Kitten progress

in kittens •  5 years ago 


After 6 days I can say that he is a boy named Peanut, thanks to @ewkaw and @jotakrevs. It appears that he is not a feral but a lost or dumped kitten that became terrified and traumatized. Although I said I would keep him caged, he was so wild and unhappy that I decided to let him out in the hope that play would help him to relax.


On Wednesday, he ate very little and was quite vocal but on Thursday, he was refusing all food and yelling at me non-stop. By then I was seriously worried because young kittens grow very quickly and they need to eat every day. Despite not wanting to touch him and risk traumatizing him further, I knew it would be best to catch him and examine him for signs of illness. I couldn't see anything obviously wrong but strangely enough he didn't mind being held and started purring. He seemed to want milk but it was too late at night to get any.

At 6am I got a tin of evaporated milk and he drank a little and then become relaxed and happy to sit on my lap and purr like a machine as I tickled his tummy.


I found a tick on his neck that I removed. Ticks here don't carry parasites that sicken cats although ulcers will form at the bite site so they need to go. A friend that fosters kittens suggested I give him raw meat to tempt him to eat because he is much too bony.
Off to the supermarket for lean beef mince and a new selection of cat food. The beef mince was a winner: he was so excited by it he bit my finger. So I have been stuffing him with raw mince and he is loving it although unfortunately, nothing but beef mince isn't a balanced diet for cats and I will have to get him back to cat food. For now, it is good that he eats enough, is energetic and playful and regains physical condition.

He still hisses and runs away from me but is now easy to catch and relaxes as soon as I hold him. That's much faster progress than I expected and I think he stopped eating from stress. Touching and playing with him helps him unwind.

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

It's very nice too see that he's getting tamer. The raw meat was a great idea. I'm glad to see that he's getting better health-wise, too.

These are nice photos, too!

Happy Caturday!

!CATtip 25

Edit: I noticed that I forgot to put the exclamation mark on my cat tip command, so I came to edit the comment so it would send the tip.

thank you!

Glad to see he is coming along... Milk not good for cats...

I tamed Patty by picking him up by the scuff of the neck, then drop him in my lap and gentle held him against me..then let him go... did it a few times but the first time broke the ice.... totally tamed in 2 1/2 days...

Feed him wet kitten food... and fresh water bowl near by...:-)There is special milk for kittens in a can.. but he seems old enough for solid food...

I do a dribble of 2% milk as a treat for Samsam on rare occasions, like when I am having a bowl of cereal. Milk does not agree with me anymore either, but i still love it in small amounts. So does Samantha.

I don't give cats milk but I find evaporated milk a good pick-me-up for weak, starving kittens. He isn't having any more and he's back to normal kitten food today

Good... you know what your doing's a critical time in a cats life...

Good... you know what your
Doing's a critical
Time in a cats life...

                 - manorvillemike

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

He is an adorable little guy!! Thank you for helping him.

It's not hard ;)

Nice name, Peanut suits him :D

I think so too :)

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Oh damn. Is it too late to charge now? I have 90

nikv, I may send you some CC excess i have if you need it? lemme check.

It's fine, I bought some more so I will be able to on my next post

It's fine, I bought some
More so I will be able
To on my next post

                 - mesembs

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

In fact, this is rapid progress.
The kitten is wonderful :-)))

He has surprised me

Me too!
So everything will go quickly.

It's nice to see that little boy relaxed now in your arms.

yes, I hate it when they are so terrified

TY @nikv.....

Now please tell Me Yer gonna make him an inside kitty only. Supervised Outdoors.....?


Love, purrs and hedbonks to You & Peanut both...!!

It will be impossible. But my outdoors are relatively safe

AWWW! He's cute! Too bad they don't stay that way. They grow up to be cats LOL.

kittens are cute but I enjoy my adult cats :)

A friend of mine had a Himalayan and said that it was a trait of the breed to really, really not tolerate being confined, and they come in that color.

It's the Siamese coming out, for sure

Very beautiful kitten! So glad to hear that he’s much better! Hope he’ll become very relaxed and secured soon.

I’d like to have one kitten like this!

Maybe one day you will, he will just arrive, as this one did

Aw, he is adorable and looks very relaxed. I read how you got him and he is one lucky cat to be with you. Thanks for taking care of him. : )

He is very lucky to have survived in the area I found him. And the damn New Year festivities 😒
I'm pleased he turned around so quickly

Excellent. I see that things are moving well with you on a mutual understanding with this cute kitten.
I will be glad to read how your relations with him develop further.

You will!

Me encanta que le gusten los abrazos. Su carita está cambiando. Es solo cuestión de tiempo y de su buen cuidado. Gato suertudo. un saludo amiga @nikv.

I love that you like hugs. Your little face is changing. It is only a matter of time and your good care. Lucky cat Greetings friend @nikv,

greetings @gertu! I too am happy at the outcome

A beautiful kitten @nikv. I’m so glad he is eating and purring.

So am I, he is so sweet



progress! progress! hurrah. and hugs. raw mince and eveporated (condenced? we name it so) milk and your hands are best doctors!!

Here, condensed milk is the very sweet stuff, definitely not for kittens but evaporated milk is just double-thick milk. Yes, he is doing well and eating normally again

ah, ok, thank you for correcting me. (we limit the condenced milk consumption for our kitty in like, the finger-dipped-and-licked quantaties on some unregular basis).

double-thick - is it smth like 5-6% milk ?..

If you add the same amount of water as in the tin, you'll get normal milk consistency

Yes, an occasional tiny bit on the finger does no harm

Peanut is Sooooooo pretty...!!!!

Love love love that first photo.

You know You can give us daily updates right...? LoL

He looks like our #2 rescue, when He was a kitten, a chocolate point siamese named Jax. Peanuts Hair is slightly longer.

Here He is with my Samantha in 2012rzub8n4c4k.jpg

Hey! No new posts?!
How’s the new kitten?! Show some pics!

😻😻 from the sounds of things; sounds like he just wanted your love and attention hehehe

funny how he bit your finger when he loved eating the beef mince. Its like Soju; if its something she is excited about eating; my fingers become part of the meal. ouch.

Ouch! When it's good, it's good :)

how is kitten doing now?

Great, thanks. I just posted new pictures of him