Importance of Satmya and Asatmya in Our Daily Life

in keto •  3 years ago  (edited)

Various individuals have various preferences. Certain individuals incline toward hot food while some can't endure zesty food. Some foster sensitivities subsequent to having peanuts or smelling a specific kind of bloom. Certain individuals lean toward strolling while some can pull off extreme focus cardio exercises like running. Certain individuals can endure a warm environment and sun while some foster sun related burn while going in the sun or have a draining nose in a sweltering environment. Some can have frostbite in chilly circumstances. Everything relies upon the satmya and asatmya of the individual. Which is different for each individual so in this article we will be taking a gander at the idea of satmya and asatmya.


The drugs, food, way of life conditions, and climate which is appropriate and routine for the individual are known as satmaya (charak/vi/1/20) this idea is otherwise called upshya in Ayurveda. The prescriptions, food, way of life conditions, and climate which isn't appropriate for the patient and are not adjusted to it are known as asatmya. It is otherwise called anupshya. The food, way of life, drugs, and environment which is adjusted to the individual yet are not reasonable for their prakriti or body constitution is known as oaksatmya.

It is a critical idea in Ayurveda and it is utilized generally in each step while giving ayurvedic treatment. It has significance in pariksha (history) of the patient. It is additionally utilized while endorsing medications for the patient and furthermore while giving the eating regimen and way of life changes. Satmya and Asatmya can be examined by Doshas Prakriti, Disease.

Kinds OF SATMYA (charak/vi/1/20)
In view of the kind of food and their rasa we can characterize satmya as per:

Pravar satmya
Avar satmya
Madhyam satmya
Pravar satmya-Is a kind of satmya in which an individual can take every one of the food varieties which have a solitary rasa or food sources including each of the 6 rasas.

Avar satmya-It is a kind of satmya in which an individual can eat just a single sort of rasa.

Madhyam satmya-it is a kind of satmya in which an individual can take food among avar and pravar satmya like food varieties which have 2-3-4-5 rasa. The food varieties which an individual can't endure are known as asatmya.


Prakriti satmya
Desha satmya
Ritu satmya
Vyadhi satmya
Swabhav satmya
Jaati satmya
Vaya satmya
Each individual has an alternate sort of Prakriti we can say its body constitution of the individual, our body is comprised of tridoshas for example vata, pitta, kapha and every individual have various proportions of vata, pitta and kapha because of which every individual have different sort of prakritis of their body which can be single dosha overwhelmed or mix of two doshas. (charak/sutrasthana/8/40)

Different Prakriti individuals have various types of satmya for their bodies for instance

Vaat prakriti individuals will be satmya to blistering and wet food and will be asatmya to dry food, dry climate, extraordinary activity and so on
Pitt prakriti individuals will be satmya to cold air, accomplishing less serious work and asatmya to hot and zesty food, hot climate.
Kapha prakriti individuals are satmya to lavan ras, hot climate, they have more energy to satmya to extreme focus practices yet asatmya to cold food, cold climate and so on.


It alludes to an individual's reasonableness for a specific geological region. Individuals living in a specific region have various types of food propensities and ways of life.
There are 3 sorts of desha told in ayurveda

Jaangal desha-which generally have dried properties of the area, plants and creatures which fill in the space are additionally having dry properties and disturb vata and pitta dosha so satmya for these individuals will be damp or food varieties which are sneh yukta.
Anup desha-which is otherwise called damp land, plants and creatures developed there will have kapha irritating properties. Individuals living there will likewise have more kapha dosha in them so satmya for them is dry or hot sort of food
Sadharan desha-it is the typical kind of land which has every one of the three doshas in adjusted structure and where every one of the environments are moderate in condition so individuals residing there will actually want to endure every sort of food.
Individuals who can't follow the way of life or admission of food sources which are referenced for the particular desha are known as asatmya desha.

It is a sort of satmya as indicated by various climatic circumstances, various environments have various types of satmya.
In ayurveda there are 6 sorts of ritus (environment) and as per which each ritu has various types of diet and way of life proposals in ayurveda.

Grishma ritu (summer environment)- anulepan of chandan, living in a virus room, cold water, improved water, meat of creatures living in jangal desha, sattu blended in with ghee.
Shishir ritu (late winters)- this weather conditions has satmya of blistering power food, sleek food varieties, food varieties including salts or sharp food varieties, and can likewise take meat from creatures which are filled in boggy terrains or fish.
Vasant ritu (spring season)- In this ritu work out, chandamn lepa, grain millet, wheat flour and so on.
Varsha ritu (stormy season)- Can take honey, old grain millet, wheat, sharp and pungent food, slick food , ubtan applying and so forth can be utilized
Sharad ritu (Autumn season)- sweet food, light food, food varieties which don't aggregate pitta dosha.
Hemant ritu (early winters)- same as shishir ritu
As various ritus have various types of satmya, each ritu additionally has various types of asatmya. The ways of life and food varieties which are contraindicated in each ritu is asatmya for that ritu.


It is reasonable as per the idea of each and every sickness that is unique, doshas remembered for each vyadhi is unique. There are intense and persistent states of the sickness so diet and ways of life are made by that for instance: In rheumatoid joint pain dark lentils are not appropriate , yavagu is liked in pretty much every illness, warm water is useful for processing, and in intense circumstances, curd in free movements.
It alludes to appropriateness as per various gatherings as charak has portrayed mother's milk as reasonable for babies. What's more, the inadmissibility of specific food varieties and way of life is known as swabhav asatmya .

it tends to be perceived as reasonableness of specific food sources or way of life in various species like wheat is appropriate for people and grass in appropriate for creatures and meat is appropriate for carnivores. Furthermore, food sources or ways of life which are unsatisfactory for various types of species are known as jaati asatmya like grass is unacceptable for people and so on.

It tends to be perceived as the appropriateness of various ways of life as indicated by the age of the individual. Babies and kids ought to be given a fluid or semi-strong eating routine while grown-ups can have each sort of food. Furthermore, similar to this the food varieties that are to be kept away from for various age gatherings. Strong food sources are to be kept away from for babies and so on is known as asatmya

It alludes to the satmyta of the food varieties or way of life that are not beneficial or ought to be kept away from to remain solid however with the utilization of food varieties and way of life like this body has adjusted to the food or way of life and medication and so on.

For instance hot and fiery food is asatmya for individuals having pitt prakriti or individuals living in jangal desh however with the day to day practice of this kind of food, individuals have no issues connected with pitta doshas. Individuals ought to eat light and cold food in the late spring season yet with the act of day to day eating non-veg food, they get no aftereffects. This idea of ayurveda is known as the oaksatmya

Significance IN DIAGNOSIS
it is helpful in the finding of illness in the event that an individual is disturbing the side effects of a sickness subsequent to admitting slick food then it tends to be perceived that the infection is brought about by Kapha dosha, in the event that side effects of the infection are exasperating in the Hemant ritu for example early winters that implies it is a sort of pitta problem.

Significance IN TREATMENT
It plays an imperative part in treatment likewise, as the prescriptions are concluded after the information on illness and seeing what are the satmya for the sickness as depicted in vyadhi samya.
Diet adjustments are likewise finished after the information on the satmya asatmya of the patient. The rasayan treatments are likewise regulated after the information on satmya and beneficial consequences of the patients.
Each sort of panchakarma treatment is additionally possibly performed assuming it is satmya for the patient who is lean and starved we can not give Vamana treatment to that quiet.


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