The instructions are:
- Do not touch the house's metal, stairs, metal railing, pipes, etc. during thunderstorms and storms.
- Ensure installation of a lightning bar in every building.
- When several thunderstorms are in place, each one of you should move away from 50 to 100 feet away when the thunderstorm starts.
- If there is no adequate security in any home then everyone goes to a different room from one room.
- Shelter can not be taken under any big tree in the open place. It must be four meters away from the tree.
- The torn electric should stay away from him. The electrical cable should be in safe enclosure from below.
- To reduce the damage, the electrical appliances plugs should be separated from the line.
- In the lightning, the wounded will be treated like an electric shock.
- Thunderstorms are more in April-June. If you see clouds in the sky, stay at home.
- Take shelter as soon as possible under the building or concrete camp.
- Do not stay near the window or in the verandah if you are at home during the thunderstorm and stay away from the electrical equipment inside the house.
- If you can see a solid-black cloud, then you can get out of rubber shoes after urgent need.
- Stay away from high trees, electric poles, cables, metal poles and mobile towers etc.
- Use a plastic or wooden handled umbrella when needed for lightning.
- During the thunderstorm, there will be no open ground, ground or high elevation.
- Stay away from the rivers, ponds, doves and reservoirs when the black cloud appears.
- During the thunderbolt, prevent children from playing in the open field and refrain yourself.
- After the thunderbolt open the ground, lay the head on the toes with the fingers and keep your head down.
- If you are in the vehicle during the thunderbolt, do not connect the body with the body parts. If possible, take shelter under a concrete camp with a cart.
- During the thunderstorm, stop fishing and keep the boat under the boat.