setelah salat isya. Acara doa berlangsung selama lebih kurang 45 menit.


Setelah doa selesai, para jamaah takziah disuguhkan hidangan berupa makanan dan minuman. Jamaahpun meninggalkan rumah acara setelah mencicipi makanan dan minuman yang dihidangkan.

Uniknya, nasi yang disuguhkan untuk jamaah bukan dalam piring. Melainkan sudah dibungkus dalam satu paket. Namun lauk-pauknya dipisah dalam paket plastik kecil

Demikian sekilas mengenai prpsesi kenduri tersebut.


Terima kasih



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Tonight my father-in-law held a celebratory thanksgiving event for all the souls of family experts. The event took place in order to be held between my bride and groom's brother tomorrow Sunday, February 11, 2018.

Invitees from Gampong Suka Damai (Sp. 1) Kec. Gereudong Pase Kab. North Aceh. Jamaah takziah days after the prayers. The prayer event lasts for approximately 45 minutes.

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After the prayer is over, the pilgrims are served food and drinks. Jamaahpun left the show house after tasting the food and drinks served.

Uniquely, the rice served for pilgrims not in the dish. But it is wrapped in one package. But the side dishes are split in small plastic packages

So glimpse of the praise of the feast.

! [image] ()

thank you


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Wow nice pic
I like it