in kids •  9 years ago 

How to build your kids self-esteem is what I’ll talk about today. Self-esteem is one of those traits that can help or hinder a person or child. The simple words you use can go either way, but helping your child develop healthy self-esteem can be simpler than you think. Let us look at some tips to do so today.

In developing self-esteem, some may think that one should never say anything negative about what the child does or says. For instance, if you give your opinion of some artwork your child does and it looks terrible it isn’t wise to say it’s a glorious work of art. . .Children can see right through white lies. This can lead the child to not trusting your opinion next time. Trust is something hard to obtain and should never be lost.

It is also equally bad to say that the artwork is terrible. This could obviously crush the spirit of the child. Instead, it might be a good idea to simply state a fact and not an opinion of the art. For instance comment of the colors or the imagination, it takes to make such a creation. A child would likely take this as a compliment anyway. 

When a child misbehaves it is important to remember that it is the child’s behavior that is bad not the child. One should never insult the child saying your bad or your clumsy or messy or anything else. . .You as a parent are angry at the behavior, right? So let’s make sure that fact is clear to our children. It is so important to show the difference. Our objection is to the behavior.

If the child leaves the bedroom messy after being told to clean it, one could say how let down they are over that neglect. The child did not let them down but rather the actions were a letdown. One might say, ” I really don’t like it when you don’t listen”. One should never say, ” You are such a slob, you can’t even clean your room”. This is pretty obvious, but some parents really say things like this.

Another way how to build your kids self-esteem is to allow them to make decisions even if they are small ones. Maybe let them choose between a few outfits for school or choose what to take to school for a snack. This would be a big deal and morale booster for a child who is constantly being told where to go, what to do and how to do it. Complimenting them on their choice make a big difference also. 

Encouraging children to try new things is a great way to broaden their horizons. This helps them to keep things in perspective and not focus too hard on any one thing. Being open and willing to try new things will help a person’s self-esteem being that it makes the person feel more well-rounded. Many might not think that would help a child as much as an adult, but I disagree. Children need to be well-rounded also.

Have you ever seen a child so encompassed in a sport that they lose sight of everything else important around them? . .Just the other day my son and I were at a store and I pointed out some small superhero puzzles. At the time of writing this, my son was 6 and he said he doesn’t know how to work them and that he can’t do it. I explained the puzzle as a Lego set but instead of building toys he would be building pictures. So he said he would try. Later at home he started one and I taught him how to match up the pieces.

Three hours later he was putting them together on his own and he was beaming with laughter and smiling ear to ear. His self-esteem was elevated because he then knew he could accomplish things that just three hours before he didn’t believe he could. Try new things and give them credit when they succeed. This is also a giant boost to confidence. 

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