We all remember sitting in class as children and fighting the yawns and every click of the clock echoes in your head. Learning can be hard when the sandman comes calling. So with that in mind here are 5 tips to make learning fun for kids. Um, these might work for adults too.
Tip number 1, Use visual stimulants.Try using posters or other forms of decorations that relate to the subject at hand. If you’re studying dinosaurs why not have some posters of dinosaurs on the wall or maybe the little toys to represent some varieties of dinosaurs. If the students are very young you could have some dinosaur coloring pages for them to color while learning about them.
Tip number 2, Use digital mediaMovies on DVD or even on U tube is a great break from the norm in any subject..You could set a time during the week in which the students could study together in groups or even work on a project. Maybe they could do an art project or write a report on a video or a book. Maybe they could even combine these and do a report on a video including written and artistic media.
Tip number 3, Hire an animated speaker.One could hire a speaker to come and talk about the subject being studied. A truly animated speaker would have the know how to keep children’s attention. Bringing some show and tell objects is a great focal point for students. Parents may even be able to point you in the right direction of finding someone.
Tip number 4, Take a short field trip.Search for local even pertaining to the subject. The community sometimes will have little festivals about various things. You might just get lucky..The internet has a wealth of information on pretty much every subject you can think of and where you can take kids for an educational mini-vacation.
Tip number 5, Make a game out of it..Make a game out of the subject. You could actually make a scavenger hunt for related objects and let the kids use the object found in a show and tell..Along with the scavenger hunt, the students could write articles about the objects found using the net for more information and even mixed media along with it..These are just some simple tips just to get you thinking. Setting down and really digging into the personalities of the students will help find the perfect way to make education fun and the information more digestible..
Hope these help in some way. Good luck.