Rain Or Shine?

in kielerwoche •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi there, good morning to you! How are you today?

I´m sitting here looking out of the window and it´s grey outside. dark-1850684_1920Pexels.jpg
Photo Credit Pexels

I live in the northern part of Germany: northern hemisphere – mid June - summer!!!
The heater in our bathroom was on when I got up this morning. I´m glad I wasn´t cold but oh my …

Yesterday someone said: “Well, this weather is pretty common for this time of the year because Kieler Woche starts coming Friday.”

Kieler Woche (Kiel week) is said to be one of the foremost sailing events worldwide.
boats-2351182_1920Ben Kerckx.jpg
Photo Credit Ben Kerckx

It also is the biggest party in Kiel.

There will be hundreds of thousands of people coming to Kiel to take part in and attend the sailing events (I bet they are actually the smallest number of people coming here).

Then there are all the people who want to party, drink, eat, go to concerts free of charge that take place all around the city all week long. Some actually come here to pass out on the streets … though not on purpose, I hope.

There are a lot of official events, too where people meet (politicians, economics, researcher, you name it).

You definitely can have a good time with kids as well.
Or learn a lot of things you didn´t know before because the Christian Albrechts Universitaet (CAU) it doing a lot of courses and lectures right on the water front.
So as a passer-by you can slip into a tent and find someone teaching you some Spanish, Arabic, about the weather, physics... That´s pretty cool, I think!

You can drift through the city and if you aren´t afraid of or appalled by masses of people you can find nice things to do, to hear, to see …

There´s even a big place in one of our parks/groves reserved for fun things to do for kids and parents … lots of people there, too, but no drunks or loud music.

So back to the heating and again thank you for it working in mid June!

I´ve been living in and around Kiel for soooo many years and it actually isn´t true but it feels like EVERY year there is either calm weathers so the sailing competition have to go on halt – no wind no sailing! – or rain and cold temperatures.

Well, we´ll see. It´s still Tuesday and I will take the dog and walk her (she´s a female) in the park as long it´s free of masses of people.

I hope you´ll have a beautiful day because or in spite of some random weather.

Around here they say: “There´s no bad weather only inappropriate clothing.”
Ha, there you go! Summer is actually well on the way, I only put on the wrong clothes.


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This guy on YT

is very addictive , explaining the weather

this guy is very good at explaining the weather