Random Acts of Kindness - Being Memorable in a Good Way!

in kindness •  7 years ago  (edited)


Caring is sharing we all hear the phrase. Even by sharing Steemit you're helping others. Sharing Steemit stories with others you're sharing your own adventures, advice, experience and interests which inspires others.

Often we're in a huge hurry and forget that even the smallest gestures can make a large difference in the life of another. Small gestures of offering to hold a door, holding an elevator, offering to carry a bag or helping someone struggling to move something can change someone's day.

When you can make the choice to make kindness your personal mission to pay it forward. Paying it forward is the most amazing gesture of kindness! Sometimes it's called generosity, but other names are used - random acts of kindness is also used. It makes a everyone feel good both receiver and the giver. I can not stress enough how very powerful giving is and being kind to one another.

I personally really love to help others as much as I can with my writing and/or assisting others as they ask. The reason this will work for you {even if you think it takes time or you may have to slowdown a slight bit to do so} is people will remember you and remember your name. They will tell two friends and their family about you too.

Is amusing in a way. Random strangers are often taken off guard by your difference. They'll ask who you are and what you do for a living as you help them or afterwards. I have it happen all the time. They'll realize you're not a run of the mill citizen... you're an extraordinarily kind person. Going from just another citizen to a kind person in a blink of an eye. Try it out today and be the difference in another's day.


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What a beautiful post. I am new to Steemit. I upvoted and followed you.

Thank you. I'm very new too. @sagittarianqueen I'd be happy to upvote a post of yours as well.

I would appreciate that thank you!

beautiful post, I upvoted and followed you.

Thank you for the love.

Upvotes you and following please do same in return :)

Thank you! @Goganik25 I'd be happy to upvote a post and follow back.

Upvoted and followed!
excited meme gif.gif

Thank you @piercetheveil I'll do the same! ❤

A little kindness goes a long way ;)

@celsius100 It most certainly does! You never know how much a small act can change another person's day? So many ppl are going thru tough events in their lives and the smallest gesture can change their outlook on life.

Very true! Kinds goes a long way in the lives of others!

@awakealiveaware It does and those suffering from loss, depression, divorce, job loss, etc. it means the world. We often can have an uplifting impact those struggling without even knowing it.

Totally! This is one of the main reasons, I like to smile at everyone I come in contact with. I know that just a smile will brighten anyones day. And giving 5 second hugs instead of 1 second haha. It just adds so much joy to life.

A smile is worth a thousand words. Nothing replaces human contact.

Lovely post, @sharonnicholas! And being kind is the easiest thing to do. What's more is that you get a great feeling from doing it. Empathy extends far when you realise that the next person is exactly like you, and at one stage or another, everybody needs help.

Thank you Owen. It's so true and who doesn't want to feel good?!

and yes so true. Our worth will truly express by how we cares for others. Bless you more :)

Thank you @rosher72 It's important for humans to have connections with others even if it's in passing. Bless you too.

Great article @sharonnicholas - we really need to spread as much kindness as we can in this world we live in -
Random Acts of Kindness - goes a long way to make someones day

Thank you Panda Mama. As we've both see many times @pandamama over the years, there are so many who put time into creating drama vs. deciding to focus on being a positive force in the world. Letting go of the negative and placing postive thoughts and actions create change.

You have inspired so many @sharonnicholas. People never forget kindness

True. As they say - ppl remember how you treat them.

Yes @sharonnicholas and thats what I love about Steemit. Everyone here is so positive - you hardly ever see a nasty comment - and I think those are flagged so they don't get very far. Keep your wonderful positive articles flowing and show some of your art and your influences. @deimus is in the process of writing a book at the moment so maybe I will write an article on you - (and get him to edit - haha)

Just read an article by @randowhale and he had this comment "I want to remind you a little message from my humble place about how to make a better and maybe perfect community: just give things away, and you will receive far more." - wow - I loved that
I was blessed by @theywillkillyou with a randowhale vote - and it sure made my day very special.

That would be wonderful! Yes I have to get back into the interview circuit. I've been turning down interview requests too long. lol

A BIG Contratulations @deimus on the book! It's a process which takes over your life. Then if you market it yourself it's rewarding and you learn a ton. I've been very involved with the marketing of my books. I love that part as much as writing.

I plan to use this platform to help others. Brainstorming now..... I should write a post about my career and history, it's been a wild ride.

What book is @deimus writing? :D

He is writing a fiction novel and a book on crypto currency @owenkay

Great timing @deimus

Yes, I believe its a subject we are all anxious to learn about. @deimus writes well and explains things in a simple way - although I have a long way to go to understand - so I'll be the first to read. He just needs time to focus on his writing

That's exciting! @pandamama @owenkay @deimus