How Kindness Helps Us Become Kind to Others

in kindness •  4 years ago 

Being Kind to Yourself is the most important concept of Success in Life. When we are Kind to ourselves, we are kind to others, and this creates an atmosphere of Success for ourselves and others. The Science of Success by Charles Darwin clearly outlines how being Kind to Yourself will bring you into Success.

You see, Kindness is one of those rare human virtues that really does exist. It's not a fleeting emotion-rather it's a permanent state of being. Kindness is exhibited every minute of every day by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. This is because Kindness makes us feel good and it makes others feel good. When you are kind to yourself, others will want to be kind to you, and this kind act will have an affect on them as well. When you are kind to yourself and others, you will feel happy and hopeful about life, and your future.

When you are kind to a person, they will also be kind to you. In order for this relationship to work, however, you must be able to extend this kind act to others as well. To be kind to yourself, you have to be kind to others. And in order to do that, you have to be connected with them emotionally. A person who only knows them through the material world will never be a good friend or partner.

You may wonder how it is that we come in touch with other people emotionally at the heart level. The science of kindness explains that this is done through our empathy. When we are Kind to ourselves, to others, and to others' feelings, we are touching the heart of that person. When we are Kind to ourselves but not to another person, this connection is severed. Empathy is the key.

The ability to connect to others emotionally is one thing that can help us become Kind to ourselves. This is the kind of emotional connection that is most easily lost. We get so wrapped up in caring about ourselves that caring about others sometimes becomes secondary. We feel compelled to care about ourselves first.

As toddlers, we develop the sense of self-esteem and pride based on our appearance. These qualities can be built up and maintained if we are Kind to ourselves. When we care about ourselves, others feel compelled to care about us in return. This helps to make a long-term relationship possible. Once this happens, kindness and compassion can blossom across the relationship - even to the point that both people find themselves being kind to each other on a regular basis.

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