Redundancy Offer accepted!

in kneeinjury •  9 months ago 


It's now 6 weeks since I reluctantly accepting my employers generous redundancy payout offer. I had experienced a knee injury prior to returning to work after the christmas break this year. Foolishly I returned to work while I was not quite right. My return to work last only 3 days before my GP requested I take 2 further weeks off to allow my damaged knee to mend. I spent the 2 weeks either lying or sitting down with minimal or no walking. Although the pain has been persistent, It's been a very pleasant change to sleep in during these cold Melbourne winter mornings.

During these 2 weeks off I have seen many specialists, one of which is an orthopedic surgeon. Upon attending my appointment, I waited 90 minutes to see him with a further 20 minutes to establish that my injury is more severe than first thought. He then insisted I stay off my feet, no excuses, for 5 weeks. Get crutches he said, "2 crutches not 1". After receiving the bad news, I'm not ashamed to say that I became very concerned.

I have a family that relies on me for many things that require me to get around, and do so briskly. I must say that making the short term adjustment was not as difficult as first thought. I did a lot of "Click and collect" shopping, let me tell you. So too was my Amazon purchases. They went through the roof, but in fairness, it saved me many hours and dollars when I later did my calculating of the 5 weeks period.

I have passed the 5 week mending period and I have returned to work. Many things have changed as production has dropped significantly. I resumed work in a less physically demanding role which was much appreciated. In saying that, my knee, although the severe pain had passed, my leg was still experiencing pain. The orthopedic surgeon did advise that I will be experiencing some arthritis in the future. I'm hoping the future he spoke of has already arrived.

As the weeks passed, there was an announcement at work that my employer was offering voluntary redundancy packages. I saw that as a sign. I have taken so many days off due to this injury that I have been living off my investments as my sick pay days have been exhausted. I decided to express my interest and thankfully was accepted.

The process was quite swift. Within 2 days of accepting the redundancy package, the funds were in my account.

Stand By for Chapter 2 in coming days/week.

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