Stay At Home Dad!

in kids •  7 years ago 

Have you ever wondered what I do when I'm not makin' music? Well to be honest these two wonderful children are with whom most of my time is spent.

This funny kid is Jaden. He will be 9 years old in Feburary. He has more energy than I thought it was possible to harness and if you ever thought someone talks a lot you haven't had the pleasure of meeting him. In the past 9 years he has made me very proud to call him my son!

This little angel is Aria. She is the newest addition to our little family. She is almost six months so she is trying to learn several things right now. If your a parent you know just how exhausting it can be at this age. Aside from the frustration, she is an absolute joy to be around and I can't wait to see her grow into a beautiful young woman!

So, why this post? I get looked at strange when I say I'm a stay at home dad. More often from men. I'm not sure why. Maybe they think I got suckered into it. Or maybe they're mad that I get to stay home while they go work all day. Or maybe it's still a little more taboo than I thought. Whatever it is, I would just like to say that I am proud to be a stay at home dad. I love the fact that it's unlikely that I'll miss anything in her early developmental stages.

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You do your thing, Ray-Ray... It's a beautiful thing, man!
