Various individuals have various preferences. Certain individuals favor fiery food while some can't endure hot food. Some foster sensitivities subsequent to having peanuts or smelling a specific kind of bloom. Certain individuals incline toward strolling while some can pull off focused energy cardio exercises like running. Certain individuals can endure a sweltering environment and sun while some foster sun related burn while going in the sun or have a draining nose in a warm environment. Some can have frostbite in cool circumstances. Everything relies upon the satmya and asatmya of the individual. Which is different for each individual so in this article we will be taking a gander at the idea of satmya and asatmya
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Prakriti satmya
Desha satmya
Ritu satmya
Vyadhi satmya
Swabhav satmya
Jaati satmya
Vaya satmya
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It is a vital idea in Ayurveda and it is utilized broadly in each step while giving ayurvedic treatment. It has significance in pariksha (history) of the patient. It is additionally utilized while endorsing medications for the patient and furthermore while giving the eating regimen and way of life adjustments. Satmya and Asatmya can be considered by Doshas Prakriti, Disease.
The medications, food, way of life conditions, and air which is reasonable and routine for the individual are known as satmaya (charak/vi/1/20) this idea is otherwise called upshya in ayurveda. The meds, food, way of life conditions, and climate which isn't reasonable for the patient and are not adjusted to it are known as asatmya. It is otherwise called anupshya. The food, way of life, meds, and air which is adjusted to the individual yet are not appropriate for their prakriti or body constitution is known as oaksatmya.
It alludes to an individual's reasonableness for a specific geological region. Individuals living in a specific region have various types of food propensities and ways of life.
There are 3 sorts of desha told in ayurveda
Jaangal desha-which for the most part have dried properties of the area, plants and creatures which fill in the space are additionally having dry properties and bother vata and pitta dosha so satmya for these individuals will be clammy or food varieties which are sneh yukta.
Anup desha-which is otherwise called boggy land, plants and creatures developed there will have kapha exasperating properties. Individuals living there will likewise have more kapha dosha in them so satmya for them is dry or hot sort of food
Sadharan desha-it is the typical sort of land which has every one of the three doshas in adjusted structure and where every one of the environments are moderate in condition so individuals residing there will actually want to endure every sort of food. click here for keto diet;:
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