Ketogenic Diet: 21 Days Step by Step to Rapid Fat Loss

in keto •  7 years ago 

Weight transformation is a process that rarely gives immediate results and therefore can be quite discouraging for the person undergoing it. It takes a lot of effort and a clear head for food-related decision making. It’s very easy to get lost during the path, to get demotivated by the slowness of the process and to ultimately quit. There is no doubt that there are people who can endure this and eventually achieve their wanted result, however, they themselves can testify to the amount of willingness and decisiveness one must have in order to reach that finish line. For most people, it’s no easy task. There is no need to be embarrassed about this. It’s a well-known fact that people are generally more motivated when they get a taste of the end product.
So how can one bypass this problem? The answer lies in ketogenic dieting. This practice is highly popular in recent times and for a good reason. There’s a lot of science and thought behind this diet, specifically designed for those who want to see quick and more or less permanent outcomes. Surely, you must have heard of it and decided that there is no such thing as ‘rapid’ weight loss. No need to discard this diet so quickly, though! It’s only a 21 day plan, which you are not obligated to repeat if you in the end, decide that this is not the right thing for you. However, we highly encourage you to give it a try, since the benefits that come out of it are rarely seen in other diet plans. You don’t have to take anyone’s word for it; you don’t have to believe anyone’s transformation story. Instead, give it a try yourself and we are convinced that you will start to see the advantages that come from keto dieting.
What does keto mean?
Today, it’s a word that gets thrown around a lot, yet nobody’s sure what it stands for exactly. Well, let’s take a deeper look into the meaning, which will later on help you understand how this diet actually works.
Keto comes from the word ketones, which represent an alternative fuel for your body. These molecules are produced and used when there are glucose shortages. How do they get there? Your body breaks down molecules of fat into ketones to produce energy and make up for the glucose shortage. This state is commonly known as ketosis.
Ketosis can be initiated by very low carbon intake and moderate amounts of protein intake. When the body senses that it’s running out of glucose, the liver starts to produce ketones that are later consumed by fuel-hungry organs such as the brain. The brain itself cannot run solely on fat – it requires glucose, or in this case, ketones.
The state of ketosis is all about burning fat. While you are on a keto diet, it’s easy to access your fat supplies and burn them out. Along with some exercise, a keto meal plan is a fruitful way to success.
The benefits of keto dieting
The most obvious benefit of ketosis is the fat burning. This results in almost unbelievable weight loss, which is the primary goal of most of the people who choose this diet. Putting it simply, lowering the amount of glucose in your body through carefully planned consumption leads to ketosis – a state in which your body gradually uses up your fat supplies.
Is this healthy? Is it a little too good to be true? No, in fact, it only gets better. The benefits from keto dieting are not limited at weight loss. There is so much more to this entire process.
First of all, ketones are good for the brain. There is a common misconception that the brain cannot function without carbs. While the brain will gladly use up the carbs you consume, it’s a false statement that it cannot go without them. On the contrary, the brain can use ketones as fuel as well. That’s just basic survival technique. You can rest assured that through ketosis, you are not depleting your brain of any energy. In fact, most people have reported feeling more energized, focused and mind-active while in ketosis. Conclusion – you will not suffer from disorientation or stomach-growling while applying this diet! Most diets are the fine line between fitness and starvation, but there is no need to worry about that with keto-dieting. It’s one step towards improving your health that your body will be thankful for.
It’s been proved that the keto diet helps improve the overall health. Applying the keto diet can result in reversal of type 2 diabetes and relieving the symptoms of it. The diet is known for improving the glucose levels in the blood and thus reducing the dependence on insulin. Carbohydrates that you consume through your food are later on converted in blood sugar. Lowering the amount of carbs in your daily meals eventually results in a more controlled level of blood sugar and an instant relief from diabetic symptoms.
What’s more, ketosis provides virtually unlimited energy supply. This enables your body and brain to use up as much as they want and remain active for longer periods of time. The keto diet can increase your mental abilities to focus and engage your brain, while at the same time better your physical endurance and stamina. Eventually, this diet will lead to easier hunger suppression. Once you have achieved this, it will be easier to control your cravings and it will give you more dedication towards your weight loss plan. It will be easier to follow the meal plan and go on with your day, without constantly wanting a carbohydrate-rich portion. In short, it teaches your body how to function with a minimal amount of carbs.
Although more research is needed on this, ketosis is very likely to bring other benefits when it comes to acne, polycystic ovary syndrome, epilepsy, and much more.
Initiating ketosis
Now that you know the unused potential of ketosis, you must be anxious to start this process. It takes careful planning and a great deal of commitment to get started. First of all, you need a meal plan that follows the ketogenic diet. This way, you will be limiting the amount of carbs in your body, so that you can start producing ketones.
You will have to understand that the lower your intake of carbs is, the more effective the diet will be. In other words, the end result depends entirely on yourself and how much you want to push yourself. Ideally, you should not consume more than 20 grams net worth of carbs. However, if this is a little too extreme to begin with, 50 grams is the upper limit.
Just in case you are a total rookie in carbohydrate counting, here is a little crash course for you. Foods that contain carbs are candy, chocolate products, soda or processed juices, bread and pastries, pasta, potatoes… All of these will increase the sugar in your blood and will prevent your body from switching from glucose to ketones.
Foods that you can consume and contain low levels of carbohydrates include natural fats, meat, fish, seafood… Of course, you are not expected to know all of this by heart, which is why we will be providing you with a 21 day meal plan, which you will find if you keep reading.
How to know you are in ketosis
If you want to instantly know whether you are in ketosis or not, you can undergo urine, blood tests or even breath samples tests. However, there is often no need for that, since there are obvious signs your body will give you. If you notice any of these signs, then that means you have successfully entered the state of ketosis.

  1. Frequent urination. This symptom occurs because of another product of ketosis – acetoacetate. This product often ends up in the urine. Its presence makes it possible to test urine samples and determine whether ketosis has stated or not. However, a side-effect of its presence is that you have to urinate more often in the early stages of the diet.
  2. Thirst and dry mouth. Due to the increased urination, you will most likely feel a little dehydrated. This is why it’s recommended that you increase your water consumption. Dryness in the mouth and throat can occur if you are lacking salts and electrolytes, so you will have to take care of that in the beginning as well.
  3. Breath. Commonly known as keto-breath, there will be a telltale smell of your mouth that slightly resembles nail polish removal. This is temporary, however still noteworthy.
  4. Increased activity. During the beginning of ketosis, you will feel a jump in your energy levels. Most people report feeling euphoric and significantly more active and focused, both mentally and physically.
  5. Reduced hunger. This is self-explanatory. Your body will get used to the ketone fuel and your cravings will exponentially decrease. Most people on keto diet are content with two meals per day, without feeling hunger.
    There are other ways, which are more precise in measuring ketosis. Using these, you can tell exactly how far into the keto process you are and how much you have achieved so far. As it was mentioned above, these include: blood test, urine test and breath sample test.
    Urine strips are used to determine the level of ketones in your urine. These are available in all pharmacies and are quite easy to use. All it takes is dipping the strip in your urine sample and the color of the strip will inform you of the amount of ketones present. This will give you a rough idea of how you are progressing. However, the results are sometimes inconsistent, since they depend on how much water you have drank.
    Blood ketone meters can give the most precise evaluation of how much ketones your blood contains. However, these tools are quite expensive and can cost up to $100 dollars. Not to mention, it requires drawing blood, so it’s not for the weak-stomached.
    Breath analyzers are by far the most reliable option, since the tool can be reused and it does not cost as much as blood ketone meter. Thankfully, breath analyzers are quite accurate and are great for self-testing.
    Achieving and maintaining ketosis
    Ketosis doesn’t have definite boundaries. You don’t have to reach optimal ketosis to experience the benefits that come with it, so there is no need to feel intimidated by this. However, the more closely you follow the keto diet, the better your results will be. This is why the keto diet is so great, it allows you to give your best shot without having to push yourself to your limits, and still achieve a certain difference from when you first began.
    Restricting carbohydrates to up to 20 grams per day goes a long way. Apart from that, it’s important to also restrict protein, however not so extremely as carbs. Protein intake should be moderate – up to 70 grams per day is adequate for a 70 kilo person. This will need adjusting as you gradually lose weight. Too much protein can stagnate the ketosis, while too little will leave you feeling fatigued and under-energized.
    Eating fat until you feel satisfied is highly recommended when practicing ketosis. Starvation harms the body whereas a ketogenic diet gives the body what is needs keeping is sustainable rather than empty. Avoid snacking when you are not hungry. The unnecessary need for grabbing a quick bite results in reduced ketosis leading to slower time losing weight.
    The implementation of intermittent fasting as an effective method to boost the ketone level is a controlled starvation process which aids in rapid weight loss as well as reversing type 2 diabetes.
    Exercise is another important aspect of this process. When being in a prolonged state of low carbs, starting a physical activity will benefit the body because it will increase the levels of ketone. Exercising whilst in a low carb state definitely speeds-up the burning of fat and also slightly increases the reversal of type 2 diabetes.
    Advice for keto dieting
    Breakfast is the perfect opportunity to begin with eating keto. Eggs with bacon is anyone's kryptonite, no need to get sad because there are great keto options which have no eggs at all but can satisfy just as well. The caffeine in a cup of coffee is a great way to reduce the hunger because it gives your body an immediate boost of energy which reduces the need to food. A diet which has high fat and low carb can even result in not having the need to eat breakfast. You may say, well, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This however has been contradicted several studies. A lot of food consumption is not necessary in the early morning since the body is not working 100% and can burn everything fast and efficient.
    The feeling of hunger reduces as the body learns to not consume so much. Eating less gives you more benefits. Today, hunger is not a reliable source because of the fact that food is available anywhere. By reducing the amount of food, the body will eventually learn to cope with the new state it is in and reduces saved energy – fat, after which it starts using the new benefits such as more energy and less fat to carry around including cholesterol build up in the arteries. This fasting option is not for everyone. If you skip your morning breakfast by beginning to snack at 11 AM, then you are just wasting your time. If you are not a person who can skip their breakfast then a keto breakfast would be the best option. Some fat should do the trick during breakfast. Whilst having your coffee adding some fat such as cream or a chocolate praline can help to keep you satisfied until lunch.
    There are many alternatives to choose from when lunch or dinner time comes along. The choice comes down to foods low in carbs. Meat is a great source of low carb because it is rich in protein which give you the satisfaction and fullness you need. The best rich in protein low carb meets are fish and chicken. A chicken breast or a fish are protein rich and carb free. That extra boost of protein comes from vegetables such as potatoes, cauliflower or any kind of soup with low carb bits inside. It is best you have water with your meal and occasionally a glass of wine.

Eating healthy is an easy task when at home. Many people however go to buffets or when being in someone else’s house. How can you eat keto when you friend does not? The core of the idea is that you do not consume foods high in starch such as bread or spaghetti. Instead, ask for foods which have natural fat to be able to satisfy you for long period of time. Butter and olive oil contain natural fat which would keep you up and running.
Say no to bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. Our bodies get addicted to starchy foods and the hardest move is to not buy into the temptation. Say no to starchy sides in restaurants. It is cheaper for restaurants to give additional starchy food as sides. Restaurants substitute salads and vegetable sides for starchy food. If you are eating a sandwich or a burger ask for a lettuce bun instead of a bread bun. If it is not an option at the restaurant simply discard it from your food.
If you have made your order but the waiter brings it to you with starchy sides you have some options to choose from. If you have enough willpower to not eat it, go ahead. You can tell the waiter to remove it or replace it with no a starchy side. If you are at a more casual place then throw the starchy side in the trash yourself. In case you are a bit shy of explaining you dietary plans with the waiter, simply say you have a stomach condition.
In restaurants, the food can contain low fat which will not make you full. Since fat is needed to feel satisfied and full asking a waiter for extra vegetables or adding more butter to the meet will get overcome this issue. In addition, you may ask for extra vinegar or olive oil on your salad.
Always ask for information about the sauces used to make your meal if unsure. There are sauces such as ketchup which contain a high number of carbs. You can ask about to oils used in your meal as some restaurants may use cheap oil for cooking which can contain more carbs.
The best liquids to consume are water, sparkling water a cup of coffee or tea. If you are craving some alcohol with your meal then you can drink low carb alcoholic beverages such a light beer, dry wine or champagne.
After everything you have eaten and drank for dinner, are you sure you are still actually hungry? Don't eat all of those carbs after a good day of eating none. Instead have a cup of coffee or tea. If it’s late and you don't need all that caffeine just ask for decaffeinated beverages.
7 Day Keto Meal Plan
Repeat this diet three times to complete the 21 day cycle. It’s diverse and nutritious which will allow you to maintain ketosis, while at the same time enjoying hearty meals. This is a diet plan for beginners, who have yet to learn about ketosis. After getting familiarized with the keto lifestyle, you will be eager to look up meals and recipes online by yourself.
The whole idea of a low carb diet is that you maintain eating a lot of tasty foods. Being on a diet shouldn't be a temporary way to lose weight. It should become a lifestyle otherwise you will return to the carbs and have a chance of gaining more weight than before the diet.

Breakfast: – 3 Egg Omelet mixed with Spinach, Cheese, and Sausage
Eggs are very healthy and full of nutrients and have been falsely accused of containing harmful cholesterol. The cholesterol in the egg does not transfer into cholesterol blocking arteries and veins in the body. If tired of boiling eggs then you can make an omelette with cheese or omelette with sausage and spinach. While keeping your carbs low you have just added 30 grams of protein to your body. Adding spinach to your breakfast increases your intake of potassium and magnesium.

Lunch – BLT Salad
get 3 cups of lettuce, mix it with some bacon and dice a tomato. Add some 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise in the mixture and add a few drops of hot sauce if wanted. Easy to make and flooded with fiber and natural fats. The mayo gives it that extra flavor and keeps you full. If you want to increase your potassium intake then just add an avocado in the mixture.
Dinner – Baked Salmon with Asparagus
Salmon with a mix sauce of butter, lemon juice and garlic is the best meal for late in the day. The salmon gives an extraordinary taste. With the butter lemon and garlic which does not require any additional flavoring. Bake at 450F for 5 minutes and add the asparagus with olive oil, pepper and salt. Let the asparagus roast at 450 for 20 minutes.
Breakfast – Bacon and Eggs
Start by frying 2 or 3 eggs and bacon. It may not sound like much but it contains the exact amount of protein and fat you need. Bake the bacon 20 minutes at 400 degrees.
Lunch – Spinach Salad
In ketosis a salad is your best friend. You can have lots of it and it will you up and does not bog you down if you consume it. A bed of spinach together with red onion, tomato and bacon can fill your stomach. If you want to add some protein, go for salmon. You can add vinaigrette for a nicer taste.
Dinner – Cheese-stuffed Burgers
Burgers – tasty! No buns however, since they are the main source of carbs. It’s pretty simple, you just have to cook some beef patties and cover them in cheese. You can add vegetables and some low-carb condiments if you please.
Breakfast - More eggs
You can mix it up a little by beating 8 eggs in a bowl and adding some vegetables, cheese and spices. This can be either fried or baked, either way you cannot do wrong by adding bacon. Yes, bacon also plays a big role in this diet.
Lunch – Cottage Cheese
You can add blueberries or walnuts to the cottage cheese since they are tasty and contain all the necessary nutrients. Hot sauce sounds like a weird combination, but if you give it a try you will be pleasantly surprised.
Dinner – Meatloaf
Make meatloaf but don’t use bread crumbs – yes, carbohydrate alert! Instead, replace it with chopped mushrooms and onions. It makes it tastier and healthier.
Breakfast – You guessed it – Eggs!
You already have two ways of breakfast egg-making. Pick your preference and give it a go. You have a lot of space for experimenting on this meal; just make sure that the carbs level stay down.
Lunch – Tuna Salad in a Lettuce Wrap
Tuna salad is very easy to prepare. Get the tuna and spice it up with some onions or maybe chopped fresh avocadoes. It’s nice if you wrap it in a lettuce leaf and eat it as a sandwich.
Dinner – Slaw Hash
Cook a shredded cabbage with onions, ground beef, soy sauce, garlic, red pepper and butter. It’s a tasty and nutritious meal that you can prepare without any special cookery skills.
Breakfast – Eggs
Indeed, more eggs. If by now you grew tired of this, try and replace the meal with a hot beverage. Make a coffee rich in fats by blending it with two tablespoons of grass-fed butter and some coconut oil. Tasty and aromatic!
Lunch – Spam Fries and Cole Slaw
Any leftover cabbage from the previous day’s dinner can be fried in a pan along with some chopped spam. If you have some low-carb ketchup, you are free to add in the mixture.
Dinner – Tacos
There are countless ways to make homemade tacos. Anyone of them is fine, as long as you leave out the tortillas and replace them with cream and cheese.
Breakfast – Eggs or coffee
Pick your meal – solid or liquid. If you are feeling lucky, experiment by frying some beaten eggs and adding chopped mushrooms in the mixture.
Lunch – Taco Salad
Do you have leftover tacos from the other day? Add some veggies and sour cream and you have made yourself a taco salad. You can eat as much of this as you like.
Dinner – Roasted Veggies and Pork
Rub down some pork roast with cumin, salt and garlic. Roast broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts in the oven and add it to the pork.
Breakfast – Avocado Eggs
Don’t panic! Today you can treat yourself with some avocado-spiced eggs. Cut the avocado in two parts and remove the seed. Crack an egg and fill the hole in the middle. Bake this until the egg is set.
Lunch – Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Cook some chicken and add low-carb condiments. Add salt, onions and maybe some red pepper. All of this, along with some veggies, can be wrapped in a lettuce leaf and eaten like a sandwich.
Dinner - Philly Cheesesteak
You’ve made it to the last meal of the week! You deserve a treat. This is a favorite meal among keto dieters and undoubtedly you will love it too. Use the leftover pork and some shredded cheddar, bake it in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 350 degrees.
If you made it this far into reading, then you know everything you need to know about ketosis. Take some time to absorb all of this knowledge and prepare yourself with all the ingredients and tools you will need for this journey. Maybe look for a nearby gym or running track too. If you follow all of the given advice and practice the meal plan, in three weeks you will see noticeable changes. These changes are not limited to your physical appearance, but they also extend to the way you feel about yourself, your energy and activity throughout the day.

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