If your child isn’t showing much interest in reading, there is some hope. Sometimes parents need to get creative, but you can still teach the joys of reading even if they are reluctant at first. If they aren’t showing much interest don’t give up. There is still hope. So here they are, 5 tips to teach your kids to love to read.
Tip number 1, Read bedtime stories
One way to get your kids to love reading is bedtime stories. I know my child loves to have stories read to him at bedtime and also sometimes during the day. We actually have a stuffed donkey with a story reading program within and a book that he really loves. He follows the story line with the book even if he is alone in his room.,
Night time is the greatest time to achieve this goal. In the evening, the kids get ready for bed a little early. They can brush their teeth and use the restroom and then they have it in their mind that it is story time. Allow them to point at the pictures making them feel they are enjoying the book itself not just you telling the story. Hold the book should also help in this.
Tip number 2, Throw reading parties
Sometimes local libraries have reading clubs for kids. If one cannot be found then you could start one yourself. Children in the neighborhood could come and all have stories read to them as a group. Each child could have their own book to follow along with and view the pictures. Rewards can even be given for books read at later ages.
Tip number 3, Set goals with rewards
You could set goals for a number of books to be read at certain time intervals and allowances can be given for each goal attained. The rewards shouldn’t always be toys that could take the child away from the joy of reading. The reward could be more books that the child picks out themselves.
Tip number 4, Read the book then watch the movie.
Many children’s books have already been turned into movies. In this case, it would be a great idea to have the child read the book before they watch the movie..
At young ages, you can read the book to your child before seeing the movie. This would also be a thrill to see the characters on the screen that they also saw at home in their book. This would also bring a new joy to the book that they saw in the theater and want to get more books with the same characters.
Tip number 5, Read the book then get the toy
As books become more popular and movies are made from the books, toys are also created. It’s a great idea to expect your child to read each book of a story line before they are allowed to have the toys that go along with the books. This is another form of reward, but it’s a more related reward. The toys can also be frames of reference while reading the book. It’s just awesome to have the book or watch the movie with the main character’s toy in hand.
As actions become habits, the habit of reading every night and reading the book before seeing the movie are great habits to gain..
Hope this helps and your kids are on their way to developing a love for reading and some great habits. Good luck.Early Bed Time, Reading Stories