Getting closer to finished!!

in knifemaking •  6 years ago 

02345655-76E9-484D-8848-0728DDCCEC7A.jpegthis is the black timascus clip I finished last night, and it came out awesome! Completely handmade milled and shaped! The blackish spits in it are actually zirconium the same stuff they make tracer rounds from, turns a beautiful black when heat is applied to it!C08EDCF4-D58C-4287-939F-C427C81ADD23.jpegjust a very cool looking angle shot of this knife!8451C910-7340-49DE-A899-99E8884B5324.jpegso basically it’s done! Just have to color the spacer, and sand the flats of the blade!FB4CADC7-6985-4310-9307-DA8D0884581F.jpeg

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