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I understand the meme and the joke, as long as the person you're doing it about has a sense of humor and doesn't mind.

In general, making fun of people without their consent is always wrong though.

Until downvoting and flagging is figured out on steemit (which it isn't), you can lose your reputation very easily for these things.

In society, it's normal for friends and family to poke fun at one another, but that usually happens between friends and family. Doing it in public carries a lot more problems and is not recommended.

You might have asked him first if he didn't mind, and saw the humor in it.

When it comes to public figures (celebrities or politicians) we generally find it acceptable. When you become a public figure (specific to celebrities or politicians) this is understood as a cost of that...

I wouldn't say he's a celebrity or a politician... so these memes "which can live on the internet forever", really should be scrutinized before being posted.

What might have taken only 10 minutes to create and post, will now live on the internet forever. A funny joke, living forever and being part of someone's life history on the internet really needs careful consideration.

That is funny!

Pleas don't upvote this troll. he's a known scammer, troll, and thief that is why he had a negative rep.

Do you believe in forgiveness or second chances? I suppose even you may have done things worthy of forgiveness before.

Perhaps a lesson has been learned and it is time for a fresh start. If a lesson has not been learned, it will not be difficult for the community to return the rep into the negative, will it?

This guy has already had second, third, and more chances. This is also not the only site he trolls on. It's what he does. He is a professional scammer.

Thanks for the heads up!

Without proof what you are saying here is simply slanderous and in the eyes of anyone with any wisdom, you simply lose credibility.