10 ideas to spark creativity in kids

in kids •  9 years ago 

Are your kids getting a creative outlet? I know it so hard to think about things like that with work and household responsibilities. I also know that it is very important and makes a difference in the children’s mindset. Creativity sparks reasoning abilities in youth. So here are 10 ideas to spark creativity in kids..
My son watched tv for half the day for a while and I couldn’t see any progress in his learning. So we have limited his tv during the week and maybe two movies on the weekends. We are also encouraging him to draw more and be more creative. It does make a difference.

He draws a lot now. He likes to build things with Lego toys. He is being creative and that stimulates the brain. Creativity promotes thinking. I don.t mean regular thinking, I mean problem-solving innovative thinking. That is something to aim for in raising children..

Creative thinking is the kind of thinking that creates new inventions, starts new enterprises, and molds the world around us. What can we do as parents to help nurture our children’s brains with creative outlets? Well, any art program in school is great but some schools are discontinuing them for budget cuts. How about music? That’s also great if the school has a music department for the younger kids. Really, we shouldn’t depend on schools for anything when it is pretty easy to start at home at an earlier age. Here are some examples of some easy ways to get your kids minds in a creative mode

  • coloring books
  • videos for drawing lessons and or coloring lessons
  • story books with audio
  • little musical instruments
  • lego building blocks
  • little toy construction kits to build cars and buildings or for older boys, there are model cars and airplanes
  • clothing designing for the girls
  • you can have a bigger project like building a tree house, bird house, or a toy box and let them design it
  • design and craft your own Halloween costumes
  • at story time let them help narrate the story

 Obviously there are multitudes of ways to help stimulate the creativity but its up to you as parents to help get it all started and keep up the encouragement for it. I think that’s the biggest thing we can do is give encouragement..

If you have any other ideas for creativity we would love to hear it. Just leave a comment below or sign up to be a guest blogger to say more on the topic. Thanks and have a great day. 

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