That year I was #travelling from my hometown Opatija, Croatia all the way to Sofia, Bulgaria. It was middle of July when I started. I traveled really slowly, stopping few days everywhere I felt like stopping. I reached Macedonia in the beginning of September where I met a friend who introduced me to her boyfriend & some other friends & then we went all together to the village Dragomance, North-East of Kumanovo, near where a #trance #party was held in the forest next to the beach of river Pshinja...
Anyway, I didn't make it to stay awake all night long. I went to sleep in the car for few hours & when I woke up I've seen only few people stayed for the afterparty... Then, of course, we opened some #rakija & just few moments later I took all my clothes of & jumped in the river! Some of the others followed...
Then, this dog came & he made our morning even more beautiful, besides Renee, who is beautiful, as you can see on the picture below!
You can read about the beginning of the voyage here: & the sequel I will publish soon...