5 amazing things that happen while kissing

in kissing •  8 years ago 

Do you know that when we kiss our pupils expand and become more sensitive to light? Here's one of the reasons we close our eyes while we're doing it. Also, the delightful act is the cause of our bodies releasing more pheromones, which undoubtedly makes us more attractive to the opposite sex.

The level of stress is decreasing
According to a study, regular kissing reduces the level of stress. Increasing the hormone oxytocin helps us to feel a stronger relationship with your loved one. So, the next time you're tense, instead of dropping your alcoholic drink, kiss your mate.
Improves cholesterol
By kissing, the overall condition and, in particular, the blood fat level can be improved. In research, scientists have discovered that not only do we get closer to the mate as we exchange kisses, and cholesterol levels decrease.

Saliva helps you find a real partner
When we kiss with tongue or kisses are wet, our bodies try to reveal if the person we are doing with us can be more than our sex partner. Researchers from Oxford University have found that the kiss exists to help us find a potential partner in life.

The chemicals that make up the saliva help the body to understand if the person we kiss is suitable for offspring. Another study finds that male saliva has testosterone, which allows women to judge the potency of their potential partner at the molecular level.

Adrenaline is increasing
When we kiss, the levels of adrenaline rise in our bodies. Heart rhythm accelerates and blood circulation improves. This helps us to energize our body, to be filled with positive thoughts. After an intense kiss, we feel wonderful.

We separate hormones of happiness
When we kiss not only our body releases more oxytocin, but our brain synthesizes other hormones of happiness like dopamine. This hormone is also released when we do other pleasant things, such as listening to music or sex

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