RE: Keto Diet - Part 3

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Keto Diet - Part 3

in keto •  8 years ago 

Sorry it took so long to reply! We've been having a busy summer visiting with family and Jon's dad's wedding weekend!

I'm still working on balancing my macros, but I eat a lot of bacon and cheese. What kind of chicken do you eat?
We have chicken thighs, which have a slightly higher fat content. We make a lot of meals with ground beef of higher fat %-age as well. I've also recently started eating macadamia nuts as a snack, which are kind of expensive (we found them on sale and by bulk), but really delicious and higher in fat!! 👍

Do you like pork rinds or chicharrones? These are great to snack on, also string cheese (not light).

I also haven't yet tried fat bombs, but hear that is a GREAT and tasty way to bump up your fat. There are many recipes I've found on pinterest, which I have yet to try. 📌
I'll try some soon and post about it.
Let me know if you try any and we can compare notes! 😎

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I made a couple different fat bombs and I also like to eat a ton of cheese. I used to just eat mainly chicken breast so adding fat was def necessary.

I need to fry some thighs, breaded in pork rinds, for a nice fatty crispy chicken meal.

Oh my gosh, that pork rind crusted chicken sounds AMAZING!!!

Your reaction just inspired me to try it tonight. Gotta stop at the store to grab some thighs and chicharrones.

EDIT: Damn I just realized I have frozen thighs at home so maybe I'll try this tomorrow so I can thaw those babies. haha.

Hahaha, whoops!! We ALWAYS forget to thaw stuff for dinner. =/