in khazars •  5 years ago  (edited)

If you come to an understanding of what I am about to tell you right now, you will have come to the knowledge of one of the greatest hidden historical secrets in existence today. This secret is one of the greatest weapons of the Jews against the goyim/gentile masses and it will be their undoing as soon as the masses awaken from their slumber and stupor to these facts of their present and historical reality.

When we speak of the Jews, when we expose their endless lies one after another, there are always people on both the “Jewish” and gentile side of the spectrum that become terribly confused and in most cases offended.
One of the comments I often hear, is “not all Jews are bad”…
My answer to that is simple, “Yes! I agree with you and when we say, Jews did this or Jews did that, we aren’t saying all Jews of the world did this or that, anymore than if someone were to say, Christians or Muslims committed this or that crime, we aren’t saying all Christians or all Muslims did it.” We live in a culture of mentally unstable people that were trained by society and academia to see themselves as perpetual victims and they wear this victimhood status and whensoever someone dares challenge their worldview or beliefs, they spaz out into a tantrum.

To conquer the “Jewish question/problem” as it has been termed, one MUST come to a FULL understanding of what it means to be Jewish and who these people really are. After doing over half a decade of research into this topic, this is how I will put this, hang with me to the end of this and everything will come together. Everything I’m going to say here is backed by fact which you can find references to on my “SOURCES” blog post for PARTS 1 & 2 of my multi-part series on this topic called “THE HIDDEN AND FORBIDDEN HISTORY OF THE KHAZARS (aka Jews)” here:

To make this mountain of information more easily understandable I have divided, those who are known today as Jewish/“Jewish” people into three main categories:

  1. Jews - who practice Judaism theistically
  2. Atheistical Jews - also Jews but practice Judaism atheistically
  3. “Jews” or fake Jews - who don’t practice Judaism and aren’t actually Jews but consider themselves “Jews by race”

1). Jews - who practice Judaism theistically:
JUDAISM IS NOT A RACE. Lets get one thing clear. It is not a nationality, it is not an ethnicity, it is not a genetic trait! JUDAISM is a RELIGION and that only! I am NOT saying that an overwhelming amount of people who practice Judaism (Jewish people) and even those who do not practice Judaism but consider themselves Jewish “by race”, aren’t bound together by a common genetic/racial/ethnic factor. What I AM saying is that this genetic factor is not a JEWISH one but something else, which I will get into in a second.

Contrary to popular beLIEf and to what (privately owned, Jewish) “DNA testing” 23AndMe (as well as other genetic testing companies) will tell you, you CANNOT be born Jewish (anymore than you can be born Buddhist, Christian, or Muslim). You cannot be “part Jewish”, you cannot be "racially Jewish because your mother is Jewish” (halakhic definition of who is a Jew – maternal descent), you cannot have Jewish ancestry (unless your ancestors practiced Judaism), there’s not such thing as a Jewish gene, Jewish blood or “Jewish race”. There is no such thing as a Jewish race, this is vital and crucial to understand if you want to solve the “Jewish question”.

Here are a just a few Jewish/Israeli references:

Simply put: if you practice Judaism, you are Jewish and if you don't, you're not. Just like if you practice Buddhism you are Buddhist, Christianity - Christian, Islam - Muslim and so on. Anyone can become Jewish if they convert to Judaism.

This is what I classify as the “First Type” of Jew: a person who practices Judaism as his religion. This is what it means to be truly Jewish. You must practice Judaism. You follow the Talmud and Torah and adhere to your religious teachings and rabbinical authority. Most of these Jews are what are known as “right-wing” Jews. They make up the right political parties in Israel, which they believe is their ancient homeland (it is absolutely NOT). These Jews are of various ethnic origins but predominantly of Khazar (“Yiddish”, Ashkenazi, Sephardic) origins. They are almost exclusively NON-Semitic, not now, not in their ancestry. They are not White (pure European lineage) but instead almost exclusively Caucasian (of the Asians that settled in the Caucasus Mountains - more on this below)

Started from the Caucasus.jpg

2). This brings me to the “Second Type” of Jews - Atheistical Jews - also Jews but who practice Judaism atheistically:
You may have heard the phrase “atheistical Jews”. Winston Churchill referred to these Jews when he said “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part ATHEISTICAL Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others.”

Some people think that “atheistical Jew” refers to people who do NOT practice Judaism and are “Jews by race”. I would like to offer you clarification on this matter because this is a common but terrible incorrect misconception. Being an “atheistical Jew” does not mean you do not practice Judaism. It just means that you do not believe that there is a god or another supernatural force that will bring about the promise of Judaism - the “Jew World Order” (Messianic kingdom of the Jews). Judaism, if you zoom out of the nitty-gritty aspects of the religion, is essentially Communism. In fact, countless figures, many of whom where Jewish or atheistical Jews, have admitted this.

  • “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” - Rabbi Harry Waton, 1939
  • “The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism.” - Rabbi Harry Waton (A Program for the Jews and Humanity p. 143-144)
  • “Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.” - Rabbi Stephen Weiss
  • “The Jew is an inborn communist.” - Otto Weininger (Jewish Writer and Philosopher, Sex and Character, p. 311)
  • “Communism is Judaism. The Jewish revolution in Russia was in 1918.” - Henry Hamilton Beamish

Judaism (Talmud/Torah) teaches Jewish people that they are “gods chosen people” and that ALL non-Jews are not human beings but “beasts of the land in human form whom were created to serve the Jews as slaves”. Because Jews are “gods chosen people”, YHWH/Hashem, didn’t want the Jews to work, so he created the goyim/gentiles (non-Jews) whom are “beasts in the form of a human” so they could serve “gods chosen people” as they ought to be served. As one of the most prominent and respected Chief Jewish rabbis, Ovadia Yosef said:

Ovadia Yosef - Goyim Were Born .png

Judaism further teaches Jews that because Jews are “gods chosen people”, ALL the land of the world, all the riches and wealth, and all the beasts of the land (animals and goyim (non-Jews)) belong to the Jews and right now the Jews are “scattered” among the nations, but soon, in the “end-times” god, will help his “chosen people” come together and decimate and destroy all non-Jews except for 2,800 goyim slaves per every Jew and thereupon, the “Messianic kingdom” will begin and the Jews will be the true masters, rulers and owners of all the land of the world, all the riches and wealth and all the beasts of the land (animals and goyim), and the goyim will serve the Jews for eternity as their slaves. This is the “prophecy” and promise of Judaism to it’s adherents.

THIS, is what Communism is in a nutshell. It seeks to obtain full ownership of all the land of the world, all the riches of the world and all of humanity. Karl Marx was a son of a Jewish Rabbi and wrote the Communist Manifesto BASED ON the leading main principles of the Talmud.

This letter, allegedly written by Baruch Levy to Karl Marx in 1879 (reprinted in La Revue de Paris, p. 574 June 1, 1928) summarizes the atheistical Jews and their role in bringing about the “Jew World Order” (Messianic kingdom), “The Jewish people as a whole will be its own messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said that when the messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”

These Jews know that there is no God/YHWH/Hashem, that will be handing anything over to anyone because they understand the history of these writs and know the facts of historical reality surrounding the origins of the three “Abrahamic” religions. They know that none of what is written in the Torah is by any historical account literal historical fact.

THUS, they understand that in order for the Jews to get their long awaited, “Jew World Order” (Messianic kingdom), whereby the Jews will be in absolute and total control of everything and everyone in the world and it will all belong to them as their property, these atheistical Jews know that this endeavor will have to be attained by the sheer will and force of THEIR own hand.

This is why atheistical Jews exist. It’s not that they don’t believe in the promise of Judaism, it’s that they have a different way of attaining that promise than the theistical jews. It’s that they know that if they don’t force self-fulfill these “prophecies”, if they don’t wage relentless wars upon the “goyim” of the world, Judaism along with it’s promise would die as it would have died many centuries ago, as have countless such religions before it. So these atheistical Jews are in reality, playing “god” for both the true Jews (adherents of the Talmud/Torah), the oblivious and ignorant Christians as well as the rest of the goyim masses.

How do I know that Judaism would have died a long time ago if not for these atheistical Jews (literalizing and self-fulfilling the “prophecies of the sages”) and the Talmudic Rabbinical authority which is leading Judaism today? Many people think that the Torah is the foundation and principle of the Jewish religion today. This is an enormous falsehood. The foundation and leading authority of Judaism today all over the world is the Babylonian Talmud (which is an interpretation of the Torah by the rabbinical authority, and a compilation of guidelines by which Jews of the world, must live and attain their total world domination over the goyim masses). The Talmudic-rabbinical authority at the time of the creation of the Talmud 500-800C.E. knew that the Torah itself will eventually be exposed for the fact that it has not historical basis to it’s literal stories, AT ALL. They realized then that if the Jewish people where to ever attain their goal of world domination, that it would have to come from the direct instructions of the Talmudic-rabbinical authority, which is forbidden to be challenged. They then have established the Talmud (NOT THE TORAH) and it’s teachings as the foundation of Judaism.

See for yourself what the Talmud teaches about the importance of it’s writings over the Torah.
Rava expounded another verse in similar fashion: What is the meaning of that which is written: “And more than these, my son, be careful: of making many books [sefarim] there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12)? My son, BE CAREFUL TO FULFILL the words of the Sages soferim EVEN MORE THAN the words of the Torah. For the words of the Torah include positive and negative commandments, and even with regard to the negative commandments, the violation of many of them is punishable only by lashes. Whereas with respect to the words of the Sages, anyone who transgresses the words of the Sages is liable to receive the death penalty, as it is stated: “And whoever breaches through a hedge, a snake shall bite him” (Ecclesiastes 10:8), taking hedges to refer metaphorically to decrees.
Raba made the following exposition: What is the purport of the Scriptural text: And, furthermore my son, be admonished: Of making many books etc.? My son, be more careful in [the observance of] the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah, for in the laws of the Torah there are positive and negative precepts; but, as to the laws of the Scribes, whoever transgresses any of the enactments of the Scribes incurs the penalty of death. In case you should object: If they are of real value why were they not recorded [in the Torah]? Scripture stated: ‘Of making many books there is no end’.(2)

I have proven to you that the Talmud supersedes the Torah and is in fact the guiding and foundation of Judaism today. This is why Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto based on the principles, teachings and objectives of the Talmud. This is why the atheistical Jews, don’t recognize the Torah or God/YHWH/Hashed. They know these characters aren’t real, don’t exist and won’t be coming to “save the Jews” or fulfill the “prophecies of the sages” that say that all the land, it’s riches and beasts (and goyim) are property of the Jews. They know that if they don’t take matters into their own hands as is directed to them by the Talmud, nothing will happen and Judaism along with it’s promises to the Jewish people, would vanish in history.

Most of these Jews are controlling both the left and the right. The are the ones that wage relentless wars, own the central banking cartels, mainstream media, governments of the world, UN, etc. Their main ideology is Zionism but they use all the tools at their disposal such as, Jewish orthodoxy, Christianity, Islam, Marxism/Cultural Marxism/Communism/Bolshevism and so on.

These are the troublesome pests that are truly behind all the horror and misery that has been bestowed upon humanity. They own the Central Banks of the world and through usury, hopelessly enslave the goyim/gentile masses. They're behind the numerous secret societies/orders including the Jesuit Order and the Order of Freemasonry, which is behind the 3 "Abrahamic" religions and the sun-worshipping cult of heliocentrism. These Jews start and fund wars to create oceans of blood and carry out full-scale genocides of (especially) those who stand in the way of their world domination goals. At least from what we can tell, these Jews are largely funded and led by the Rothschild Central Banking cartel (a Jewish terrorist banking family) whom are responsible for the creation of the Israel through the Balfour Declaration and funding of the Zionist movement and countless other subversive movements that help foster in the "Jew World Order"/One World Government, out of Jerusalem, led by these Jews. These are the Jews of whom Jewish founder of Zionism Theodor Herzl said:

Theodor Herzl - Wealthy Jews.png

These Jews know that prior to 1948 Israel never existed. They know that none of the Torah is literal and they laugh the theistical Jews to scorn, whilst also using them to attain their world domination goal. This is why the left and right are constantly at it in Israel and all over the world. These atheistical Jews strive to achieve world domination by whatever means possible as I have previously mentioned vs the THEISTICAL Jews whom are waiting for YHWH/Hashem to magically fall from heaven and deliver them a Messiah who will fulfill the “prophecies”. You could say these atheistical Jews are the most clever of the three types. They’re playing not only the First and Third Types of Jews, but in fact the entire world and primarily the docile and oblivious Christians whom are too much of cowards to set their egos and cognitive dissonance aside and learn the facts of their present and historical reality and the true origins and history of their “faith”.

These same atheistical Jews are at the tops of the Jewish/Christian and Muslim THEISTICAL groups/leadership. They know the truth, but they are pretending to be THEISTICAL Jews to not lose the support THEISTICAL side of Judaism (as well as Christianity and Islam). Benjamin Netanyahu is a PRIME example of this spineless Rothschild puppet. He is knowingly lying to his flocks about the “prophecies” and using the Torah to justify their terrorist Khazar occupation of Palestine. He knows it’s not literal, he knows Israel never existed prior to 1948 and he also knows if he doesn’t lie, if he tells his flocks the truth, he will be replaced by another puppet who will carry on with the agenda. He even admitted this in 1990, “If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a gold calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the worlds biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God.”

These are the Second Type of Jews. They're using all the tools at their disposal on both the left and right, theistical/atheistical sides of the spectrum, whatever means necessary and possible to bring about the "Jew World Order" aka the "Messianic kingdom".

3). Lastly, “Jews” (in quotations) or simply, fake Jews - who don’t practice Judaism and aren’t actually Jews but consider themselves “Jews by race”:
Now that you understand the difference between theistical Jews and atheistical Jews, allow me to explain to you one last category of “Jews”. This is what I call the “Third Type” of “Jew” (in quotations).
This “third type” of “Jew” refers to people that do not practice Judaism at all. Not in it’s theistical nor atheistical forms. These people believe they are purely Jews “by race”. They believe in the fantastic historical lie that Jews are a race, ethnicity, are genetically Jewish, part Jewish, Jewish “by mother”, etc.

These people think that eating latkes and lighting the menorah on Hanukkah, makes them Jewish. The believe in a “Jewish identity” as a racial type of matter and not merely a religious ordeal.

To understand this particular “Jewish” category, you must dive back into history to the roots of these people. Most of the “Jews” claiming this type of “Jewishness” are Ashkenazi’s but some Sephardis as well.
The two main reasons they are of this belief is because a). their “DNA testing” facilities told them they had “Jewish DNA” (a LIE I have debunked for you at the beginning of this blog) and b) society’s accepted beliefs with regards to history.

But where do these societally accepted beliefs actually come from? To understand this you will have to dive into some hidden and forbidden (as I call it) history. This history was ordered to be destroyed from public knowledge after the “6-Day War” in Palestine where Khazars mercilessly murdered countless thousands if not millions of people in and around Palestine to establish their military domination of the region.

Shlomo Sand, an Israeli Emeritus Professor of History at Tel Aviv University and the author of the New York Time’s bestseller, “The Invention of the Jewish People” as well as 6 other books on the topic, noted, “The Khazar conversion is no revelation. It was the basis for a 1976 book by Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, which was reviled, then ignored, by mainstream Zionism. But the Jewish Khazars were recognized by early Zionist historians, albeit as a numerically insignificant curiosity. They were only dropped from the story in the 1960s. After the 1967 Six Day War, to be precise. Sand notes that the disappearance of converts from Israeli history books coincides with increased occupation of Arab land. This is not a conspiracy theory.” - The Guardian (

So what exactly is this HIDDEN AND FORBIDDEN history of “gods chosen people” or as I like to say, Lord Balfour’s chosen Khazars? Understanding this key part of history will allow you to finally grasp the true nature of not just the “Jewish people”, but their ideals, mindset, worldview, hatred of all non-Jews but ESPECIALLY White Europeans (this unfathomable hatred of White Europeans is most obvious and prevalent in the “left-leaning” Jews, the Marxist/Communists, whom are currently cowardly hiding behind the masks of democracy, liberalism and progressivism, as Jewish Bolshevik and Communist Alexander Trachtenberg said:

Alexander Trachtenberg - When We Take America.png

After a number of years of intense research of this matter, which has been particularly difficult due to the endless censorship of these historical facts by Jewish-owned/founded search engines/content sharing platforms such as Google and YouTube, I have managed to compile my research into a multi-part series that I am developing called “THE HIDDEN AND FORBIDDEN HISTORY OF THE KHAZARS (aka Jews)”

I will briefly summarize my findings here but I highly encourage you to please read through PART 1 & 2 of my research and definitely go through my PART 1 & 2 SOURCES, page as well for evidence that supports the claims I make in my “THE HIDDEN AND FORBIDDEN HISTORY OF THE KHAZARS (aka Jews)” series.


Essentially this is what happened: It isn’t exactly clear but either in the first century of the Current Era (C.E.) or the first century Before Current Era (B.C.E.) a warlike tribe consisting of three Asiatic tribes were expelled from their homeland of Central Asia due to their savage and vile, warlike tendencies which the surrounding Asiatic nations could no longer tolerate.

Upon being expelled from their homeland of Central Asia, these (now) nomadic Asiatic tribes, fled West, until they found themselves between the Black and Caspian Seas in the Caucasus Mountains and the areas which are now Southern Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and part of Turkey, in the 25 European, what were then just peaceful agricultural nations. These Asiatic nomads savagely attacked the European people, murdering men and capturing the women whom they later tortured and raped, thus interbreeding and injecting themselves into the White mans skin.

Often times, people today are ignorant of the fact that Caucasian and White are NOT the same thing. White refers to the people of the pure European bloodlines/lineage. Caucasian, as the name implies, refers to these Asians that settled in the Caucasus Mountains, the Asiatic nomads that I just described whom raped and tortured their way into the White mans skin. Ashkenazi's and other Khazars are not White. They do not come from pure European bloodlines/lineage. They are Asiatics that raped and tortured their way into the White mans skin but they will never be what we White people are, true Europeans with a history spanning many thousands of years and multiple continents, all the way back to the origins of the Germanic peoples and before. They will never truly be us. That is why these "Jews" hate us with a vicious hatred the likes of which the bowels of human history cease to record. They envy us and are jealous of us, our true origins, true history, our beauty, our genius, our strength and power of will and our ability to outlast and resist their every attempt to genocide all of us out of existence. These Caucasian Khazars didn't even have a language when they were expelled from Central Asia, only mumbles and inaudible sounds. Before it became known as the Yiddish language, the mother-tongue of the Khazars added many words to its limited originally Asiatic-Mongol vocabulary, as necessity required. They adapted words to their requirements from the German, the Slavonic and the Baltic languages. They adopted a great number of words from the German language though contrary to popular belief, the Yiddish language is not a German dialect. Yiddish must not be confused with Hebrew however, just because both use the same characters as their alphabets. The Hebrew letters were stolen to sell the "Jewish myth" of them being Semites whose homeland is Palestine and the Middle East. There is not one word of Yiddish in ancient Hebrew nor is there one word of ancient Hebrew in Yiddish (just like Swedish and Spanish which both use the same Latin characters for their alphabets, but are entirely different languages).

The main point I want to stress here is that they are not White, they are Caucasian. They admit it too but when it's useful for them, they use the White skin color to their gain, like when they say "'We' white people are the worst people to ever live, we are the most oppressive race in history and we should all pay reparations, we have done this and that and so on and should do this and that and so on for these people and those people and so on, and should all come together to dismantle 'white supremacy' and end and abolish whiteness and the entire white race...". But the instance someone says to them, "oh but aren't you White yourselves?" They quickly jump ship and say, "no, we're not white, we're Jewish". What they really mean is they're not White, they're KHAZARS. They use the implied "Jewish race" to conceal their true identity and origins. These people are sick, totally sick in the head, mentally ill, diabolically evil in fact. They lie through their snouts and brainwash the docile, oblivious and gullible "goyim", to manipulate and steer the opinions and minds of their herds and flocks into whichever direction suits them at that particular moment. They are, as Eran Elhaik said of them, “liars and frauds”. They and their wicked lies must be exposed and they must suffer the consequences of their unfathomable evil.

***As a little update here:
The official twitter page for the FBI Record Vaults, by some yet unknown miracle published a tweet:
Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion:

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( linking to it's record vault containing the Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion and the FBI's declassified full original investigation into the matter. Please download the full PDF here:

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What I wanted to bring to your attention however, is the following:
"The ASIATIC (please note their TRUE race... it is ASIATIC because they are Cauc-ASIAN - Asiatics, THEY ARE NOT, NEVER WERE AND NEVER WILL BE SEMITES) Marxist Jews Control Entire World As Last World War Commences"

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Are you listening now? Are you seeing it now?

Back to what I was saying, after sometime, between their arrival in Europe and the sixth century C.E. these Asiatic nomads, established a kingdom for themselves and called it Khazaria. From this point on they were known as the Khazars. Their cruelty and savagery knew no bounds however, and they were widely known as highway men (who would attack the trade caravans passing around them, steal their possessions, murder them and assume their identities) and pagan phallic worshippers known for human ritual sacrifice and ritualistic sex orgies. They became quite a force and it wasn’t until the surrounding nations came to the Russian King of the rapidly expanding Russian Empire to the North of what was Khazaria, and begged for the Russian King to stop the madness. The Russian King, then came to King Bulan of Khazaria and told him to stop the savagery and forced him to pick one of the 3 “Abrahamic” religions, convert himself and his subjects to it and adhere to it.

In 740 C.E. King Bulan, converted himself and much of his subjects to what was then known as Babylonian Talmudism. You will find many Jewish sources including encyclopedias still admitting to all of this in my PART 1 & 2 Sources page (link above). King Bulan brought the rabbis from Babylon, established synagogues and schools and outwardly began practicing Talmudism (Judaism today). Even though he and his officials outwardly practiced Talmudism, they continued on this path of savagery and vileness until in the 10th-13th centuries C.E. when the Russian Empire surrounded Khazaria, dissolved it and gave the lands back to the original European owners. This destruction of Khazaria, appears to be one fo the primary reasons the (especially) “Third Type” of Jews, of the leftist: Marxist/Communist ideologies, despise White people with every fiber of their being. They openly call for our wholesale genocide and promote White genocide through LGBTQP+, miscegenation, demographic replacement, various poisons and sterilizers for Western countries (placed in our water and “food” and sprayed in our air), through endless wars and genocides, and every manner possible in between. Lenin and Stalin, whom are two of the biggest mass murderers in all of European history, were Jews and communist Jews at that. They orchestrated, carried out and tried to cover up the murder of over 66 million Russian and over 10 million Ukrainian people from the Bolshevik Revolution to the Holodomor to all the genocides in between from 1903-1945.

After Khazaria was dissolved, the Khazars, spread throughout much of Europe. A large portion of the Khazars that fled West yet again and settled in what was known then as Rhineland/Germany, became known as Ashkenazim/Ashkenazis. The Khazars that fled to Spain where they joined other Khazars that left there before the fall of Khazaria, became collectively known as the Sephardim/Sephardis. The Khazars that stayed in what is known as the Ukraine now and Southern Russia, were known simply as Yids or as they call themselves now, “Jews”. Yiddish was the language that bound all Khazars together and for a long period of time, after Khazaria was dissolved, these Khazars identified as ethnically Yiddish. Even to this day you can find Yiddish communities that didn’t pull new masks on to conceal their identity and to this very day, Yiddish is also the international language of the Jews or more correctly of the Khazars.

Most people today ignorantly attribute the 6-pointed star (hexagram) to the Old Testament character King David and/or his son King Solomon. In actual fact however, neither of these characters ever existed as a matter of historical record. Archeologists and historians have further proven that the hexagram is not a symbol that is found in any ancient depictions of the West, Middle East, Palestine or areas surrounding. The true origin of the hexagram, so far as historical record is concerned is traced back to the Orient. It is true that many Eastern cultures and traditions have an overwhelming abundance of depictions of both the hexagram as well as the swastika.

So how did the hexagram make it's way from Asia to Europe and through to Palestine? This question is actually relatively easy to answer if you consider the information I have provided above about the hidden and forbidden true history of the Khazars. In fact, even though not many artifacts are available to the public today, recovered from the days of the Khazar kingdom, one artifact stands as stark proof of the journey the hexagram took from the Orient and into Europe and through it, to Palestine.


The hexagram is one of the oldest studied and best known artifacts of the dissolved Khazar kingdom, used primarily on their coins, the hexagram has become the symbol of the Khazarian - Rothschild Zionist Federation, known as the "State of Israel".

In the early 1740's, Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Khazar/Jew, one of eight children was born in the Judengasse, the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt, Germany, to Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house. Moses Amschel Bauer placed a red sign above the entrance door to his counting house. The sign was a red hexagram (which geometrically and numerically translated into the number 666)(6 points, 6 mini triangles, 6 sided polygon).

In the 1760's following his father's death, Mayer returned to Frankfurt to take over his father's banking business. Mayer recognized the significance of the red hexagram and changed his sir name from Bauer to Rothschild. The name is derived from the German “Rot” meaning Red and “Schild” meaning Sign, in reference to the red sign above the entrance door to his fathers counting house (“with the red sign”) which, again, geometrically and numerically translated to the number 666 (6 points, 6 mini triangles, 6 sided polygon).

The reason Israelis, Zionists, Jews and Christians/Christian Zionists propagate this fantastic myth of the hexagram being the "Star of David" or the "Seal of Solomon" is because most of the are just parroting what others say because it suits their narrative but at the root of this myth, the deceivers propagate it to further validate the fantastic lie that what is currently known as the "State of Israel" is the ancient homeland of the Jewish people which was once ruled by King David and King Solomon. This is a lie. Before 1948, there was never an Israel, EVER. Not a single historical account of the fantastic kingdom of the Biblical fairytales can be found to support the myth. In fact, a thriving Phoenician Empire was situated exactly where the "kingdom of Israel" is alleged to have been, during that time period. But these lies are of great importance. Though lacking any historical basis whatsoever, they serve to justify the illegal and murderous, terrorist Khazar occupation of Palestine.

In 1897 Theodor Herzl, funded by the Rothschild central banking cartel, founded the Zionist movement and established the Zionist Federation. The Zionist movement is a Jewish political movement based on the Talmud and the promise of Judaism to the Jews of a "Messianic kingdom" for the Jews where the rest of the world of non-Jews will either be "genocided" out of existence, or, those that will remain will be part of the 2,800 goyim slaves/every Jew, whom will serve the Jews as slaves for the remainder of eternity. A bulk majority of these Ashkenazi Khazars left Germany to establish the International Khazar terrorist crime syndicate known as the "State of Israel" in Palestine which is none more than a Khazar/Jewish murderous, terrorist apartheid regime, committing genocide against the indigenous Palestinian people whom are the rightful owners of the land. So these Ashkenazi Khazars took this route to world domination.

The Khazars that remained in Russia however, didn't originally care much for the Zionist route because they never thought that such a tremendous lie could be pulled off. Their method of achieving world domination was to be through Communism and Bolshevism. This is why Winston Churchill wrote about "Zionism vs Bolshevism: A Struggle For The Soul of The Jewish People":


This is important to understand. Some people think that there was a clash between the Ashkenazi Khazar/Jewish Zionists and the Khazar/Jewish Bolsheviks. There wasn't a clash. There was a disagreement on which route they were going to successfully pull off to attain their world domination goal.

The Khazars who remained in Southern Russia and near and around there, didn't think that the Zionist route was going to be successful so they went full throttle with Communism and Bolshevism. The idea was that if they, starting with Russia as the biggest superpower that they were all closest to, if they could execute the Royal Family, the upper class and all of the inteligencia that was ruling the Russian people, and then through Communism completely get rid of the middle class, then they could successfully take over Russia and rule over the lower class as they please. They were going to use this method and strategy throughout all of Europe once they had successfully accomplished it in Russia. So they did. They started with Russia and the Ukraine, then moved to Poland, than to other countries and just as they attempted to do this in Germany, Adolf Hitler, seeing their entire strategy through and through, came and put an absolute and total end to it. These Jews then realizing what Hitler, just one man intelligent enough to see through the lies of the promises of Communism and what it's true aim was, knew that if they were to ever move forward, they would have to crush and decimate not just Hitler but all the work he has accomplished and as much of, if not all of the German people and this they have done.

These same Communists that used these tactics in Russia, Ukraine, other Eastern European countries and in Germany, they fled to the United States in the late 1880's immediately changing their names from Russian/Polish and other European names to English sounding ones. They then got to work on taking over the mainstream media, Hollywood, big corporations and the government (forcing Henry Ford to expose them in his multi volume set The International Jew, which I HIGHLY recommend that everyone reads:

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Today, as you read the quote above by Jewish Bolshevik and Communist Alexander Trachtenberg, these same Communist Khazars/Jews are hiding behind the labels of progressivism, liberalism and democracy. These are the same people that have mercilessly murdered over 113,000,000 White Europeans between 1903-1945, in Russia, Ukraine, Germany and other Eastern European countries. They are absolutely evil, diabolical and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals even if it means the total genocide of the entire White European race.

Vladimir Lenin (born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) a radical Marxist/Communist, Bolshevik and mass murdering Khazar/Jew once said:

Vladimir Lenin - For the Sake of Communism.png

They are crazed, blood thirsty savages that DESPISE White people with every fiber of their being. They openly call for our total genocide and they promote and carry out openly and in secret White genocide through various means such as sterilizers in vaccines/pharmaceuticals, water, GMO foods, chemtrails and various other means.

Since the Communist plot for world domination through Russia failed abysmally, a vast majority of these Russian speaking Bolshevik Khazars/Jews whom had not already migrated to the U.S. and other Western countries, joined the Zionist route and relocated to Israel. David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel. He was one such Khazar/Jew born in Russia who had relocated to Palestine to help bring about the Zionist/Khazar/Jewish terrorist crime syndicate known as the State of Israel.

The reason it is important to understand the true history of all of this is because without it you are blind to who the rulers and troublesome pests really are. It's not just as simple as saying "all Jews are in on this and all Jews are bad so we have to get rid of all Jews" or blaming the "left" or the "right". Both sides are compromised and owned. You need to understand the roles the different Jews/"Jews" are playing here.

  • There's the head of the snake: the agenda setters/"reality" creators/and funders at the very top. They make up the secret societies like the Order of Freemasonry, the Order of the Illuminati, the Jesuit Order, etc. The very top of the pyramid.
  • There's the body of the snake (which moves the whole snake where the head demands): the agenda enforcers/policy makers/slave class (consisting of both the Jew/"Jew" and goyim) mind controllers. These are your second level down secret societies and order: Committee of 300, Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, IMF, ADL, MOSSAD/UNIT 8200/CIA/DHS/NSA/FBI/DEA/MI5/MI6/etc...the enforce the orders of the top guys, are funded by them and make sure everything is going according to plan and that no one gets in the way.
  • And finally there's the tail of the snake (if you've ever seen snakes in the wild, they often times use their tails to cause a lot of destruction and confuse their prey): these are the slaves (yes even among the Jews/"Jews" whom are totally oblivious and clueless as to what the hell is going on, they just follow orders, follow their herds and flocks and attack anyone who challenges them and their superiors). This is the peasant class. They're docile, oblivious and totally braindead, "useful idiots". Their job is to cause chaos and destabilize the population through riots and civil unrest and various other such activities. They're your Antifa/BLM and other such forces.

If you want to defeat the enemy, if you want to destroy their diabolical plans, focus your attention and energy on the head of the snake, not the body or the tail. If you take the head out the body and tail are going to rot out on their own. The body and the tail are clueless slaves who can only follow orders from the head. We won't have to worry about them once the head is out.

The "left" in the United States and all over Europe and even Asia now, is Communist/Marxist/Leninist Khazars/Jews. They are advancing towards the "Jew World Order" by rotting the countries in which they rule, from the inside, through vile degeneracy, destruction of morale/order and the family unit (the fundamental building blocks of society and nations) and through outright White Genocide via migration and ethnic cleansing/replacement.

The "right" in the United States and Europe, is advancing towards the "Jew World Order" through endless wars for Israel and their pseudo-patriotism. They act as though they are working for the interests of the countries in which they reside but at the same time they pass laws to prevent criticism of them and Israel, they pass laws that make it illegal to question their holiest of hoaxes the HOLOHOAX. They are wolves in sheeps clothing whom have subverted the right and the true western masculine values through this terrible cancer of Christianity and "Christian Zionism". They appear to be patriots but their loyalty is ONLY to Israel. As Jewish founder of Zionism Theodor Herzl even said himself:

Theodor Herzl - One People.png

They use the White "goyim" from the U.S. and all over Europe to destroy and destabilize the countries of the Middle East and surrounding areas where Israel is trying to establish the "Greater Israel Project" from which they will rule the world in their "Messianic kingdom"...


...they then take these "refugees" from these destroyed or in many cases just poor 3rd world countries in general (not at all in conflict) and they dump them into Europe (and are trying to do the same in the U.S.) to help bring about their long awaited goal of complete and total White genocide so they could rule the masses that have an average IQ of 50. Once they are finished using the Western muscle to do their dirty work and bestow hell and destruction upon innocent people they will discard us and genocide all of us out of existence so that we don't turn around and wake the world up to what these creatures have pulled off. As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said:

Benjamin Netanyahu - Golden Calf.png

Make no mistake about it, both the "left": Marxist/Cultural Marxist/Communist/Leninists are working hand in hand with the "right": Zionist/Bolsheviks and are both funded by the Rothschild and his minions to carry out the complete and total genocide of all White people and the destruction of Europe as we know it (to replace them with a 3rd world country African and Muslim majority) and the rest of the Western world in it's entirety after which they will be able to establish their dream of the "Jew World Order"/"Messianic kingdom" and rule over the slaves as their overlords for eternity.

This is where we are at today. The reason most of these Ashkenazi (non-atheistical/theistical) Jews/“Jews” consider themselves “Jews by race” is because they were told this from generation to generation. Not all Khazars converted to Babylonian Talmudism (Judaism) to became Jews. But this fact is ignored and these “Jews by race” consider themselves Jews regardless of whether they practice Judaism or not. They believe that being Ashkenazi or Sephardi automatically makes them Jewish. This is an enormous falsehood.

The reason this lie is perpetuated on the Jewish/"Jewish" people, is to CONCEAL the fact that where a “Jewish race” is implied, what is actually being hidden is is their true KHAZAR race and origins. The Jews across the board but especially the “Second Type” I mentioned earlier, CANNOT afford humanity and the Jewish people waking up to the fact that their true origins and roots are NOT in Palestine or the Middle East, but in fact Central Asia, or the Caucasus Mountains if you want to go there. This historical FACT destroys the entire foundation and historical claims to land in Palestine, for the State of Israel which is the headquarters of the International Rothschild Central Banking Cartel aka the International Khazar Terrorist Crime Syndicate. The reason they ordered this historical information destroyed and hidden from public knowledge AFTER the 6-Day war, because they weren’t sure if they would win that war and thereafter be able to claim Biblical/Torah claims to that land. But when they realized they have established some type of ground in Palestine/Middle East that will allow them to PULL OFF this most enormous and cruel hoax in recorded history, they ordered this information destroyed.

In fact, as you can see from this article by the Times of Israel…
“Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine”
Jews (Khazars) were so unsure of the fact that they could pull off this monstrous historical lie of their claims to an “Ancient Israel” in the land of Palestine, that they were secretly planning a reverse migration to the Ukraine. Why the Ukraine? As I’ve said before, that is where a large portion of the Khazar kingdom used to be and THAT is where these Khazars come from (after they were expelled from their original homeland of Central Asia), not from Palestine of the Middle East.

The ENTIRE existence of the State of Israel DEPENDS on the “TRUE Hidden and Forbidden History of the Khazars”, being HIDDEN, ridiculed, marginalized and discredited. The Jews and Israelis across the entire spectrum of Judaism and all over the world, don’t want you to know that they are NOT Semites or descendants thereof, they have NO historical ties or claims to Palestine or the Middle East, and they have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to exist there. This truth, the Rothschild Central Banking Cartel cannot afford to be revealed to the masses, for their entire dream of the “Jew World Order” through the Talmudic/Communist doctrines, would crumble before their eyes and be blown away with the wind, and this would not only be the end the dream of the Khazars for world domination (which is why they originally converted to Babylonian Talmudism to begin with) once and for all but in fact to them as a people. This is really an all or nothing exercise for them, if they fail at establishing their headquarters in Palestine and pulling off this monstrous hoax of them being “gods chosen ones” and that land being rightfully theirs, humanity will come together to get rid of this troublesome pest once and for all of eternity.

Please take a moment to watch the following two videos to give you a good understanding how these "Jews" use ideological subversion and demoralization to subvert and demoralize entire nations into their Marxist/Cultural Marxist/Leninist/Communist ideologies to prevent an intelligent awakening and uprising against them and their diabolical plans for the West and all of humanity and the world:



In summary:

First Type of Jews:

  • True Jews
  • Terribly deceived and used by the “Second Type” of Jews
  • Practice Judaism theistically (adhere’s to Talmud/Torah)
  • Believe God/YHWH/Hashem will send a Messiah(Moshiach) who will rule over all the the goyim from Jerusalem in Israel, in the Messianic kingdom
  • Believe God/YHWH/Hashem will give every Jew 2,800 goyim slaves to serve them in the Messianic kingdom
  • Believe God/YHWH/Hashem will destroy all the goyim (non-Jews) with “sword and fire” but the 2,800 goyim slaves/Jew
  • Most often of Khazar origin, but can be of non-Khazar origin and in extremely rare cases in places like Northern Africa, even ethnically Semitic
  • Converts to Judaism whether recent or in their Khazar kingdom days
  • Usually belong to the “right-wing” party
  • Led by Chabad-Lubavitch formerly known as the Sabbatean Movement (led by Sabbatai Zevi, who proclaimed himself to be the Jewish messiah in 1666)

Second Type of Jews:

  • Also true Jews
  • The deceivers of the “First/Third Types” of Jews/“Jews” who are using both to bring about “Jew World Order” (Messianic Kingdom)
  • Outwardly pretend to practice Judaism theistically
  • Actually practice Judaism atheistically (follow only the Talmud/Zohar/Kabbalah and other doctrines like the Communist Menifesto)
  • Know God/YHWH/Hashem do not exist and no Messiah(Moshiach) will be coming to “deliver the Jewish people out of bondage”
  • Use literal claims of Torah to subdue ignorant and oblivious to the facts of historical reality Jew and also Christian and Muslim goyim masses into accepting the planned hell of WWIII, that is masking as the “fulfillment of end times prophecies” and the coming of the Messiah (for Jews) and “second-coming of Jesus” (for Christians)
  • Use Talmud, Communism (based on the Talmud), Marxism and Zionism to carry out and establish “Jew World Order” (Messianic Kingdom for the Jews)
  • Almost exclusively of Ashkenazi Khazar, but sometimes Sephardic Khazar origin, in extremely rare cases not of Khazar origin at all but work for Khazar (Jewish) interests to help bring about the “Jew World Order”
  • Own and fully control both the “right” (Bolshevik/Zionist/Orthodox Jewish movements) and the “left” (Marxist/Leninist/Communist) parties
  • Talmudists, Zionists, Communists, Marxists/Cultural Marxists, Leninists and Bolsheviks
  • Own Chabad-Lubavitch and all other movements in theistical/atheistical Judaism
  • Despise White people and openly and secretly call for, promote and carry out White genocide

Third Type of “Jews”:

  • Are NOT Jews at all actually (they don’t practice Judaism theistically or atheistically)
  • Terribly deceived and also used by “Second Type” of Jew
  • Usually (at least outwardly) oppose the State of Israel
  • Believe they are “Jews by race”
  • Eat latkes and light Menorah on Hanukkah (call themselves “Jews by race” because of this)
  • Practice some Jewish (really Khazar) traditions that aren’t of religious origin but cultural, mostly coming from their Khazar kingdom days
  • Almost exclusively of Ashkenazi Khazar origins
  • Exclusively leftist, “Marxist/Communist political prostitutes”
  • Led by Marxism/Cultural Marxism, Leninism and Communism
  • Despise White people and openly call for, promote and carry out White genocide

Thank you for reading. I hope you found this information useful and clarifying.

Please read, if you haven't already, my research contained in PARTS 1 & 2 (below) but especially my SOURCES page for all the information and evidence you'll need to prove what I've said here to be true to fact and reality.

Feel free to share the link to this post with everyone to help awaken humanity to the monstrous lies and historical FRAUD that is being carried out before our very eyes.

Thank you again and may peace be with you!

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