Let's know about the computer keyboard

in knowledge •  7 years ago 

** Computer Keyboard Introduction **

We do not care much about the complex issues inside the keyboard. Talk about the visible keys. It has a number of keys or buttons on the keyboard, which are between 84 and 101. The keyboard can be divided into roughly 5 sections based on the usage. And these are

** 1. Function key **
** 2. Alfabetic key **
** 3. Numeric Key **
** 5 Arrow key **
** 6. Special key **

** Function Key **
What is the function of the keys on the left side of the keyboard from F1 to F12? These keys are used as software for many programs, including operating systems. You can take a look at how to use the function keys on your computer

** alfabetic key **
From keyboard A to Z, the keys are called alfabetic keys. By these we write.

** Numeric key **
In small keyboards, function keys are just below 0 to 9 keys. And these keys are also on the right side of the big keyboard. And they are with + - * / + = Logical keys too.

** special key **
There are many more keys than the above four types of keyboards. What's special to them as: Esc, Tab, Caps Lock, Shift, Ctrl etc.

** So let's look at the special keys in a little special way to identify those keyboards ** 😆 😆 😆 🙄

Esc: The location is usually located on the left side which is known as escape escape and its job is to escape or cancel an unexpected window. Maybe it's wrong to press the cross button, if you want to know if you really do not close the computer. If you do not want to close, press the Esc button.

Ctrl: Position is usually the left and right bottom of the alfabetic key (two). At the beginning of many keyboard shortcuts it is pressed, for example: Ctrl + C is used to copy something.

Shift: Position is usually just above two Ctrl. On the right side of some keyboards somewhere else. Its job is to make the small letter of the letter in small letters and it works as long as it is pressed down. Suppose your upper hand is a. Then you press Shift + a, your upper hand A.

Caps Lock: Position usually on top left Shift key Writing work in upper case, holding down Shift in what is said by Shift and then pressing another key. It will work until Caps Lock is pressed once again until next pressed again.

Tab: Location is usually above Caps Lock. It is used to move the cursor to a certain distance or take cursor from one room to another. Suppose you are out doing a web form. Maybe you are opening an email account, so you can press tab to move from one field to another field.

Space Bar: The location is usually in the middle of the bottom of the keybed and very large in size. It is used to make wards or words in the middle of the text. Besides, it is often used to select something and it is used.

Alt: The location is usually on either side of the space bar. Keyboard shortcuts are used more often than are Alt + Tab keys pressed to switch several tabs of the same browser.

Enter: The location is usually on the right-hand side of the shift key. It takes a new para in writing and sometimes it is used to conform something.

Backspace: The position is usually on the right side of the numeric key pad above the algebraic key pad. This is usually used to remove the text on the left side of the cursor. Sometimes used to go back to the previous pages.

Delete: Position one place on one keyboard. It is used to delete the right side of the cursor in writing, and it is used to delete anything.

Insert: The location of this is usually around the Delete key. Normally when we write, the writing on the left side of the cursor and the writing on the right side move away. But if insert is pressed, then the cursor on the right side of the cursor will be deleted one by one and the new writing will sit in place.

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nice post..

Nice post bro!!!!!!

that was soo much informative

i lost my keybord

sobai amar reply diben

Useful post.

nice post carry on bro..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

great post

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