Karate KidS_SonnesS First Class

in kids •  8 years ago 

All Vids are SHORT so pls fl free to check them all, especially to the parents out there contemplating on what to do to give your kid(s) a more active lifestyle. This can be something to consider.
We were a bit late due to searching for the place. I also found out that s0nNesS had already missed two classes prior, which is another reason why s0nNesS is not suited up.

Bow DWn!_I've trained S0nNesS The Appropriate Way 0f Bowing Throughout The Yrs But He Get's Shy In The Public's Eye.

Preparing F0r Defence Strategy_DodgeBall Tactics

Actual Defence Strategy

BAby in Action! This kid here is being taken care 0f by my s0n's mother(B.D.) who specializes in care-giving, due to the actual parents having problems. We now consider him apart of our family. I almost captured him imitating the karate chop/kick lol I rarely use this word but, it was too cute ha! He's 0nly 1yrs 0f age

I apologize as I couldn't capture this fine woman who happened to be there. When I say fine, I mean FINE! Don't get me wrong, I completely understand in this new day in age that showing skin is now the norm BUT I happen to believe there is a "time & place for everything" which is what my pops use to always tell us when growing up with him ;)
When you know kids will be present as places such as this(kid events), you should show some decency and cover up that skin!
I mean the woman was damn near naked! Then these so-called parents get upset with their kids f0r growing up too fast SMH
It was great for me and the other adults present in the room to see obviously, but come on! think of the youth!
Women be so caught up in trying to attract, that they don't even think 0f how it will effect the kids!

And since I'm on this topic, I strongly believe this is why the baby drama is now trying to place my son in all kinds of activities.

She's making me lk and fl bad by telling the owner(Male) that she's doing this to give my son some structure in his life. WTF!
I give my kid structure THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

He is only six years old! Ppl who force their children into doing things they didn't ask to do, are doing it for the wrong reasons(most). They either see them as a lottery ticket 0r they are simple going to see if they(parents) can find a compatible person to be with. My brother and I only had Ninja Turtles, B-ball and playing 0utside and we turned out to be very athletic hard workers.
Sometimes kids need to be forced in doing things they don't want to do such as eating vegetables and learning of our creator, doing school work, house chores BUT as for sports, I look for passion in one's self. I know when my kid wants to do something! I talk with him ;) He and I both didn't knw 0f this decision his mom made without our consent, hmmm! ;(

Nowadays, kids have access to the best technologies such as cell phones, tablets, you name it! I tell her all the time that I will be taking my s0n camping & what not AFTER I get myself together grinding for this m0ney. ANYWAY the point, is that she made or makes decisions behind my back which makes me soo furious;(

Please comment below to let me know your thoughts on this - Do you think it's fine f0r 0ne parent to make decisions without consulting with the other parent?
Communication is all I ask f0r:(

_Ending The Session By Congratulating Each 0ther_Great SportsmenShip ;)
0utside PicS


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Nice post! My kids go to judo but my youngest son doesnt like it anymore. So we stopped his contract. He really wants to dance :-). Too bad here in the netherlands its very rare to find a dance school (hiphop/streetdance).

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I'm pretty sure something will pop up 0ne of these days ;)
Great to hear from you

Nice post. You guys are really helping to promote Steemit community. Good work and good content. Will continue to follow. Enjoyed your post. @tradz

Those "Shy" ones often become the best fighters :)

but L.A. that's great to live I guess, always good weather. And decent weed laws right?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I use to live in L.A. with a distant cousin of mines we never knew we had, up in the hills. It was an amazing experience is all I'll say for now. If it's destine f0r us to meet up, you'll get a chance to hear the whole story IF I don't end up posting about it ;)
Actually it's Temecula, CA. I jus like calling it TemecLA since it resembles certain areas 0f L.A. Vally's.
You might have heard 0f the now popular casino 'Pechanga'? Indian Resort. Popular people come out here to entertain;)
I remember when 'Pechanga' was a little tent like casino and now, it's considered to be the #1 Casino I believe ;)
TemecL.A. Bebe!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

California and L.A. I have to go one day for sure I expect its great place.

By the way I finally have some dopecoins. doped up. just a few dollars. To learn bittrex. gonna buy soon some more..

Have a good weekend bro

That's what's up! Yes continue messing around in Bittrex, it's the matrix indeed!
And also continue staying D0ped up. Just hurry before July 28th ;0 You heard it from me ;)
Nice pic ha

Thanks for telling me. I will buy dope up more:)

Indeed, those pics are nice. I always "envy" those places. Here in The Netherlands we got no mountains. It's pretty much all flat.

looks like fun great post

I think you will be ordering a uniform soon if you haven't already

0f C0urse ;)

Good thing your'e encouraging your kid to participate in the extra activity and more best thing is that you're aware whats good n bad for the kids. Which makes you a good parenting. Happy Bonding mate :) good to see sonnes in action

Man thats cool, looks like a lot of fun!