sigh. i cant ever get ahead.

in kicked •  6 years ago 


Truck lost tread and I can't move it very far.

But yeah parking ticket people snuck up while I was in the van and ticketed me.


Wow. What do I say? Me and dog are struggling for dog food and gas for the van.

Let alone the van needing work. And emissions. Which I can spend on A tire or failing emissions and the trip permit.

Wow. Floored. Can't afford $300 and court tomorrow. Really bummed.

Feels like you can't ever get ahead.

The tire was gonna be $200 but ordered 2 online for the same price. SteemVan needs it. And so much more.

But out of money and disability check has been cut in half. I have insurance and the phone. Maybe $60 a month gas fare after dogfood. Can't be out of that and I am.

But hopefully my check will come in. And maybe I'll have enough to get tires and trip permit. And be broke and unable to afford emissions and work on the van.

Sigh. I hate having to be forced to be homeless.

Last year things were great. A little misunderstanding and I'm forced onto the streets of Oregon.

Time and time again I've worked hard and had the rug pulled out from under me and dog.

Oh yeah dog. Lost 3 places to stay last year. Shelled out for place after place. Now funds and savings are empty.

Dog and I got the van to save again. To cut down on rent. Looks like that might be an option that's going to get lost soon.

I'm doing as much as I can and help others. But seems like I'm from a different age.

Well maybe Steemit and this will help. I've invested time and networking. And have some hopes.

But when you dont have much hope is valuable.

I'll never stop helping others. And me and dog can't wait for one day to not be stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Disability is only $500 a month. But a godly sum when they cut that in half. 250 - 50 for phone and 70 for insurance, then dogfood. At the end of the month I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Why don't I power down and sell it all for enough funds? Well hoping my investment here will grow. It's the only one left to me.

Well I'm gonna go think. Today was pretty rough on me.

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I got ur back. Will give u a bit to help out. You have my number and my support

Thanks and wow. Today is up down and back up!

Many thanks from me and puppets! Thanks!

Sorry you had a rough day .... I sympathize with the parking ticket situation ... living in nyc ... I get the tickets too sometimes ... it sucks that disability is usually not enough to cover the typical expenses now a days .

I hope it all works out for you and get the ticket situation straightened out ... hopefully the judge tomorrow goes easy on you , or at least gives you ample time to pay them. :(

Yeah that would be the entire money for the month. Which has been keeping me ticket free. Now this seems like a matter of time until me and dog are on the streets with backpacks.

Last year was about to open my business. About to get off disability... And now... Ugh trying to pull the plane outbox a nose dive!

But I can't afford a place to stay on $200 a month. Besides dog... Rent is $800 a month in Portland for one bedroom or studio.

Last year was spent in a condemned house and ended up no pay for 3 months of help...

Sigh. Will wait and see. Just unsure of the plan now it's taken a turn south.

In ny .... a lot of people rent rooms in an apartment with a roommate ... that might be an option for you once you get back on your feet a little bit . Hope everything works out :(

Yeah that's why buying a van works well. But it will be OK. Friends are gonna help as well. Just what a shock!

I’m sure everything will work out in the long run.

Hell yeah! It is going to be awesome! Just a setback!

Yep ... sometimes those are required to get to where you want to be .

Well if positive things come I'll take it!