What is keto diet
You have undoubtedly heard of the ketogenic diet .
This is the latest hype , every newspaper is writing about it and information about it online is exploding.
Contents hide
1 So what is this keto diet? What does even ketogenic mean and how does it do?
2 Why has the ketogenic diet become super popular in recent years?
3 Modern science proves it works.
4 The basics of how a ketogenic diet works.
5 What is happening?
6 Now what does all of this have to do with ketogenic?
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So what is this Keto Diet?
What does even ketogenic mean and how does it do?
In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about it.
First of all, what does the word “ ketogenic ” mean ?
Basically the body can run on two different fuels.
One is the sugar from the carbohydrates in the food we eat and that is what most people primarily use today.
Let's say they eat bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.
The other fuel is fat.
The ketogenic diet is a very low carbohydrate diet that is so low in carbohydrates that the body has to switch to primarily using fat for fuel.
For example, from real foods like eggs, meat, avocados, butter, olive oil, nuts, etc.
Even the brain can be fueled by fat. When the body is low on sugar, fat is converted in the liver into energy molecules called ketones , which fuel the brain, and the resulting diet is called ketogenic, which means it produces ketones .
And that is why the diet is called the ketogenic diet.
Being fed primarily by fat, a condition called ketosis“, Has many benefits including that you become a fat burning machine.
It is perfect for losing weight without hunger, burning fat 24/7 even while you sleep, because it gives you tons of energy you will hardly ever run out of.
Why has the ketogenic diet become super popular in recent years?
In fact, not entirely new, the basis of ketogenic is an ancient method that you have heard of a million times.
It's a strict low-carb diet , it's a gluten-free diet, it's similar to the Paleo diet, and it's very similar to the old and well-known Atkins diet .
The basic idea is super simple and based on real food.
You are simply avoiding most carbohydrates like sugar, processed junk food, bread, pasta, rice etc.
And instead, you eat meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, and natural fats like butter.
What is different with Ketogenic ?
Is this a low carb, supercharged diet where you can make sure you get the maximum benefit?
We'll see the details later.
So ketogenic is a supercharged version of an old idea. Similar diets have been tried for decades, if not centuries. These similar diets are coming back more popular than ever because they work.
And this could have an evolutionary explanation as our ancestors did not eat refined carbohydrates or sugar like we do today, so our bodies may not be adapted to these foods.
Modern science proves it works.
On a ketogenic diet , most people can lose excess weight without feeling hungry, and a number of health issues tend to improve.
More importantly, a ketogenic diet is not just used as a temporary solution, many people appreciate it as a long-term lifestyle , not just for weight loss but for health and well-being long run and stay in shape all year round.
Many people feel energetic, clear-headed, and have stable blood sugar levels.
Most of the hunger goes away, the cravings for sugary foods are reduced, so there is no need to snack all the time.
People save time by being happy with fewer meals, they eat delicious food when they're hungry, and there's no need to even count calories. They don't even need to exercise.
Most people feel so full that they can eat when they are hungry and still eat less and lose excess weight.
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Now, of course, a little exercise is good for your health and feeling better, but it's not necessary for weight loss and certainly not on the ketogenic diet.
The basics of how a ketogenic diet works.
Understanding this will make it much easier to make it work for you.
A ketogenic diet turns you into a fat-burning machine to lose weight very easily , stay full for long periods of time, control your blood sugar, and reverse many common health issues.
Your body will burn fat and your brain will burn ketones which are also made from fat, so you will be a fat burning machine.
It is important to realize that this is very different from what is considered normal today.
There is a disaster all over the world, massive obesity epidemic .
In the modernized world, most people are already overweight or obese. and associated with that there is a massive worldwide epidemic of diabetes meaning too much sugar in people's blood.
One in two Americans is now expected to have type 2 diabetes in their lifetime.
And incredibly in China, the type 2 diabetes epidemic is even worse, it is a disaster in India as well as in the Arab world.
Not just in the United States and Europe, it is a global problem that is currently causing terrible complications, excess fat in the body and excess sugar in the blood.
What's going on?
Around the world, we now have easy access to foods high in carbohydrates and sugars 24/7.
Foods that are also very appetizing, which means that they are so rewarding that they are likely to lose. addictive, so if we are just doing what everyone else is doing we are likely to eat and drink sugar or starch several times a day.
Now, the problem with mostly burning sugar , is that effective? Our body burns fat via the hormone insulin.
When you eat carbohydrates, you increase blood sugar levels and increase insulin levels.
Now insulin is the body's fat storage hormone, it tells your body to store the fat you eat for later.
So the sugar is burnt first and the fat is stored for later and that is the problem in short because later never comes.
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So if people eat what most people are eating their blood streams are constantly filled with sugar.
Worst case, even turning them into diabetics and at the same time constantly storing fat.
And that's why we have an obesity epidemic .
Eating less and moving more just isn't enough to stop it, we now know that.
Losing weight by counting calories is hard work.
As long as people eat a lot of sugar or carbohydrates and think they are doing it right, it can be almost hopeless.
Because they will constantly be in fat storage mode.
Now what does all of this have to do with ketogenic?
A ketogenic diet is the exact opposite.
Instead of burning sugar all the time, we are burning fat.
Obviously, ketogenic isn't the only healthy way to eat, but it's the most powerful diet .
A ketogenic diet is a very low carb diet.
On a ketogenic diet your body is supplied with fat, all the muscles in our body can be supplied with fat directly.
But the brain cannot, however, and this is where we come to the word “keto”, short for “ketogenic”.
When you eat very little carbohydrate your body will gain fat and convert it in the liver to small molecules of energy called “ketones”.
And ketones are great fuel for your brain.
So on keto even your brain will burn fat via ketones, this is actually a function that the body needs, whenever you don't eat for a while, whether you are fasting or starving, stored sugar. gets depleted quickly and the body starts producing ketones from fat to fuel the brain, so you don't have to go on a keto diet to get into ketosis.
You can also just fast for a day or two and you could also go into ketosis and burn a lot of fat.
Ultimately, keto makes you a fat burning machine.
While someone else can run on a treadmill for an hour to burn fat you will burn fat 24/7, even while sleeping.
It is the ultimate diet for weight loss and it can help you feel better and perform better.
Why? well, because you never run out of fuel.
Your body can only store carbohydrates for a few hours or a day at most, this means that if you are a sugar burner you will quickly get hungry again, you will have to eat and prepare food all the time, and if you do not don't, you will probably feel hungry, tired.
On the other hand, the body stores fat with enough energy for weeks or even months and on a keto diet your body and brain have access to it all the time.
You will become the Energizer Bunny , you will be able to keep going, feeling energized, full and great without ever having to stop for a snack.
You can even easily skip a few meals if you want to save tons of time, even money, and all the time you'll be burning fat, even in bed dreaming your body and brain are burning fat.
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