2 Samuel 16 and the court system in the Kingdom of GOD!

in kingdomofgod •  6 years ago 

2 Samuel 16:7-12
Shimei (shouting abuse): 7 Go on! Get out, you man of blood! You worthless man! 8 The Eternal One has finally punished you for taking the kingdom from Saul, for shedding the blood of his family and subjects and reigning in his place. That’s why the Eternal One has taken the kingdom from your bloody hands and given it into the hands of your son Absalom.

9 Abishai, Zeruiah’s son, was offended and amazed.

Abishai: Why should you let this worthless dog curse you, my king? Say the word, and I’ll chop his head off.

David (to Abishai): 10 Why should this matter to you? What do we, sons of Zeruiah, have in common? If he insults me because the Eternal has told him to, who are we to ask him why he does it?

11 (turning to the rest) Listen, Abishai—and all of you! My own son seeks to kill me today, so why shouldn’t this man of Benjamin? Leave him alone and let him curse me, as the Eternal One wills it. 12 Maybe the Eternal will look at everything done against me and render something good in its place today.

The gist of the story is this: King David was trying to avoid fighting with his son Absalom, and while king David was trying to out maneuver Absalom he cam accrost this guy named Shimei. Shimei did not like king David and was giving the king a hard time and one of the guys around king David (named Abishai) turned to the king and said 'you don't have to listen to Shimei mock you...just say the word and I will make sure the man never says another word.'

King David did not like the taunting, and as the king, David had the right to wipe the guys family out...he also had the man power. So why did king David choose the dismal fate of allowing someone to mock him, on top of the bad day that he was already having?

The answer is that king David knew that humans are spiritual beings and they are living in the earth for a short time, but when we breathe our last breath our physical bodies die but our spirit keeps on going. So if all things are equal then you are going to die, but your spirit is going to live forever (and while on earth every person gets to decide where they are going to spend eternity)

The way that things are, human beings (this flesh is only a tent, do not become to obsessed with the tent instead focus on what is inside of the tent) What was happening to king David was that demonic activity someway found a way to claim some legal right (maby not in the human legal system) thoes demons weasled there way into having a legal right in the court system of The Kingdom of GOD, and what was happening on a spiritual level manifested into the natural and we saw Absalom trying to uproot his father king David.

And while the king was trying to deal with the physical attack (even though the attack was physical, king David understood that the attack was a supernatural attack that came from the spiritual realm.) A man by the name of Shimei started to taunt the king. And the solider thought perhaps the king would like me to kill Shimei so that the king could have a little peace and quiet. But king David responded by saying 'yes what is going on is unfair' however the king knew that Shimei was also a spiritual being that was having an earthly experience. Basically what king David was saying was 'let the man make unfair accusations against me, because Shimei's voice is not contained to this earth, that spiritual being is ranting and raving against me in the court system of the Kingdom of GOD; now GOD is not going to allow a monkey to make a spectacle of HIS court room, the gibberish that Shimei speaks might be what is needed for the HONORABLE GOD JUDGE to say I am dismissing every accusation that has been made against king David.

Often times people get wrapped up in society, but society is just a system that was built for people that do not want to follow the Kingdom of GOD!


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