in killthepad •  7 years ago 

Artwork by @scuzzy

What is Kill The Pad Challenge?

Kill The Pad challenge is a weekly topical text based rap competition for SBD. Why am I starting a text based rap initiative? We have many creative writers in the hip hop community. One doesn't have to get onto the mic to show their prowess with lyricism. This will benefit the less experienced and the more experienced alike. Topicals are always a good exercise. It's all about elevating together, learning from each other, and growing as an artist.


This challenge is sponsored by the SMA. If you are a musician, singer, song writer, rapper, or musically inclined in any way, head over there and connect with other musicians! An invite button is at the bottom of the post.


This contest is made with help of @dsound so I can not thank enough for this beautiful initiative. Dsound is a platform connected to Steemit that allows you to upload your music and sounds in a similar fashion like Soundcloud. Make sure to join Dsound Discord channel here.

Sorry this one was so late. I got into a pretty bad car accident a few days ago and have been resting up.

1st place - 3 SBD + 20 Steem Music League points


His post

2nd place - 2 SBD + 15 Steem Music League points


HIS post

3rd place - 1 SBD + 10 Steem Music League points


His post

Other stuff

If you want to help pick the topic for tomorrows challenge then you need to go onto the SMA DISCORD server, a link is below. Once on there just head over to the challenge section and put what topic you want in the #killthepad challenge section.

Hope everyone enjoyed this week's theme, can't wait to see what you come with for the next challenge.

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Steem Music Alliance. Singers, producers, everything.

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Yea that does suck, hope the recovery is filled with weed smoke!!

Congrats to the winners also!

Damn that's crazy bro! Get well soon. Congrats to the winners, couldn't get around to put in an entry myself. Also, remember the prizes for the previous week James.

I got into a pretty bad car accident a few days ago and have been resting up.

Holy shit, dude. Hope everyone is OK.

I'm pretty banged up... might make a post about it... Get those sympathy upvotes, lol :P

Naw but seriously, some chick in a big fucking SUV swerved across three lanes because her GPS was late saying "turn left" and she did it at the last possible second and literally just ran right into my passenger door at 50+ MPH. My back and neck feel completely fucked, but nothing broken, so that's good.

Holy shit...just take a week off and rest some more.

I am definitely taking it easy... can't really work because my car is fucked, and that's how I make a living (uber, lyft, etc), so am just recouping atm.

Man, that's crazy! So many morons out on the road, but yeah definitely good you didn't have a passenger. Here's to hoping you have a speedy recovery and your car does as well so you can get back to work!

Man, that's crazy! So many morons out on the road, but yeah definitely good you didn't have a passenger. Here's to hoping you have a speedy recovery and your car does as well so you can get back to work!

....the fuck?! Honestly.

Well... hope you're feeling better soon. Sounds like nobody else was seriously hurt though? So that's good at least?

Yea, I mean I was driving for Uber at the time, and thank god I didn't have anyone in the passenger side, they would be really fucked right now. And I'm glad they hit the door, strongest areas on cars are the doors... If she would have hit just a bit more up on the front end of my car, it would be totaled. So definitely glass half full type of situation.

Oh shit man. Sorry to hear about the accident. Get some rest, wish you speedy recovery.